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Reviews for "YAAFM 9: Michael Moore"


Canada chicks are hot! They just get better (I mean Slugger's comments). Well, the episodes too. Great work.


I pissed myself when you explained about his film with the black people, Never been evicted by a black person....But little did he know that he was. Hehe. Nice work.


Not good

I really can't bring myself to like this episode. Maybe it's b/c I quite like Michael Moore and the point he makes. (Of course, he had done some stupid things in a few of his movies eg. the ending part in Bowling For Columbine where he wants - what's-his-face - to look at the pic of the little girl who got shot in school - and don't say I'm an idiot for not knowing the guy's name - 1. I'm not American 2. That person ain't all that significant to the world for ppl to remember his name)

I don't really have much to say but for the fact that your arguments are not convincing anymore. In fact, they're far too biased and probably the only people who will enjoy this will be people who totally and utterly agree with you - which shouldn't be the case. Your past clips can CONVINCE people - this one isn't.

good work

This is a fine work, and does a good job, not only illustrating the fallacies of Michael Moore but also as a result it has drawn the ignorant knuckle heads of America out of the wood work to defend this piece of crap.

In my opinion the majority of America does indeed have no clue what’s going on in this country and the world for that matter I, being numbered among them. thus because I have little knowledge of these things I choose not to accept the crap that is taught to us through the media weather it be the news, some gay ass band, or Michael Moore. Do some real research and stop letting the right and left media brainwash their doctrine into your worthless brains.

Further more one of these dumbass reviewers has the balls to tell the creator of this and many other fine works that the content was not what YAAFM is about. What the f***! Who has the right to tell the artist what the meaning of his work truly is?

Not as good as the oldies, but still worth seeing

I'd like to preface my review by stating that I'm a liberal-minded person that agrees with a lot of Mr. Moore's politics. I respect the man, I think he's done an invaluable service for his country by pointing out the misinformation, propaganda and in some cases outright lies that were fed to the American public in the buildup to the Iraq War by both major political parties. His movie actually insults Democrats as well, although mainly only those that allowed the war to move forward.

The quotes here are pretty damning indictments of a well-known fact: Everyone says stupid stuff. Michael Moore probably didn't really mean half the crap he said there, he was just trying to sell books. Everyone says stuff they later regret or that they don't mean at some point in their life. I doubt Michael Moore really thinks all Americans are dumb or that the Iraqi insurgency are the "Revolution" or the "minutemen". Bush says stupid stuff too, but the difference is he does it much more frequently. He also causes a lot more damage when he misspeaks from a PR perspective. We should also expect a LOT more out of our President than some random pundit like Michael Moore, but that's just my opinion. It's my belief George W. Bush is too stupid to be President and that every time he opens his mouth or proposes a new policy he proves it.

Back to the flash animation, I think it was very entertaining and pretty humorous. The way in which the quotes were presented and the background images shown are quite amusing. Everyone says stupid stuff and sometimes they misspeak and get stuff wrong, but I think we can all agree that the supposed leader of the free world should be held to a higher standard than a political pundit.