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Improvisation Number One

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00:00 / 03:08

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Japanese Togaku inspired piece

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Amazing mixture of genres. Oriental/Blues/Jazz, but what a song, just sounded right. Just had the feeling of a song that would be playing in a shady allyway with a voice over telling a story, but freeform jazz is hard to do. But well done

=Review Request Club=

Adam-Beilgard responds:

I'm really glad you liked this, thank you for reviewing it!


This was cool, its nice to hear something different from what we normally hear on here. I like theinstruments used, sound very calm and jittery, very well done.

Its a calm peice and that suits it well, as its slow and easy going but very very good. Id like to hear more like this from you, unfortunately its seems a bit empty. :/


Adam-Beilgard responds:

Wow, calm AND jittery, neat! I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the review!

Sad and lonely oriental/jazz piece.

I'm not familiar with Togaku, but I love hearing something new and so DIFFERENT on the audio portal.

What are the 2 instruments? One sounds like a wind instrument - maybe Sax - the other sounding like a plucked string instrument, but with far more resonance than a normal guitar. What is it?

It's almost poignant, bringing to my mind both a closing jazz club and also a chinese animation with cut-out figures. The strings could maybe perfectly suit an animation done in that vaguely oriental style.

It might have been better if you'd cut off the first 0.5s to avoid the blip, but then it does add to the homemade feel...

I really didn't like the ending though, feeling it just ended too suddenly - maybe some sort of sped-up movement around the notes (similar to the ending of some jazz pieces) would have worked well.

-Review Request Club-

Adam-Beilgard responds:

I'll be honest, I hate beginnings and endings - not my forte. I'm glad you liked this one, I love discovering something new myself and if I can bring that to NG, all the better. To answer your question, there are actually three instruments at work here. An almost inaudible flute plays the bass (best if listened to with headphones), the sax improvised the melody and the stringed instrument was nothing more than my plain ol' dreadnaught acoustic.

I'll work on those endings, thanks for reviewing this!

Kind of Quiet

It's kind of quiet for most part which is maybe a little disappointing, like the start seems to be too much silence and there are many other parts of this which are a little too silent for my liking. But then where there is a tune, it does sound very good and the main middle part seems to sound very good to me and I like that part of the tune, in my view it is just a shame that there is so much silance in this.

The ending is okay but could have been better, if you had ended it with some slower playing as oppose to one final louder sound, it might have been good and leaving a silant for consistancy. But like I say, where you do have a tune, it is good, so nice work on that.



= Review Request Club =

Adam-Beilgard responds:

This one is sparce, to be sure. I master most of my work with headphones, so desktop speakers sometimes get the shaft :\
I'm glad you liked the tune, thanks for the listen and thanks for the review!


Reminds me a lot of Radiohead's "Morning Bell/Amnesiac", as it features simliar tunes in the intro.

I like your improvised song, even though it gets a little bit boring towards the end. But I think you can build up on this submission by adding a few more instruments, like some percussions or a soft played piano.

{ Review Request Club }

Adam-Beilgard responds:

I've been reading that a lot and I'm starting to think I should create a piece similar to this but with a bigger horn section or something. I don't know. As far as this work is concerned, more would be too much. I'm also not sure what to do about the form, since it's not what we're used to with ABA, or building to some sort of exposition. I guess I should have put in a disclamer that read: "This piece will not have the tension/resolve you are used to if you were born in North America or Western Europe".

I'm glad you liked the improv, thanks for the review!

Credits & Info

2.94 / 5.00

Oct 14, 2007
7:12 PM EDT
File Info
2.9 MB
3 min 8 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.