Needs work.
By the 13th second of just bass drum I was getting a little worried. I think in general the buildup is perhaps a little slow...if it's going to still be building up by :40 I think you could have used throwing a few more synths in there or just a more complex drum beat to give it a little more variety. When everything cuts back down to the drum again for another semi-long period of time I really started wishing there was anything more melodic in there just to detract from the drumbeat. The synth from 1:30-2:00 is nice, but gets very repetitive very quickly, and it's not something that's remedied by the new synth at 2:00, because the ringing still cuts through everything.
The synths in themselves are cool and the drum's nicely EQd, but structurally this is wildly repetitive, and is in a semi-desperate need of more variety. It is essentially the same thing over and over for 4 minutes. Even if it was just a chord change, or a change in the feel of the drum beat, or even just not using that 1D ringtone sound as much as you did, I think it would have been a huge improvement just because it gives it that variety and makes the track more interesting to listen to. I think there's little enough in here that you could have probably accomplished the same thing in half the time and it wouldn't have been of any major detriment. Essentially, it's a catchy track. But it definitely needs more variety for the length it currently stands at.
-Review Request Club