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Reviews for "CT: Fall of Guardia Part1"

you already submitted this before

Read up there

Vinstigator responds:

Listen to this reviewer

"And for everyone who says he submitted it before. That was a demo he had when he was doing a flash competition with Shin2k27."

nice...but not enough for daily first....

it was a nice movie but not nice enough for daily frist place...anyway nice job and keep up the good work...it's a great game and deserves to be honored with this kinda movies...by the way Da1Azi i think you've gone too far with that review...i mean...man that was just too much...then the whole game would be messin with the time space continum...coz i mean....i haven't finished the game but i believe that if they stop lavos then he future is different...and so on...anyway it's nice to discuss these kinda things but let's do it in the forum....

Vinstigator responds:

Yeah he got me kinda confused with his review lol

Not bad

I liked how you used some explanations in the beggining to cover some of the parts. The only problem I had were the rips, try to get rips from a better site or get an updated vesion a flash, because the rips looked a little sketchy, sometimes when you submit it things turn out like that.

This was better than the first one, but a suggestion would be moving backrounds. Just save the animation to your library, take it out, and use it like normal. Good job, this was an enjoyable little movie, better than normal sprite flashes.

Vinstigator responds:

Wha? You didn't like my previous movie, yet it was the same exact one you just reviewed. You make no sense. But...thanks for the positive feedback this time.


But, the storyline doesn't make any sense, I mean, they went to DESTROY MAGUS, to retrieve the pendant, to ressurect Lucca's father, to DESTROY MAGUS.
Some parts of the flash are pretty good, but some are crappy.

Vinstigator responds:

Um no. She wanted to resurrect her father because it's her father. Wouldn't you want to resurrect a loved one? When did I ever say that they wanted to resurrect him to defeat Magus? The reason Magus said her father was a threat was because he was learning more about the time gates which Magus didn't like. To top it off her father didn't even have any intentions of messing with Magus. He was just studying the time gates so he could learn more about them (like Doc was doing in the Back To The Future series).


I personally didnt care for it, but it seems like you have something going here and a plotline ready, even if it's a bit cliche at times. My main compaint would be that it's a bit too fast moving, which CAN be a good, just not when you immeadiatly jump into a story and have only a vague idea of what's going on. Other than that though, its pretty good, just slow the pace down a bit and have a bit more focus on storytelling and you just may have a hit series.

Vinstigator responds:

Ever played FFVI? When it started out you knew NOTHING about the characters. But don't worry, part 2 will explain it all :)