At 12/17/13 09:31 PM, VicariousE wrote: Hate to say, but I'm getting (really) tired of the low speeds Verizon/Cogent are using to get Newgrounds out. Seems worse than ever, especially when it comes to mp4/360p, and anything over 1MB in the Art Portal :| Might be time to write a few pointed letters, using official NG stationary... and maybe a severed critter head or two, in appropriate locations; after all, this IS business.
Yeah the whole deal with Verizon and Cogent has been so disheartening, I'm really disappointed in both companies for not being able to sort this out. Would be nice if Cogent just kicked Netflix out but I know that won't happen, so we all get to suffer while Verizon wages war over their own video on demand service.
We should go back to loading smaller versions of the images in the Art Portal... It's just nice to have the big one already loaded when you want to view full size... We should at least consider compressing things to a really high quality JPG when someone uploads a 1+ meg image.
Merry Christmas!