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Have you ever tried coding?

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Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-21 11:00:50


I have tried coding numerous of times, and it was almost always for Game Design.

I actually sat down and tried understanding what did what, and typing it in.. And nothing! Nothing at all happened. Despite following the instructions..

That was years ago; with Game Maker Studio: and because you don't HAVE TO code, I mostly was able to do a (rough) version of the games I envisioned anyway! No harm, no foul; all was well!🎶🎶🎶

But recently!!! I tried coding (seriously) again with another language, and again I followed the instructions: I simply wanted different colored text; I was starting small and working up, right? So I read how to do it and it was supposed to be something like( text <color> 00001) or something like that. I was thinking "Oh yeah, this should be easy/I used this many times to edit font in picture editors!!" So I did the thing and... Nothing, no change... So I THOUGHT it was my fault, and copy/pasted the code into the thing, then simply changed the numbers and told the app to run my code again. I got purple font! So I got all excited and tried another color (of course I copy/pasted the right thing to change the font color again) and ran the code, mind you: I was also doing a "quest log" of what happened every time I tried something, so I'd know what to do later on.

So imagine my thoughts when it was all still in purple.. I tried that color first, never knew that was the DEFAULT CHARACTER-COLOR FOR THE APP,and so I probably didn't even get purple DESPITE copy/pasting the correct code for purple into the thing. The only effect from my effort then, was text...

I just wanted to get that off my chest: Yes, I'm a artist. Yes, I'd love to be able to program. But it's like a curse: even if I literally copied the instructions exactly, codes will not run. I haven't mentioned EVERY instance over the years, but it's extremely annoying. I actually find the "block" /code snippets thing to be idiotic because of this. (I know I sound childish but please try to understand) if one didn't know or understand coding before, putting it in snippets isn't really much more helpful. The stuff I copied was suppose to be simple text junk, and it didn't even work, so I assume that the snippet thing is just a faster way to code, instead of a "learning tool" as it's advertised by some. Like I said, all of this is a vent... My experience with it has been very annoying considering I've seen the what the snippets do, then copying the exact code won't let it run when I want it to.

I'll try it again, but when I have time actual time to see why programming languages seem to be rebellious to solely me

BBS Signature

Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-21 12:27:15

I have coded and used drag and drop programs to code my game. So far I've programmed invincibility for the player and 3 lives. Also a robot that walks back and forth that can die if hit on the head. It's a work in progress for sure. It's made with GameMaker Studio 2, you decide if it's coding or drag and drop. I prefer a little of both personally.


Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-21 12:40:56

I had a course on programming with Unity! I have the basics of C# down. I want to use them but I haven't had the peace of mind and capacity to develop my projects to that point yet.

It's a lot of fun, tho. Often when I start coding, I spend all-nighters on it

Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-21 13:05:03

I've done coding when it came to completing assignments in uni. I did C# mostly because that's what we were made to use. Overall it was a fun experience, I think I still remember some super basic stuff but anything too crazy would have me diving down a rabbit hole of tutorials again.

Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-21 15:46:22

Well, I'm studying computer engineering in college, so I code every week

BBS Signature

Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-21 16:49:26

Three times, and I'm not sure if they even count. Once for an old RPG engine (not RPG Maker, something else that used to be around with it), Mugen and...Ren'py

Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-21 17:41:05

At 5/19/23 01:20 PM, Nabella wrote:I'm kind of curious, how many artists here have tried programming? If so, what language are you playing with right now? Do you have any ongoing projects? Do you draw ideas and then code or vice versa?

I take Computer Science as a subject at school,so I've learned basic Python code and stuff like that.I've made a very simple,abstract game of rock,paper,scissors but I don't think I'll be doing anything more ambitious than that.However,I do plan to apply my knowledge of HTML to make a website to display my art in the future,so I can have a neat portfolio area!


Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-21 20:10:18

coding is for nerds never touched that nerd shit

Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-21 21:01:37

At 5/19/23 01:20 PM, Nabella wrote:I'm kind of curious, how many artists here have tried programming? If so, what language are you playing with right now? Do you have any ongoing projects? Do you draw ideas and then code or vice versa?

I tried python but that didn't really work out.

Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-21 21:24:55

I have and I hate it. Hate it, hate it, hate it! Now I just follow aspiring game devs and hope they commission me to do sprites or simple 3D models or something.

That said, I’ve dabbled in “easier” languages like Python, as well as engines with visual coding tools like RPG Maker and GDevelop, just to know what coding is like and whether it would be a decent “Plan B” career for me. But I was already in my mid-20’s by the time I tried to learn coding, so maybe my less-than-mathematically-inclined brain would have had a better time handling the challenge of learning a new skill if I had started really young like I did with animation. It also taught me to create art and stories iteratively, plus how to critique my own work after taking breaks from it, so at least I learned something that I could apply to my main skill sets.

Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-21 21:33:30



It sucks bro, i spent 3 hours trying to make sonic walk XDD

its a remix of a chill song from sonic cd, dunno if that is allowed on the front page but well

BBS Signature

Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-22 00:53:27

"Learned" Java along with data structures and algorithm and made basically nothing CLI apps. In school for comp sci and was told to learn web dev over the summer. Doing a Udemy course to learn Web Dev, HTML/CSS is super easy, and I haven't gotten to the JS section yet but I've been told it's easier than Java.

I know SQL/MongoDB and Redis but I haven't done any substantial work with them. I like coding as an idea, you're basically a wizard making your computer do stuff. But the actual writing part is boring, easier now with ChatGPT as to avoid the dreaded meanies on Stackoverflow. but I'd rather be coding than doing any physical labor job like my father.

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BBS Signature

Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-22 02:06:49

I did learn a little bit of HTML and CSS in the past, around the time when HTML5/CSS3 was only just a new thing and Flash was still widely used, and I did also try learning a bit of C++ but didn't get very far. A part of me wants to give coding another try but I'm more focused on studying art and animation at this time.

Ponies, animation and sluggishly learning how to draw.

Response to Have you ever tried coding? 2023-05-22 14:18:35

At 5/19/23 01:20 PM, Nabella wrote:I'm kind of curious, how many artists here have tried programming? If so, what language are you playing with right now? Do you have any ongoing projects? Do you draw ideas and then code or vice versa?

I started patching with max/msp (for music) and jitter (for video) which got me used to thinking about routing information from point A to point B and breaking complex problems down into smaller chunks. As far as pure code goes, most of the visual stuff I've done has been in processing (processing.org) which is based on java. If an artist has never done any coding before, I recommend starting there since it will teach them a good foundation for coding logic and practice and is one of the few languages that is built specifically for visual art. It set me up to be able to pick up python pretty easily which is more flexible for general stuff like scraping websites or automating mundane day to day tasks. I know python is capable of doing visual art stuff too but I haven't really dug into that yet.

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