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Reviews for "Mars Colonies Demo"

fun game,

you need to set up the ability to save via cookies or server.

The only thing I don't like is not being able to save my progress somehow. Everything else looks pretty cool. Yeah, I remember the time when we couldn't save games. I dunno, it throws me back which is nice, but then sometimes I just want to go back to what I was doing without having to restart from scratch. Maybe you could put in an option that allowed the person to either play the game with saving enabled or disabled, or something. Pretty good game.

Nice game. More games of this kind should be created, with adition of sandbox open end mode where fully self sustainable colony can be made.

WarpZone, excellent review!

There are a few points I would like to make about this game as well (probably more than a few):

1. Yes, Food & Oxygen will creep up on you.

The beauty of it is that you are given some time before you officially run out of oxygen. Basically when all your workers have their oxygen depleted, then you lose. I was close during the 3rd mission, but I was able to build the Oxygen building in time for them to refill.

Another thing is that you are allowed to buy food. Unfortunately you can tell this was only provided as a quick, yet expensive, solution to a problem that has to be solved by building Living Quarters, Water Pump (in the appropriate place), and a Hydroponics station. It all has to be laid out strategically for the groups.

2. Yes, the workers are erratic.

Even when you specify their duties, it's like they just wander around. I get that they get tired and their purpose may or may not rely on the fact that there are materials needed, but I would like to see a direct compliance with what I assign them instead of having to wait.

3. Saving in mid-mission.

This does not exist. It would be nice to come back on and not have to start all over from the beginning.

4. Freeplay Mode.

Thank you. Those asking for it don't realize that you gave us the option to continue building post-mission completion. At first I agreed you needed this, then I clicked "Continue" and I understood you had it already.

5. Controls.

I'm not too crazy about the mouse-clicks. They don't seem to respond immediately. Instead I find myself having to click the building, man, or targeting option on their profile multiple times before I get a response. For some reason it doesn't seem to respond to the tip of the arrow-icon like all web-oriented options do. You may want to fix that.

All in all, I did enjoy this game. A few things here and there could be fixed, but other than that it's a fine game.

Woah, yet again a game that's taking flash to potential limits of potential! I never thought I'd see a fullscale civilization game in flash. All units can be controlled, scuttled around, buildings, foes, minerals... clean pixel-style graphics. This game really has it all. Nice work!
