Sorry to double-post...had to comment on DVS's post here.
At 9/22/05 06:46 PM, Dark_Volcano_Sam wrote:
I like Killer 7 for its story and art design.
Who doesn't? :P
Now, I am playing Killer 8. It is different than the previous one, because there is no flashing gold weak points on the enemies, and the puzzles does not give away any obvious hints.
Yeah, but you can simply mow the enemies down with good old Harmen Smith.
I was stuck on the candlestick puzzle for a while. At first, the numbers are there. In Killer 8, there are no numbers. I was stuck until I noticed something. If you want to know how to solve the puzzle, count the rings on the candlestick.
Huh....I never noticed those. That damn puzzle was what made me stop playing. Perhaps I can fire it up again?
Oh man, it is a GameCube game, but it drops the F-bomb like there is no tomorrow.
Not really. They use it appropriately, and me being a writer myself, I can see no author intrusion as far as the foul language is concerned. It is seldom used, and is only found to add drama to the scene, unlike games such as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, where you can find it in every third sentence, so it takes all the shock of emotion out of the usage of the word.
We needs games like this for a Nintendo console, because all of the time, the Playstation 2 and XBox are the central consoles for games with Mature content.
Although the Gamecube doesn't have as many M-rated games as the other two consoles, when they DO release them, their consistency in quality is kept a lot higher. For example, Resident Evil 4 was phenominal, Eternal Darkness blew me away and Killer7 is simply a work of art.
By the way, this game makes me moody. I believed video games are controlling me. Is there an antidote for this problem?
Nope. It's called being touched (no, not in THAT way, pervert). Video games' atmospheres and stories are getting quite refined lately, and sometimes it can really get to you. Killer7 really made me think (really), and is the first and only video game I've ever played with an interpretive plot, other than your standard escape story. Resident Evil 4 just kind of made me slightly depressed at the end, and Eternal Darkness gave me a whole new perspective on one's own sanity and the history of humanity. There is no cure for this; you're only human.