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Reviews for "Netflix And Chill"

The game is really good, I like it. It could improve a little more, but is good!

Jasonario responds:

Thanks a lot!

I'd really like to be able to replay from the beginning of the date or something so I don't have to go through five minutes of things that are not conversation trees every time, but otherwise it's enjoyable.

Alright, so I'll be saying my own thoughts really quickly: My first playthrough felt like a disaster, the girl was definently not going well, and she bailed after 30 minutes, and I thought I had acted like an ass. This playthrough however, I decided to be smooth asf, handshake, documentary+sea animals, down with society, and then make an awesome inspirational speech: It all went swell like that. Truth and Dare happened, Chose Dare: Did the Hammertime, and she in general seemed to be having the time of her life- and yet, twenty minutes later: THE SAME, GOD DAMN THING LIKE THE FIRST PLAYHTROUGH.

Felt just like a general kick in the guts for me, since it felt like I had done everything right- but I still had no way of knowing what I'd get out of it, and in the end I got smooched over by her again. The game could atleast use some form of hints about what she's thinking, like "Oh, she's totally gonna bail" or something like that. Because I can tell you, 10 minutes into netflix n chill, and the guy does the sexiest dance possible, and doesn't get the gal: Impossible.

The gameplay's rather simple, on par as a visual novel really, so there really isn't too much to say about that. Click and pray that you're right, since there really isn't much evidence when it comes to jack about what the girl's thinking or liking- although it is like that in real life, so A for realism.

Visually, good. Good with a bit of cubes and shapes like that, simple and yet looks really good- especially the animation felt like it was smooth as hell in all manners. Was definently exciting to look at it.

However, one major flaw- the music. It's okay when it isn't so darn loud, and when it also lacks a MUTE BUTTON. You seriously need a mute button incase shenanigans like that occures, because otherwise my reason to stay on the same game immediately just drains out.

However, overall: It was still a unique 'game', although I'd call it a visual novel, it was still good none the less and I'd recommend others to try it.

Jasonario responds:

Thanks a lot, man! Great review. I agree with all your points, to be honest. That said, there are a few make or break variables that determine your result that I put in there purposefully. The game is a lesson in being bold. But yea, great point with the music. May actually fix that today

It's just like real life no matter what I do I always flunk out! I'd play through more than twice for the good ending but couldn't be assed going through the intro again.

I can tell that a lot of effort was put into the animations, even if I was only patient enough to get one ending. It seems like a very cool dating sim! I would play it, beat it, and complete it if the loading times, opening credits, and credits weren't so ungodly long. I would definitely come back to this if the uploader fixed the waiting times! :)