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Tell Me Your Favorite Pokémon and I'll Describe Something About You!

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Spiritomb, Noivern, and Kyurem, I’d say.

Someone please help me revive my clubs

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Gyarados, the Atrocious Pokemon.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

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Basic, I know, but I kinda just grew up loving the lil' guy and have a buncha plushies of him, including a couple of Christmas ones!

Just a nerd and a Kirby.

Hope you have a good day! <3

(Kirby says hi!) [Sig art by @soundskies]

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At 7/24/24 12:20 AM, Dr-Freebase wrote:mudkip lmao

but in seriousnss: exploud is pretty neat
gen 2 burds xatu hoothoot and skarmory were cool too

That art LMAOOOO

You like loud music, but you're also hippy in your music too. When you invite people over to your place you just start playing aboriginal music confusing literally everyone because you have Slipknot posters all over your walls. You smoke weed probably and you probably collect a lot of native art sculptures and collectibles that just look neat. You like birdwatching and have professional goggles for that, and even have the expensive glow in the dark shit that helps you see in pitch black to check out those owls.

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

At 7/24/24 02:53 AM, Void wrote:Gengar obviously, but Blastoise is my favourite starter

You're a chaos gremlin who lives for pranks. When things do get serious, though, you always make sure to help out others and defend those you love. You don't have weapons, but you have expert aim with a hose since you garden in your spare time. You probably have a lot of knowledge of weeds and shit and like looking at moss on old graves. Idk why I'm guessing this, just throwing it out here lmao

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

At 7/24/24 03:14 AM, thespectre0 wrote:Shiftry

I...do not know. Honestly. I'm...stumped for this one. Maybe you grew up in a forest like area and have loved trees? Maybe you like sketching wildlife? Maybe you like puppets? I'm completely lost on this one lmao I'm so sorry ;-; (For the record, I do not like Shiftry and imo just don't find the design appealing - but I respect your choice!) I don't know why but you probably like treehouses. IDK HELPPPP

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

At 7/24/24 03:43 AM, SovieticAbra wrote:Abra

You're quiet and shy and often run away when someone tries to call out to you. You like tea and meditation, and enjoy reading out in nature. You have a few friends you hang around sometimes, but for the most part you spend your time alone. You admire animals and flora and often spend time outside. When you do get close to people, it's usually in short bursts. Only a few people truly know that you're sweeter on the inside than they realize.

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

At 7/24/24 04:15 AM, tydaze wrote:Smeargle!

Artist. Immediately. You love painting, specifically, and find great pleasure in the medium. You often go to museums with your friends and admire the art. You probably like animation and film as well that involves painting to some degree. You're always seen wearing a beret, or at the very least looking for the fanciest one that fits your style. You're refined and you have a very specific palette when it comes to both art and food. You love making art for other people, but mostly do so for yourself, and you give very specific comments on people's art, complimenting precision and color pairing more than anything else. You probably drink coffee.

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

Hisuian typhlosion

My favorite is ralts because his name is like me, but I'm ralph, but people don't give a shit how to say my name here in Latin America.

It's also green. I like green and a male ralts can evolve into Gallade and I like fighting type pokemons.

Hi, I'm a clone of Ralph Riquelme.

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At 7/24/24 01:16 PM, TheMusicalManiac wrote:
At 7/24/24 12:20 AM, Dr-Freebase wrote:mudkip lmao

but in seriousnss: exploud is pretty neat
gen 2 burds xatu hoothoot and skarmory were cool too

That art LMAOOOO

You like loud music, but you're also hippy in your music too. When you invite people over to your place you just start playing aboriginal music confusing literally everyone because you have Slipknot posters all over your walls. You smoke weed probably and you probably collect a lot of native art sculptures and collectibles that just look neat. You like birdwatching and have professional goggles for that, and even have the expensive glow in the dark shit that helps you see in pitch black to check out those owls.

Absolutely wrong in every aspect except the first one excellent

At 7/24/24 09:54 AM, Thetageist wrote:Spiritomb, Noivern, and Kyurem, I’d say.

Oh hi Thetageist! Hope you're doing well.

I can immediately see you as more the aloof type who likes dark things. You probably like scary stuff and horror movies, or things with eerie environments. Anything that's a little rough around the edges is more your style too. The three you've chosen have more scary type designs and are epic to you for that reason. Anything with sharp teeth or at the very least sharp ears, claws, tail and appendages is absolutely good to you. Everyone goes for Haunter or Gengar or hell even Darkrai, but you have standards. Good for you!

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

At 7/24/24 10:23 AM, orangebomb wrote:Gyarados, the Atrocious Pokemon.

Godzilla fan. You love big scary monsters with big scary faces. You probably used to like King Kong, or hate King Kong with an absolutely burning passion. You probably like sea serpents and reading about the Loch Ness monster. You've always wanted Gyarados as a pet but you know damn well it won't fit in your house. Maybe you tried petting a shark once in your life and you fell in love with sealife. Maybe you like visiting your local aquarium?

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

At 7/24/24 10:57 AM, M-kirbs wrote:Pikachu
Basic, I know, but I kinda just grew up loving the lil' guy and have a buncha plushies of him, including a couple of Christmas ones!

You're a classic fan. You're the whole embodiment and more of the ultimate cutie patootie. You have plushies, collectables like cards, autographs from the voice actors, all that good shit. You probably watch the movies and anime back to back to back. Everyone who dislikes Pikachu you just see them as jealous because he's popular. You always wanted a pet Pikachu of your own and you damn well know it. Good for you. Never change.

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

Doing one of these again? Totally up for it.

I'll go with cyndaquil (I haven't played or watched pokemon in ages, but come on, look at him)


Have I truly become a monster?

At 7/24/24 01:43 PM, AldilusRex wrote:Hisuian typhlosion

You're chill. You must smoke some kinda mary jane in your time, or be on the other side of the creek and light incense all over your house. You're probably spiritual and are chill with ghosts. You'd be the one sane one in a horror movie, befriending all the ghosts and figuring out why they're so sad/upset/mad. If anything, you'd turn the haunted house into a happy haunt, and you probably enjoy paranormal. You are absolutely chill, and let the day go by the way fate intends it to. Lazy? No. You run on your time and that's just the way you like it.

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

At 7/24/24 01:46 PM, Dr-Freebase wrote:
At 7/24/24 01:16 PM, TheMusicalManiac wrote:
At 7/24/24 12:20 AM, Dr-Freebase wrote:mudkip lmao

but in seriousnss: exploud is pretty neat
gen 2 burds xatu hoothoot and skarmory were cool too

That art LMAOOOO

You like loud music, but you're also hippy in your music too. When you invite people over to your place you just start playing aboriginal music confusing literally everyone because you have Slipknot posters all over your walls. You smoke weed probably and you probably collect a lot of native art sculptures and collectibles that just look neat. You like birdwatching and have professional goggles for that, and even have the expensive glow in the dark shit that helps you see in pitch black to check out those owls.

Absolutely wrong in every aspect except the first one excellent

thank god. I was absolutely not getting that one LMAO

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

At 7/24/24 01:44 PM, ralph2320 wrote:My favorite is ralts because his name is like me, but I'm ralph, but people don't give a shit how to say my name here in Latin America.

It's also green. I like green and a male ralts can evolve into Gallade and I like fighting type pokemons.

I've never seen a more obvious Rock Lee fan in my life. Other than liking things that resemble close to your name, you like to play the role of the oblivious yet strong-hearted hero with a shit ton of determination. You root for hero characters every time and boo every time the villain comes up to do some bad on screen. You either have no experience in martial arts and are looking into it, or already have enough to be a black belt or are working up to it currently. Either way, you must be really fit! Good for you!

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

At 7/24/24 01:54 PM, DanielIsAlive wrote:Doing one of these again? Totally up for it.
I'll go with cyndaquil (I haven't played or watched pokemon in ages, but come on, look at him)

You like the little guys with a lot of fire. Anything that's cute and small and packs a punch is your absolute pick of choice. You're probably small yourself, or are seen as cuter than you are. You hate that and will do anything to fight off that reputation, and for the most part, you succeed more than you fail, but more failures mean more determination. You probably have a pet dog or cat that you hold dearest to your heart, and spend a lot of time with. You talk less with people and more with yourself, because people judge, and judgement most, if not all the time, is bad. You make through with what you've got and your courage is very strong!

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

Top 3 Favorite Pokémon:


1st Golurk- He's a cool giant golem

2nd Feraligatr- My first starter Pokémon

3rd Registeel- Favorite out of the Regi Trio

Don't forget to brush your hands and wash your teeth!

BBS Signature

At 7/24/24 01:34 PM, TheMusicalManiac wrote:
At 7/24/24 03:43 AM, SovieticAbra wrote:Abra

You're quiet and shy and often run away when someone tries to call out to you. You like tea and meditation, and enjoy reading out in nature. You have a few friends you hang around sometimes, but for the most part you spend your time alone. You admire animals and flora and often spend time outside. When you do get close to people, it's usually in short bursts. Only a few people truly know that you're sweeter on the inside than they realize.

Haha thas me

Goodra. Reshiram. Blaziken. Lucario. Metagross. Gardevoir. Whimiscott. Deerling. Lopunny.

Here's a fun game for people, guess why I pick these Pokemon in exact order. The hint is have you ever played dominoes before?

At 7/24/24 01:37 PM, TheMusicalManiac wrote:
At 7/24/24 04:15 AM, tydaze wrote:Smeargle!

Artist. Immediately. You love painting, specifically, and find great pleasure in the medium. You often go to museums with your friends and admire the art. You probably like animation and film as well that involves painting to some degree. You're always seen wearing a beret, or at the very least looking for the fanciest one that fits your style. You're refined and you have a very specific palette when it comes to both art and food. You love making art for other people, but mostly do so for yourself, and you give very specific comments on people's art, complimenting precision and color pairing more than anything else. You probably drink coffee.

Pretty close! I don't paint, but I do digital art. I love art museums, and the art of animation. I don't wear a beret, but I almost always wear a hat. I would say I have pretty specific palettes for art and food. To be constructive, I do try focus on specific aspects when I comment on art. And I don't normally drink coffee, but I like coffee flavored desserts, like tiramisu.

BBS Signature

At 7/24/24 03:14 PM, tydaze wrote:
At 7/24/24 01:37 PM, TheMusicalManiac wrote:
At 7/24/24 04:15 AM, tydaze wrote:Smeargle!

Artist. Immediately. You love painting, specifically, and find great pleasure in the medium. You often go to museums with your friends and admire the art. You probably like animation and film as well that involves painting to some degree. You're always seen wearing a beret, or at the very least looking for the fanciest one that fits your style. You're refined and you have a very specific palette when it comes to both art and food. You love making art for other people, but mostly do so for yourself, and you give very specific comments on people's art, complimenting precision and color pairing more than anything else. You probably drink coffee.

Pretty close! I don't paint, but I do digital art. I love art museums, and the art of animation. I don't wear a beret, but I almost always wear a hat. I would say I have pretty specific palettes for art and food. To be constructive, I do try focus on specific aspects when I comment on art. And I don't normally drink coffee, but I like coffee flavored desserts, like tiramisu.

Good to know I got some of it right! Better than nothing :3

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

I'd say my favourites are Clefairy, Jigglypuff and Oshawott.

Character designer and worldbuilder

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rayquaza, aggron, wooper, crobat and torchic :D

Tyrantrum / Zangoose

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Here's the faves!

Tinkaton, Sprigatito/Meowscarada, Meowstic, and Gliscor.

mf luxray brooo
