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Reviews for "I'm Afraid of Butterflies"

Well Done

That was a really good flash. Finally a flash worthy of protection! It has been too long since a decent flash has come on the portal. Thank you!

The style was great and unique. A little Emo, but it is what it is.

Keep up the good work

I clicked this thinkin it wud be an unfunny comedy

But it was more. I liked the twist at the end though the story it seemed like it had some big plot holes.

Brilliant animation, and music to go with it.

Nandi responds:

Yeh, this story is the short version. I even had to cut a scene out cos I was running out of time. 8D I hope I can do a full version one day, when I'm better.

Thanks allot, and for the review.


Some might say the major flaw of this piece is the many unanswered questions implicit in its plot. I'd say that's the best thing about it. The most engaging stories are the ones that leave something for you to speculate on. How did Vartan die? Was his death the tragedy that spurred Morana to murder? Why is his rose black while the others are red? If I wasn't left wondering these things, I'd be somehow less satisfied, if that makes any sense.

Awesome graphics, also. The white rose turning red is admirably rendered (although I feel the best thing about that shot is the second BEFORE it turns red, it builds a sort of suspense). And need I mention how adorable Neveah is? As a previous reviewer mentioned, the best part of her outfit is the tie.

I know you said the sound was off, but frankly it just wouldn't flow right without voices. Finding good dub voices is always a challenge (and I am impressed with Morana's--it's spot-on in my opinion). I did appreciate the subtitles as one of the things that irks me most about flash videos is not being able to understand what's being said.

There was no blood! None at all! Ordinarily that would make me think "oh, s/he's afraid of blood" but I think it actually works to your advantage in this case. Gratuitous violence might look a bit silly given the tone of the flash, and it's creepy enough that it doesn't need to be outrageously gory to succeed in giving the viewer something to be afraid of. As an aside, you do a wonderful job of slowly building a cloud of dread in the viewer's stomach. The instant she gets the letter we know something's up, and things only get worse.

The only things that confused me somewhat were the rampaging buildings/monsters that would appear in the background of some scenes. Was that just random or did it have a deeper meaning?

Overall, excellent work. I'm now afraid of butterflies.

Nandi responds:

I do agree with you, I like leaving things out to keep people guessing. But I do feel like it's missing that "something" maybe that's just because I know how the story should be. The only clue about those shadow creatures in the background. Is when one comes over the hill, Neveah rubs her eyes, and it turns out to be Morana. If that means anything or not is up to the viewer to decide.

I appreciate your wonderful review. Thank you.


This one is like emo with action, love it!!!


If u watch after the credits, u will understand it more