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Reviews for "The Morgue"

sweet jesus...

Apparently "Johnny the Homicial Maniac" and "Ren and Stimpy" had a baby. I think I'm gonna laugh myself sick then have horrible nightmares for weeks to come. You sir have a depraved sense of humour for the ages, and bless you for it.

Not to mention you have a real talent for animation (highly stylized characters and surroundings with a wide range of fluidity (from smooth lip synced conversation sections one minute jerky electrified animations another)). Excellent job.
Sound was also great, though you were right about some of the scratchiness in the music (but its not enough to break the flow of the flash).
And as far as premise goes...well...I honestly have NO idea where this idea came from and I'm still in the dark about just what I saw. But from the randomized horror/sardonic humour of the feature to the hilarious bonus material provided at the end, you never ceased to amaze.
Provided you don't go completely insane and start eating your own shoes, I'd highly recommend doing these types of flashes on a regular basis.

Viewers, if you've got a taste for out-of-the-blue humour and can tolerate extremely disturbing amounts of gore and quick wit for laughs, then by all means watch this flash.

If not, turn around and don't look back, lest it suck you in with no hope of return :)



ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:

Thank you very very much, Exrazeburn!

Um... How the hell?

When first watching it I thought to myself 'How the hell did this get Daily Feature?!' Then I saw the alternate ending. That was funny. And the fact that the person who made this obviously put alot of effort into something so silly (mind, I like silly, that wasn't meant to be sarcastic). That gets some kudos. The fact that the synopsis button doesn't work also makes it very funny. But for most of it.... I have to say, I'm not impressed.

After watching it and writing this review, I think to myself 'How the hell did this get Daily Feature?!' I'm not saying it wasn't good, just not good enough to warrant that. Better luck next time.

ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:



Maaan, i really don't know what about was that, but that movie was great. yeah...

ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:



random crazy shit=awesome.

ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:

thank = you

i think im gonna be sick

lmao, i cant... ... breed
ur sick
i think u have a tumor in ur brain, maybe u go to a doctor and take it out, or just make same more nice shit like THIS, bloody hell :)

ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:
