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Reviews for "Red Code 2"


Choices between a checkpoint system 'story-mode' and what it is now, survival..Kind of annoying when you get pretty far and get half way to maxing the weapons..and then die and have to start back at square one. I understand that it's kind of the point of the game, but even games like Last Stand have checkpoint systems.

This really is a good game overall..but the whole 'die after you've played for 30 minutes and restart' thing, doesn't exactly make me want to keep playing.

Don't you playtest at all?

Everyone love check points and save points.

Difficulty spikes are bad, especially when you have no save points.

Upgrades should improve the gun, not weaken it.

Armour upgrades should notably strengthen you.

cool arcade game.

if everyone here really wants an rpg then chekc points definally need to be added. or else, its fucking pointless. the tutorial boxes get reall annoying, and when u jump u cnat look down!?!?!? i was blindly jumping to my death everytime casue i had to assume i was oging to make it?? that realllly needs to be fixed. pretty swell gameplay. awfully boring after a while.

Good...though frustrating.

I enjoyed the first one, so naturally the second is great because of all the improvements and new enemies.

However, here I am using the burst mode gun with a pretty high recharge rate thinking to myself: "hey, awesome, I'm set if I can just increase the recharge rate a tiny bit more". To my horror, I increased it and it turned into some energy hogging, dual laser BS.

If you're going to make special "Evolutions" for guns, make sure the higher form is better than the original and doesnt screw the player over. At the very least, make it switchable.

Other than that, everything was great.
Add a save function next time, not everyone has an infinite time to spend playing flash games.


I liked the first one better, when you threw grenades they explode wherever you tossed them, not bounce off screen exploding on some random patch of ground far from whatever you are trying to kill at the time. Then when you restart from a save point, you dont have your hologram, making near impossible to continue from there. Was the ditching of the hologram intentional? If so I kinda get that...sorta...but if it isn't I would fix it...otherwise pretty solid game, more challenging than the first