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Reviews for "Caravaneer 2"

Pretty good actually, loved the trading system, a bit too complex for me but then again thats how alot of people like their games

It's an alright game. if you've ever played trade-winds it's like that. only better. really hard to pick up but once you get used to it it's fun. it even warns you it will take allot of reading and time to fully enjoy it and they weren't kidding. a solid, well made game. It will throw sh*t at you sometimes but, such is life. save often and prosper.

Reminds me somehow on fallout :)

Nice game, perfect (I especially love that you can play in multiple languages, and the translation to spanish is spot on) but I have two problems:

1) somehow my guys went into fastening, because despite provisions set to full and having stock for it, they refuse to eat

2) that DLC idea is crappy guys, just make the game whole and sell it on steam(most succesful games here did just that)

i would say the game has a simple concept farm get the quest and go to new area do do it again (what i thought at first) i died a lot (like 9 times in first area) but i kept going on (for some reason) what i discovered is that decision in game matter (no spoilers) but time is actually there if you forget that then good luck (cause alot quests depends on time like invasion stuff) in the end the game surprised me when i got 3 different ways to finish a chapter and how it effected the next one.The in point is that this game is not for the one playthrough you need to try all the ways and get all the ending