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Reviews for "Necronator"

It's decent

I thought it was alright, the lot of the gameplay got really repeatative like with infectonator, but I'm not gonna just rant about the downsides, it's a strategy game and I'm sure it's supposed to have its own vibe and feel. I still have no definite feeling about it, but I suppose it's alright.


this game is very funny and all, but its kinda lagging on my computer and that slows down my commands so badly, but anyways, its a good idea but its not as cool as the infectonator games, these rock (they're lagging on my computer too, but in this games it doesn't really matter, 'cause you can wait and watch how people die and turn into zombies and thats very cool) and i would like too see more games with this flixel-thingy-graphics, 'cause thry really rock!!!

Finally a true RTS ! :D But some drawbacks :'(

It is the first flash true RTS I ever found (with 2D map, managing of units...). It just leak building but it for the first time it does not matter.
For this reason I can not rate it less than 5. It is "new and hard to do". It deserve kindness.
But the are some drawbacks which are really annoying :
- First of all : units AI. "why the f*** my f****ing units focus the f***ing buildings ???". I think it is better to make AI first attack tiny-moving-with-low-HP-targets than hudge-statics-with-load-of-HP-ones. It is easier for the player to tell his units to attack a building than "that f***ing archer who is hidden by the f***ing buiding"
- The second drawbacks is ... units AI. I don't understand why they don't ignore units who don't attach them (civilians for example) when they are attacked.
-The third is the difficulty to "attack". It is not so important because of the "attack" button but it is frustrating when you want your units to attack someone and they just move to him. Something like a cursor that change when the order make attack would be great.
-The fourth, to me is the zoom which is to close. It is a RTS, we need a general view of the battle field. A view that allow one to see what is attacking his units who are not at the edge of the field.

Though it is still a good game. I would'nt have rated 7 if I didn't think it deserve it. I wouldn't have written long review if I didn't the sequel (or pre-prequel or seprequel or whatever) wouldn't possibly be one of the greatest game ever submited to newgrounds.

To finish, a suggestion. It may be a good idea to allow the player to "group" his units if a more complex sequel is made (or bla bla bla...).

got boring really quick

just summon a couple zombies turn on auto and go make a sandwich and you win.... just feels like there should be more things to do.

i'll give ya props for a good idea though.


Great game, but if possible, get rid of the advertisements on every page.