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Reviews for "YAAFM 9: Michael Moore"

Good to see equality

I saw this when it was first put on then it was quickly removed. Talk about censorship. Glad to see it's been put on. I'm not Anti-Bush nor am I Anti-Moore, I'm Pro-satire and this was funny. Funny because he's a Hipocrite. I've seen most of his "documentaries" and they are far from the "truth". He tells stories to fit his views and to be entertaining. No different than what you've done here. So any critics should take a breath and relax. It's just a joke.

micheal moore the other white meat

I loved this episode. Micheal Moore makes a living doing the same thing this episode has done and yet some will find offense which is ok as this episode has obviously been made by people who found offense with Micheal Moore. Mind numbing in circular reasoning I know.

I used to think Micheal Moore was trying to make documentaries until I started to watch them. Not just see them but really pay attention to them. Most of the things he's done in his film is come up with a hypothesis and then with the magic of film, pr work and editing arange things to his particular slanted view. Much like religion and politics. Of course we are all guilty of this, but Micheal makes aliving off this and more importantly he abuses the power he's been given to push his agenda on the public much like the very people he seems to hate. The fact that he regularly belittles his fans in other countries only furthers my opinion that he's a tool. Albeit a tool who has pulled the wool over many otheres eyes.

Michael Moore

You really do get all the facts and make people look like Fucking Idiots Also I love the Voice. Where do you get these facts I have to know.

Always funny. Always clever.

I thought it was an excellent episode, and well worth watching. Great animation, and the voice work is, as always, simply brilliant. Keep up the good work.

For all the angry Left-wingers, or anyone who comes on here ans attacks the artworks, for that matter: If you don't like what it says, turn it off. Don't come on here and rant about it like some spoilt schoolkid. It's a JOKE. What makes you any better than anyone else who comes on here and instantly loses their sense of humour the second someone says something they don't like? I'm quite sure you wouldn't support the muslim guy who attacked the later episode about Mohammed. You're no different. I like Moore, but I still managed to have a good laugh at his expense during this cartoon. Please, grow up and have a sense of humour about things if you want to come onto an open project site like Newgrounds. And stop being so damn childish. You're just making a fool of yourself.

Hail Reginold!

Out of all the so-called political "pundits" of our time, Reginold certainly ranks among the best (even though he's never written a book). However, I would hesitate to call Michael Moore a fucking moron. When are you going to do an episode featuring Ann Coulter?