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Reviews for "I'm Afraid of Butterflies"

it was something.....

Graphics- Graphics were good. I really liked the graphics..very serious, but I am not going to give you any crap about it being emo because it looks emo but you said in the description that you weren't trying to go for that emo-esque kinda of graphics but it turned out that way, but it' very serious so..good on the graphics. 8/10

Style-Like I said above very emo-esque, which there is nothing wrong with that. Also with a very serious twist. I love the style in some ways. In other ways it's very bland. 7/10

Sound-Horrible..but I think you and me already know that. I think this flash would have done better without sound. The sound kinda just threw me off from alot of things in the flash. 2/10

Violence-Nothing with violence, but I would suggest some violence besides that monster destorying the city in the girl's mind or whatever. 0/10

----Skipping interactivity----

Humor- Nothing humorous except for those voices. I just had to let out a laugh about it. 2/10

Advice- I have watched alot of flashes and no I have never made a flash before but so what...I would suggest that you should make this a silent flash or just get better quality devices to record better quality voices for this flash but I lean towards silent flash. In the beginning...I thought it was okay but I didn't like it because it just didn't seem good to me. The letter,her thoughts, the guy...didn't feel right or make sense to me. I would say the beginning...ehh...it should be changed but what's done is done. In my mind I was thinking that you would start the girl getting out of bed and she is in her dark room and she had these strange dreams....and she looks outside the city and then she starts freaking out and she backs into her little corner of solitude....I know kinda cliche but it would work for these and the rose thing...I think you got that from a story...because I heard about the rose thing before.

Overall- I will give you a 7/10 and a 3/5 Keep up the good work

Nandi responds:

The begining is boring. Actually in the long version it starts from her getting out of bed. No dreams tho. The guy and many other things dont make sense because this is the short version, I didnt have time to do anymore than this. What rose thing? Blood coloured the rose... I hope you didnt think they turned into roses. I thought it up myself ... I'm not interested in books/films so I couldnt have stolen it from anywhere. Thank you for the review.


i didnt really understand what the title had to do with the story line.... but maybe i'm just missing something, it was interestingly done, i think maybe it could have been a bit longer and with a bit more foreshadowing and suspense, but overall really nice

oo nandi

I know you from Sheezy =3

awesome, all my 5 belongs to this + 10 X3

Nandi responds:

Oh its you <3 Thanks.

It was good until...

The ending. Frankly, with a piece like this, you need to have a little abiguity. The whole mood is created by not knowing what's going on, and it's a bit of a letdown with an ending like that. "I have a lot of work to do" is akin to ending a piece by saying "all's well that ends well", or "well, everything turned out for the best". It's kinda cheezy, and kind of overused. Now, you showed some real tallent with this piece. I like the animation style (apart from dear auntie's snaggle teeth), and the name with the concept of the black butterflies is really quite nice. But here's my thought. When I was watching this, as the Aunt talked about the butterflies, I suddenly got excited, because I thought that it was possible that the Aunt had died, which lends itself to the macabre creepiness of this animation. However, once I watched on, and saw which way it was going, I realized that it was the other way around. However, I think you should have cut it off at "You will make a wonderful red rose", and not have shown those teeth. They ruin the mood, because I burst out laughing when I saw them. I liked the butterflies, and the way they went throughout the thing. Also, the titanic-whatevers as I call them (...the things beating up on the town and such), were very good, because they gave me a distinct "What the fuck?" feeling that I enjoyed immensly. So overall you have created a very good piece, but subtle adjustments (the ending! If you change the ending, I guarrantee better results! And the teeth! They ruin the mood!) will make this piece incredibly better. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see more of this stuff in the future.

Nandi responds:

I'm sorry, I'm not a writer. I quite like the ending, I mean... it's just proving she's gonna kill again, i dunno if thats how I originally wrote it, but she says that cos my class mates names are on the letters you see. And I didnt say she did die, or she didnt. The aunt well, you dont know if she's human or not, or alive even... I left it open. But she could be as she seems. Lol i like those teeth, made me laugh. Sure it doesnt fit the apparently "creepy", but I dont really care D:, thats why I also have a bright yellow vespa, and speech bubbles lol. I'm glad you likes those shadow creatures... without questioning why they where there like everyone else. I'll keep in mind what you said. Thank you for the review.


im sorry but i just dont get this cartoon thingy..like..is it supposed to be creepy? because..its kinda pointless...the voices are horrible. and the animation is just weird...also..i dont understand it. period. that is all...good job in actually being posted on newgrounds tho.