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[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

78,088 Views | 254 Replies
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Chit-chat, works-in-progress, comments and criticism must be posted in the


Hooray, it's time for a new art contest!

Ever wanted to play God? To run mad with the Genetic code and create the most insanely awesome of all imaginable animals? To put robotic legs on your dog so he can run faster than a train? Well now here's your chance to do that and more!

Draw a your perfect fantasy pet. It's just that simple. It can be a giant, fire breathing ladybug or a scuba diving cactus, it's up to you! Let your imagination run rampant and create the most wickedly awesome pet you can think of.

1. All posted entries must be finished. No sketches or works-in-progress can be posted in this thread.
2. All art must be original and drawn by you. No photoshops, collages, sprites or other artists linework will be allowed.
3. Spend some time and effort on your entries, anything that looks like you spent only a few minutes on it will be deleted.
4. Use a decent art program. Unless you're a master, MS Paint will not cut it.
5. Multiple entries are welcome, however each contestant may only win one prize pack.
6. ALL ART FORUM RULES APPLY! e.g. Adult content must be highly artistic or exceptionally funny.

Entries must be posted by 11:59pm on Monday, January 26th (Newgrounds time). If you post it on the 27th you're posting too late!

1st Place: $100 in Newgrounds store credit
2nd Place: $50 in Newgrounds store credit
3rd Place: $25 in Newgrounds store credit


This is my pet... a big 'ol ball of fur. Affectionate, soft, cute and cuddly. Like a super poofy kitty, but without the hairballs and scratching. It can bounce and cling like Velcro, or use its suction cup-like feet to climb. Its coat is 100% allergen-free and repels all insects, rodents, and parasites without shedding. Incredibly intelligent, it is born toilet-trained and lives happily off of any type of diet. It also purrs and glows at night so you don't trip over it.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 2, 2009

Here's mine; a tiny, dog-sized elephant. Very intelligent and trainable, eats and shits very little, mauls intruders...

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

This sig is 100% effective protection from all hexes, curses, evil spirits and bad karma. Guaranteed.

BBS Signature

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 2, 2009

Mine is a Ferret,

A Ferret thats 5 times as big, but at half the da Stank

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

My hands are in so much pain, after 5 hours of sitting in front of my pc...I Present to you...
Scorpion Tank!

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

A dog that defecates gold.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

Here's mine... (This took forever)

A log that is happy and filled with excitement. It will gladly roll with the owner when they are taking a walk.
When treated properly it will grow berries that are tasty and have many nutrients. The berry's differ from what type of soil the log sleeps in when it's source of energy (the sun) is gone. What help's it roll so well is it's retractible tail, which it uses to start rolling and to stop rollin. When not rolling you will see these guys
hoping happily in the park with their owner.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest


Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

I reckon a flying octopus would be pretty sweet. I could wear it like a hat, tell it squirt ink in peoples faces, and on top of that, I could train it to steal balloons off little children.

I'd guess that it uses the flaps in between its arms to gain lift. So it'd be awkwardly bobbing up and down all the time.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

BBS Signature

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

Here's my contribution:

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

Lord of all Lizards and Dogs it's LIZARDDOG.

Lizarddog requires no actual food as he feeds off the sadness and misery of others to sustain him.. He sleeps 17 hours a day and becuase he's covered in scales and not hair he doesn't upset my fragile allergies.
Does Lizarddog ever become lonely because I ignore him? NOPE! Lizarddog is easily entertained by the Food Network and his favorite show is Throwdown with Bobby Flay.

He's actually really nice as long as you're not a stupid idiot. If you ARE a big dumb moron Lizarddog will eat you and leave absolutely no remains to trace back to me when the Cops show up and say I'm a criminally negligent pet owner.

He also feeds on glowing cats.


[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Tom and I have been working on something hmmm????

BBS Signature

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

Stupid me >.< Posting pic now. HTML hates me, lol.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Caution Advised When Handling

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

My pet is a Cyclobunny.

Cyclobunnys are a hybrid race of Cyclops, and Bunnys. They usually play together with their owner, and are mostly always happy around other creatures. They rarley are sad, and when they are, for how long they cry, the more time goes backwards, so they basicaly don't cry. They can live up to 6 years of age and live near the forests of Anastor. This is my entry.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Smattz's Newgrounds Newgrounds Smattz's YoutubeVisit Smattz's Newgrounds and his Youtube.

BBS Signature

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

Herez mine..
I never really liked cute stuff..

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest


BBS Signature

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

I had a dream about this wolf a few years ago and it stuck with me. In the dream he rescued me from skinny dipping in an ice cold lake. His fur was thick and light on the outside, dark and soft underneath, and his breath smelled of blood and mint. His eyes were fierce and glowing, and he was far greater in size than any earthly wolf. I'm thinking it would be great if he could transform into a really hot guy, then he'd be perfect. What more can a girl ask for? *wink*

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

BBS Signature

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009


Look, it´s an airborne pig! It watches you from above and guards you on your way. If some bully dares to threaten you, it just grabs the bad guy with its claws and liquidates the bastard by dropping him at 500 feet.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

It's a Smijjle!

Smijjles are a race of smileys that can bounce, fly, shrink, and grow. They don't eat, crap, or drink. They cost $4.99 each, and are soft and cuddly.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

BBS Signature

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

The ultimate guard-animal. armadillo, piranha, and dog all in one. It also has horns. It travels by bouncing, but it bounces very fast.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

ok its kinda a fusion between a fuzzle and a bat but with scales will obey only his master and is a meat eating machine if it has life blood it will eat it and it becomes invisible in light

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

CTHULHU KITTHU!!!!!!!! no i did not spell KITTHU wrong. its meant to be that way

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

I think a pet rock would be awesome!!!

I can't draw for shit but what ever...



[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

Ok, I worked really hard on this!
Sorry it's so big, but my scanner makes pics huge, so give it a chance to upload
I completely hand drew it. I also colored it by hand, no computer used at all
I present the perfect guard pet-the fire-breathing fish!
It blows fire at any threat!
See the bottom right of the picture for an example
I worked really hard on this:


It's too big to upload the pic


Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

find its own food, walks on 2 legs, has eyes that make you bawwww if you ignore its mouth, has mild intelligence so that it can be your servant and shit (which it enjoys) plus it looks fucking cool.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Art Thread

Sig by ME!

BBS Signature

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

Ha, beat this: It's a flesh eating female turtle, she walks on two legs, defends you from terrorists and can also kidnap young girls in Halloween!!

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

If I could be anything, in the world that flew

I would be a flying vagina.

BBS Signature

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

here's my, a stoned raccoon

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

can I do a sketch in my sketch book of it and take a pic of it and upload it anyways I'll do that! here it is! its called a fuzzily fluff and it dosent do ANYTHING except cuddle on your lap and sleep.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest


Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

This kind of doubles as concept art for my next game but I figure it still applies.
Nothing says home security like a demolition beaver.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

Wow, the planets in peril! global warming is running rampant around the TV channels and our planet. However now you can save the world, one Cyborg Horse at a time! Don't want to wait until your 16 to get a drivers license? Well, you don't need a license for this horse!

Not only is this Horse Fuel Efficient but it comes with a built in freezer! --Great for long travels requiring chilled food. It also comes with several packs to carry the extra stuff that life requires.

++This horse is great for little girls who always wanted a pony, just call it a Cyborg Pony and Wallah!

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

At 1/3/09 05:38 PM, Snicp wrote: here's my, a stoned raccoon

I think my many-times recycled stoned tiger is better:

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

BBS Signature

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

What better pet then a pet that kicks backs smokes a stogy, drink some beer and play some video games

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

Name: Love Me Teddy (c)
Details: Cute, cuddly, cheap. Listens to all your problems, and won't make fun of you behind your back. Never asks you to share you food. Small parts. Not reccomended for childen under two.

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest

BBS Signature

Response to [art] Perfect Pet Art Contest Jan 3, 2009

this is my second entry its a skull ogre that shows no mercy the hand to the left isn't his its his victims any way sorry for the color quality the jpeg doesn't agree with me a strong beast with extreme speed and power over fire

[art] Perfect Pet Art Contest