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Writer's Guild

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Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 19:10:24

I might conisder joining the ASM if I cna get the full version but I dont think Id be able to get into the ISM

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 19:13:49

At 1/2/05 07:10 PM, Manic_streetpreacher wrote: I might conisder joining the ASM if I cna get the full version but I dont think Id be able to get into the ISM

With some practice you could You have improved alot just in the past month and i mean ALOT.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 19:16:27

At 1/2/05 07:13 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: With some practice you could You have improved alot just in the past month and i mean ALOT.

lol. was I really that bad to begin with?

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 19:47:02

my sig reallys in comparison to you guys's. I spent a good 2 minutes on mine.
Oh both of you, your right, it was Hatchet, and then the Hobbit. think that's enough of those for today though. And school starts back up tomarrow so I guess i might not have time to come visit.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 19:48:11

At 1/2/05 07:47 PM, newbman wrote: my sig reallys in comparison to you guys's. I spent a good 2 minutes on mine.
Oh both of you, your right, it was Hatchet, and then the Hobbit. think that's enough of those for today though. And school starts back up tomarrow so I guess i might not have time to come visit.

I dont have to go back to school till tuesday :D Unfortunatly Im spending all tommorow doing my history homework that I was supposed to do today but never got round to doing!

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 19:51:24

You wern't that bad before, but you are alot, alot better now.

Ya, my school tstarts tomorrow also, i had a lot of homework to do this holiday that i didnt do at all. I am screwed... royally.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 19:51:41

ha that sucks, all i had for homework was a take home test. it's the eaisiest 60 points in the world!

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 19:52:59

At 1/2/05 07:51 PM, newbman wrote: ha that sucks, all i had for homework was a take home test. it's the eaisiest 60 points in the world!

lol well Iw oud laugh in your faces about not having to go to school and say how much Im going to enjpoy sleeping and not doing anything.......unfortunatly Im gonna have to get up early to make sur ei get eveything done in time.

<Breaks down and cries>

IF IG et a chance tommorow Im going to work on my story again.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 19:54:32

well have fun with that. AS soon as someone contacts me about it, i get to work on my PsyGuild story. But if noone wants to help me make it a flash, then i might not write the whole thing.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 19:57:11

At 1/2/05 07:54 PM, newbman wrote: well have fun with that. AS soon as someone contacts me about it, i get to work on my PsyGuild story. But if noone wants to help me make it a flash, then i might not write the whole thing.

If I could animate ID help you but my skills as a fadh artist are somewhat limited to say the least. Meh if you need help with the script the whole of the guild is here for you though :P

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 20:01:49

At 1/2/05 07:54 PM, newbman wrote: well have fun with that. AS soon as someone contacts me about it, i get to work on my PsyGuild story. But if noone wants to help me make it a flash, then i might not write the whole thing.

I would help but I suck at flash......

I will "help"(I use this term loosely because I'm still learning) anyone with scripts though :P

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 20:19:54

thanks to both of ya. I have the basic gist of it:

These two(female, that's important) telekenetics(Yuu, and Heike) run a PsyGuild, after lured away by the villin(no name as of yet). The Guild gets attacked, by these guys who are polar opposites form the PsyGuild. They're all muscle and no brain, but the leader has found a way to protect him self from psycic attacks. Yuu and Heike get kidnapped by members of the rival guild(know as the MuscleGuild(if you can think of a better name, then i'll acept it)) and leave them at they're fortress. Not surprisingly the two strongest telekentics in the world throw the place into ruins, and exape. Now they're rushing to they're guild, while trying to outrun the MuscleGuild. And as they realise they can nolonger affect living beings with their powers without a hugh psycic backlash.
Now there are going to b times when they're seperated, and when they're together. And if i feel like it, i might make them run into some friends who join them. Oh and did a mention that there's a love connection between our two heros?

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 20:20:46

I am good with Illustrator and you could very well could create a big percentage of a flash film on it, but it expired and i dont have a crack. I am too cheap to go buy it. I actually am not bad at Flash, i just have never fully completed a project and i dont find it fun... i get bored easily and it is aggrivating to learn actionscripting. It is alot like VB code... but alot of the differences confuse me.

Anyway... i hope i get past my writer's block soon so i can post all the stuff i have been working on lately. I can't seem to finish'em all off. THis block is killing me... i can;t even sleep at night. I finally feel a sleep at 2:30 last night i woke up just before 6:00 this morning. Goddamn writer's block. I hope i can sleep tonight, i got to wak up early for school tomorrow.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 20:23:47

well I hate the action scrips too, if you check my favs alot of them are tutorials. I don't even know how to make anyother flash besides frame-by-frame. That's why i need help.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 20:43:54

At 1/2/05 08:23 PM, newbman wrote: well I hate the action scrips too, if you check my favs alot of them are tutorials. I don't even know how to make anyother flash besides frame-by-frame. That's why i need help.

Ohh.. well i cant really teach you from here. Sorry.
Go to Flashkit.com and try their tutorials.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 20:46:15

yeah, when i have time, but in the mean while i still need an animator cause i can't draw on flash for the death of me.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 21:00:49

yes i just advertised this club! Yeah, I was all like "if your a good flash artist, and need a script to flash to, then come over to the Writer's Guild. WE need flashers like you to help animate our writings, and if your lucky we might just teach you how to write your own stuff." I'm so proud of myself! :))

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 21:22:07

my father is a very kind gentleman and he would be pleased to get you those *cough*cracks*cough* please excuse me, I believe that Iam coming down with a cold *cough*cough*

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 21:24:13

oh and BTW u dont have to join ASM u just go there and make sigs for people. I made a couple today wanna see? this one is my first one I did...in me whole life

Writer's Guild

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 21:26:13

and this sig tis me second one! btw if anyone wants me to I can make a sig for them, just let me know. they wont let me post cuz I gotta wait...so I'll just wait....................hmmm I wonder if I can post now?

Writer's Guild

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 21:27:55

oh and this is one that I just made for my friend, who might join NG soon, but he says "I dont know" thats his trademark thing to say allot. aargh they wont let me post again. I gotta wait...........................................................can I post now?

Writer's Guild

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-02 22:58:23

i'd like you to make me a sig, staring anyone frmo comic party, adn you name,newbman in case you forgot, it'd appertiate it. Thank you.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-03 00:02:48

At 1/2/05 10:58 PM, newbman wrote: i'd like you to make me a sig, staring anyone frmo comic party, adn you name,newbman in case you forgot, it'd appertiate it. Thank you.

???CONFUSION??? does not comprehend, improve grammar please

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-03 00:05:44

okay, I'd like you to make me a sig, I want a charecter fomr the manga Comic Party, if you can, if not from D N Angle or Fruits Basket. And my name somewhere. I would greatly appritiate it. Thank you.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-03 00:06:31

At 1/2/05 10:58 PM, newbman wrote: i'd like you to make me a sig, staring anyone frmo comic party, adn you name,newbman in case you forgot, it'd appertiate it. Thank you.

here's what I think it should say, not sure though???

I would like you to make me a sig, staring anyone from comic party, and my screen name is newbman in case you forgot, I would appertiate it. Thank you.

personally I have no idea what "comic party" is. so you'll have to give me a link to a picture or something. I'd be happy to make u a sig, but I cannot understand what you are saying. thank you -G.C.

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-03 00:07:33

At 1/3/05 12:05 AM, newbman wrote: okay, I'd like you to make me a sig, I want a charecter fomr the manga Comic Party, if you can, if not from D N Angle or Fruits Basket. And my name somewhere. I would greatly appritiate it. Thank you.

oh okay now I understand. sure never heard of those but I'll do a search.

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-03 00:09:18

okay heres a picture that i like:

please try and make that inro a cool sig, and if you ned more pics let me know i have pleanty.

Writer's Guild

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-03 00:24:21

At 1/3/05 12:09 AM, newbman wrote: okay heres a picture that i like:

please try and make that inro a cool sig, and if you ned more pics let me know i have pleanty.

thats a good pic but I wont be able to get the whole thing in there, I'll need ones that are wider, Iam searching online right now though. I love making sigs so thank u for this oppurtunity. -G.C.

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-03 00:25:38

no thank you for doing this for me. My current sucks and i need a new one.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-01-03 00:37:03

At 1/3/05 12:25 AM, newbman wrote: no thank you for doing this for me. My current sucks and i need a new one.

no problem, but I think I need another pic cuz the other one I cant get to fit in anyway that looks good.

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature