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Reviews for "Ragdoll Invaders"


man that is awsome if u make a sequel u could have like harmless anymis that drop power up and make like rere powere ups that add a SUPER MAGA AWSOME POWER RAY man wont that be a pretty picture ehh? soo could u please make more stuff like this 4 me please ...

Really fun

This game is pretty dang fun, at one part, i had my hands shot off and couldn't fight x_x


Fun game! It is always interesting to watch a little ragdoll guy flail around trying to avoid things, only this time, he is shooting randomly! I found that the best way to fire is to slide on the ground...

yeah it was good

things i liked ::
the bad guys looked funny
your guy looked funny
the ranks (the ones i saw any way)
it was FUN (most things aren't any more)
watching buddy get slit up by the blue lazors :D
things i didn't like ::
the way you had little control about where your arms flailed about!!!
it felt clunky when flying around
no upgrades

::things that I would like to see ::
AIMING (just a little bit will do )
2 or 3 more bad guys
some upgrades for your . . . hands?

that's about all it was an over all good game Good job

Maniac fun

It's hilarious and awesome to watch your guy wave his arms around like a maniac, filling the screen with bullets that you can't really control.

This takes the frantic feel of Avalanche and brings it to a new level - my only complaint is that the guy on screen is too small, so you're more or less dodging with your whole body, rather than with individual limbs like in Avalanche.

I can only imagine how this guy must look to the people that he's trying to save XD