I'm gonna liberate the net from the pokemon-hating NEBULAGROUNDS!
I'm gonna liberate the net from the pokemon-hating NEBULAGROUNDS!
At 8/10/05 10:16 AM, Mooperty wrote: For the love of god, keep mopsicle away from this thread.
Good lord. He is gunna bastardise my monitor.
At 8/10/05 10:16 AM, W31RD0 wrote: Hah, heres some hot ones: Link link Link
I would post a picture, but that'll be wrong.
And Misty always...secretly hits on Ash.
At 8/10/05 10:38 AM, hashbrown12345 wrote: [img]http://img363.images..3/5781/mmvsng9b
u fail
At 8/10/05 11:45 AM, -edd- wrote: u fail
Why the hell would Ash hit on Misty? Misty bitches far too much to be liked.
Pokemon is a cartoon for five year olds,should the character be like a pimp or something?
At 8/10/05 10:16 AM, W31RD0 wrote:At 8/10/05 09:11 AM, The_Clansman wrote:At 8/10/05 09:04 AM, W31RD0 wrote:At 8/10/05 09:00 AM, -edd- wrote:
heres some hot ones: Link link Link
Gary pwns ask
And comon, tell me this isnt hardcore.
I need a new sig and stuff.
Isnt that obvious?
Why does ng have that "dress up misty" game? I think that is pretty gay too.
Of course he is and do you actually watch that show? I watched it when I was little but that show is gay. How old are you? Never mind I'll just check your profile..by the way Rock on!
True, he has been around misty and other such girls for a long time, and I don't see him "trying anything"
If anything I would have to say that Ash is dealing with some kind of emotional problem inwhich he feels more comfortable socializing with animals instead of people. Because of this, he isnt capible of understanding Misty's approches, much less have an actully relationship with her.
Ash is focused on being the Pokemon champion! There is no time for a little T&A.
ash ketchum & 152- 3XX < original 151 pokemon & pokemon bloo red and yellow
Pokemon rape=beastiality on a severly high level, and you know that he had to tap Pikachu's ass at least 40 or 50 times per episode. Ever sniffed coke off a Pokemon's anus? Its the greatest sensation and feeling ever.
Just read 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces' by Joe Campbell. Now I need a new book. PM me suggestions!
yea misty left..i guess...a girl named may i think...and dam i went to dress up may holy cow she looked hot.=p