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Reviews for "Ragdoll Invaders"

Pretty good.

Just a couple issues:

It's essentially impossible to aim, as you're usually too busy dodging enemy attacks.

It gets repetitive. More enemies and maybe some power-ups would be grand.

Grabbing the hearts can be difficult, especially in the later levels.

It's kind of easy, but that's not really a problem.


This is really awesome, and really original. Never played a game remotely close to this, before. All around, 10/10! Background was plain, but it's hard to pay attention to that, when you're dodging so many things at once. >.< So no biggie.

Also, it was pretty funny how some of your appendages got cut off, though you could still fight. Interesting, too, when your hands, of all things, get cut off. XD I had fun just suicide bombing around.

Overall, awesome game.


Like add upg or somthing it gets impossible :p


I think it gets too hard too quickly. A couple of easier levels (even one easier level) to ease people into the game (act as a tutorial) would have been nice.

Didn't like the menu design but once in game the style worked really well. Overall I was rather impressed by this. Well done.

needs no improvment.

good graphics.
good music.
keep up the good work.