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thoughts on the current state of youtube?

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Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-12 20:28:30

At 9/11/24 04:45 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote:im talking about ai slop, content farms, and ipad kids
what are your thoughts?

no sir I don’t like it

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-12 21:10:01

At 9/11/24 04:45 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote:im talking about ai slop, content farms, and ipad kids
what are your thoughts?

I miss old Youtube...I really do. Most I do is listen to music and check gaming shit now. Youtube doesn't feel the same anymore and its just...crap and garbage.

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets,

Cause time doesn't wait for me

I choose to go my own way

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 00:32:04

At 9/12/24 02:57 PM, DevilRat wrote:
At 9/12/24 08:11 AM, aapiarts wrote:You have to dig through to find a bunch of good stuff. Too bad the search function is horrible now. The AI slop always gets in the way somehow.

The search function has been broken since 2020. Then, I could just type in X thing in the search bar. Now... It shows non-searched crap in it.

Exactly. It shows 3 correct and on topic videos then after those it just throws that dumb "you might like" part which is just no I did not search for facts about skrimblo bimblo video game 2.

Look at him spin

BBS Signature

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 00:57:53

Oneyplays is pretty much the only reason I still check YouTube on a daily basis. If they don't upload that day, then no YouTube at all for me that day--really hard to imagine considering how addicted I was to everything YouTube as a teenager in the 2010's. If I want to find cool cartoons, I have to check Newgrounds first now, not YouTube.

That gets into another problem. A lot of Newgrounds animators, myself included, also post on YouTube to reach a larger, more mainstream audience. Except we don't reach a mainstream audience most times because the algorithm tends to bury accounts that don't publish videos at least 4 times a week (i.e. animation channels). Yet sometimes I get lucky and I upload a YT Short version of my latest Newgrounds animation and it clearly gets FAR more views than I could possibly get on Newgrounds and BlenderArtists combined, giving me false hope that I can still make it big on the aging Web 2.0 site, but then I replicate exactly what worked in the previous YouTube Upload and it gets buried by the algorithm again (even my subscribers would have to go through the wringer just to find this latest upload somewhere in my channel page), struggling to even achieve 10 views despite me doing everything that worked last time.

The comment sections under most videos are unregulated echo chambers, and you will get mocked and possibly even cancelled for sharing an opinion that is mainstream in the real, offline world, but deeply offensive to the incels that regularly populate these comment sections. There's a reason YouTube has become particularly infamous for spreading climate change and vaccination disinformation, even more effectively to an otherwise-mainstream audience than the somehow more alt-right YouTube alternatives like BitChute.

Despite all this, I can't end this on a bum note. I love watching obscure anime and OVAs on YouTube--currently subjecting myself to Serial Experiments Lain, and I've also watched that weird 1986 Super Mario Bros OVA--the REAL Super Mario Bros Movie, in my opinion. Commentary-free gameplay videos let me experience old games that otherwise haven't aged well at all without subjecting my wrists to old-school control schemes. Tonic Trouble is kind of an unfinished mess, sort of a glorified prototype of Rayman 2 long before we had Early Access games and buggy launches essentially forcing us to pay developers to test their games (instead of the other way around), but the art style is striking, distinctly French, and proof you can make some very aesthetically-appealing 3D visuals even on the weakest, most out-of-date hardware available. It's worth at least a watch if you don't want to actually play it yourself (and you don't, trust me on this).

Finally, there is still the CHANCE I could reach a more mainstream audience by uploading on YouTube in addition to Newgrounds, if I catch the algorithm in a generous mood, without cynically making easier-to-produce videos that exist only to push liberals' buttons. It's happened before, it's happened recently, and it takes no time at all to upload the same exact MP4-format video on both websites, so I shouldn't give up just because more often than not, the algorithm buries my stuff, especially if it's no extra work on my part.

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 12:48:44

I am in a video essay hell where I get recommended a whole bunch of videos that are over an hour long and pointless. As I go through recommendations, I see more and more videos on surface-level stuff that feel extremely underdeveloped and I can't help but skip all that stuff. There's only a handful of good stuff to watch and it's easy to go through very quickly.

I just can't get through a video that is essentially a walkthrough and over 18 minutes long. It drives me nuts when people just can't get past stating the obvious when discussing media topics. If I can get the same experience reading a blog post on the topic the video is about, they're wasting my time. People have to at least offer something interpretive or palatable. Make the most of being able to add video and audio to their words. Be creative.

Unfortunately, Youtube no longer feels like an environment conducive to creating interesting work. Its ad network and revenue system discourages anything that doesn't align with the interests of mass marketing. Once a platform places the interests of marketing firms above the interests of the people using the platform, it stops serving the community as a whole.

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 13:24:46

At 9/12/24 07:52 PM, wiichicken wrote:I think that it's weird that they're turning the logo slightly more purple.

It's still an A/B testing thing, but they're doing it. You will be able to tell if you have this change because the video progress bar with fade to pink near the end.

i noticed that when it first appeared on my screen and i was confused but i got used to it kinda

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 13:25:21

At 9/12/24 08:28 PM, Jasonbunny wrote:
At 9/11/24 04:45 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote:im talking about ai slop, content farms, and ipad kids
what are your thoughts?
no sir I don’t like it

ren and stimpy reference real

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 15:07:17

Worst it's ever been. From the ridiculous ads if you don't have premium to the constant censorship of even the most mundane shit. True crime is censored to oblivion and repetitive. I used to watch interrogation and bodycam videos until channels started farming the shit out of every single case. It's an endless cycle of regurgitated, corporate-friendly slop.

Welcome to the middle of nowhere--the centre of everywhere.

BBS Signature

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 15:43:37

YouTube's unskippable minute long ads are the real issue. They need competition.


BBS Signature

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 16:05:18

One thing I never see anyone complain about is just how terrible of a website youtube really is from technical perspective. Undoubtedly the single slowest-loading website I frequent, lots of extremely odd bugs and quirks - ones that I've learned to circumvent completely because they pop up so often, but greatly worsen the browsing experience nonetheless.

There's a lot of bad videos on youtube but I kinda just avoid them. I use a video/channel blocking extension to filter things I never want to see. There's way more stuff out there than I could ever hope to block, but it still helps. My real issue with youtube is the behind-the-scenes stuff like the constant bugs, unnecessary layout changes that somehow get uglier every single time, or moderation bots (there is no way that even a single real human is in charge of that stuff) that kill everything that mentions a swear word or a "controversial" term like murder or death.

I swear man, I've been on that site for most of its lifespan and I don't think they ever added a feature I liked/found useful after they lifted the runtime limit on videos. Feels like they removed more than they added, really. Annotations are gone, search function is beyond broken, private messages are gone, friend lists are gone, most channel (as in, the page itself) customization is gone, etc. What the hell actually happened here?

BBS Signature

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 17:16:37

My recommendations have been pretty fire, but otherwise the site is kinda obnoxious by default.

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 17:43:33

At 9/13/24 12:48 PM, pinmoBOT wrote:I am in a video essay hell where I get recommended a whole bunch of videos that are over an hour long and pointless. As I go through recommendations, I see more and more videos on surface-level stuff that feel extremely underdeveloped and I can't help but skip all that stuff. There's only a handful of good stuff to watch and it's easy to go through very quickly.

I just can't get through a video that is essentially a walkthrough and over 18 minutes long. It drives me nuts when people just can't get past stating the obvious when discussing media topics. If I can get the same experience reading a blog post on the topic the video is about, they're wasting my time. People have to at least offer something interpretive or palatable. Make the most of being able to add video and audio to their words. Be creative.

Yeah, this was something i noticed too. It seems like video essays abt pop culture, internet trends and what not are getting trendy too, in the same way commentary channels were back in like the mid-late 2010s. And you'd think itd be a good thing but christ do these people just not know enough to make a good essay. A lot of these are just very luke-warm common sense takes that dont even scratch the surface of whatever theyre talking abt. Literally the video essay equivalent of copy-pasting the wikipedia page to a power point presentation and reading that word-for-word. A lot of it is just like the normalization/glorification/whatever-ification of whatever the fuck and the person going "its bad >:(" with no deeper analysis or insight. The worst offenders are the ones that you CAN TELL just get all of their opinions from tiktok.

Other than that I think youtubes just been kinda flopping lately. Most ppl get their quick video content fix on tiktok nowadays because of how easy it is to make and post videos on there. Attention spans are fried so aside from video essays/ horror stuff, ppl dont really watch a lot of content abt anything else. The varietys gone down A LOT like youtube just isnt THE video platform that its been, and for the record i guess it hasnt been in a long time, but now ppl have an alternative. And im not even mentioning the fucking fees for everything, youtube premium for upping the quality of offline downloads is insane.

BBS Signature

Having two ads in the start of the video. Two in the middle. Plus another last two at the end..

I mean come on. 6 ads in one fucking video?!

And the fact most ads are scams and other impersonate some youtubers or downright

use voice ai.. I fucking hate everything. The former CEO died too, so the new one

is of course a indian (Neal Mohan). That explain why so many shitty scammers love that platform now.

I don't hate india, I just hate their fucking practice of ruining people's life with

fake companies that are set in their business quarters. They are endlessly

abusing the system of america and guess what. They won't fucking stop it.

Cuz they are too many in that pyramid scheme.

Also, they implemented a tracking device for specific ads. They collect your

data and change the pattern to make you watch videos that you will mostly

click on.

Also youtubers are often caught in big drama.

I swear, we need better in the internet, youtube AND specially google are ruining everything.

Thank god this is not a problem in here.


Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 22:33:00

At 9/12/24 07:01 PM, Tapestoppa wrote:I'm not on YouTube a lot to tell you about the stuff in detail but it ain't pretty. Only reasons why I go on YouTube is for music or to relive some old times.

I problay should do the same thing too, but I also watch some education stuff from time to time. Although I should read if I want stuff like that.

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-13 22:55:48

This is when I miss the most shit like Filthy Frank, Oney cartoons and shit. This is now just pathetic and sad. It's either AI shit, Youtube commentators blowing up stupid drama, daily uploads about "crazy insane situations" and YOUR FAVORITE OLD TIME YOUTUBER now only uploading clips from his Streams, which at least for me, is not a fun form of entertainment, I like it when dumb shit happens during these but I'd rather just see the clip than the entirety of the stream.

I guess this is what happens after a few "ad-pocalypse" and creator's income is threatened, people will just play safe and produce what TV was basically always trying to give us... SLOP.

Tits dude

BBS Signature

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-14 02:01:21

it is horrendous. i don't open the main page nor log in anymore at this point and just RSS the channels i care about

search is trash and filled with either spam or the "search" part is covered in "for you" and "you might like this".

the way the algorithm works is getting worse by the day, the spaming of slop is prioritized over actual content more and more.

and god forbid you say a word like "death" or mention something bad that ever happened or talk about a serous subject respectfully, no you have to use these stupid words like "un-alived" "swear slide" and "grape", cuz youtube keeps trying to maintain a child audience by being family friendly to parents EVEN THO they know coppa isn't oki with it. all cuz the ipad kids watch more and get addicted easier and thuse you can collect more data from them to sell

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-14 02:11:17

At 9/12/24 09:54 AM, Hydweeb wrote:Recently there been a bunch of cp being flooded on there by bots so theres probably going to be another adpocalypse which sucks

wait, like actually uploaded to the site?!!?!

i am aware of bots spamming into people's comment sections and sharing links to cp discord servers if that is what you mean. but holy shit i won't be surprised at this point with how bad moderation is on small and non-english channels

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-14 05:40:15


I think now that all of the main "Content Creation" and "Brain-washing" focus has moved over to short-form video platforms, YouTube in my opinion is better than it has ever been in the past decade. The threshold of quality has increased too, even though you could say that it lacks the originality and creativity of those old days.

Still, I believe that now that most of the population it gained in the start of the 2010's has left for more brainrotting sites, YT is a nicer place to be. Although I might say that it certainly is kinda hurt by the vast majority of YouTubers- oh sorry, "content creators", following the exact cookie-cutter method (sponsors, merch, clickbait sometimes) just so they make revenue and that's it, instead of doing videos because they are passionate about them.

YouTube def could use some more character and soul, because it has lost some throughout the years. It has lost some of its edge and character. If it was a place it would be a NYC high class suburb, rather than the city itself; way too clean and copy-pasted fo its own good.

I blame Susan Wojicicki for turning the platform into a mess.

I still dont feel anything of value was really lost when she died. Not a nice thing to sat but my indifference toward her for how she handled youtube does not make me feel too empathetic

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-14 07:45:25

Eventuallly someone's going to write a code that automatically ai generates random youtube kids-type slop, uploads it onto youtube and practuically print money

Actually I'm quite surprised nobody has done that yet

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-14 09:15:34

At 9/14/24 07:45 AM, Kooz83 wrote:Eventuallly someone's going to write a code that automatically ai generates random youtube kids-type slop, uploads it onto youtube and practuically print money
Actually I'm quite surprised nobody has done that yet

wait... you are telling me the slop already on there was made by people?????

but there already is a lot of AI made slop on it

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-14 09:18:34

At 9/14/24 09:15 AM, youtherthyf wrote:
At 9/14/24 07:45 AM, Kooz83 wrote:Eventuallly someone's going to write a code that automatically ai generates random youtube kids-type slop, uploads it onto youtube and practuically print money
Actually I'm quite surprised nobody has done that yet

wait... you are telling me the slop already on there was made by people?????
but there already is a lot of AI made slop on it

Yeah, there's loads of ai slop on yt already, but I'm talking about a fully automated system that requires no input at all and generates videos continuously and brings in ad revenue

At 9/12/24 07:52 PM, wiichicken wrote:I think that it's weird that they're turning the logo slightly more purple.

It's still an A/B testing thing, but they're doing it. You will be able to tell if you have this change because the video progress bar with fade to pink near the end.

y'know this might be the dumbest thing to get mad about when there's a plethora of more important issues with that site (such as intentionally tanking performance on non Chromium browsers) but I am actually kinda really pissed off by this.

I noticed it a few days ago when I looked at their favicon and it looked like it had a gradient on it, and due to fading between such similar colours it is not only barely noticeable, it is nearly invisible, to the point where it makes me question if it even is there... or if it even was there because as you noted they're doing shitass A/B testing with this design change and now it very clearly isn't there when I go look at it.


It makes me feel like I'm going crazy over such an unnoticeable detail and all they had to do for me to question my perception is add a fucking gradient to their goddamned favicon.

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-14 10:01:17

At 9/12/24 08:25 PM, CarolineSparkle wrote:Too many ads of Temu and Hero wars. Every five seconds, the video stops to show me Temu or Hero Wars ads.

It's driving me insane

This is why I use brave... The chromium browser that disables ads. I detest Temu as it is a worse ebay and amazon.

Join The Rat Cult and grasp firmly.

At 9/14/24 09:18 AM, Kooz83 wrote:
At 9/14/24 09:15 AM, youtherthyf wrote:
At 9/14/24 07:45 AM, Kooz83 wrote:Eventuallly someone's going to write a code that automatically ai generates random youtube kids-type slop, uploads it onto youtube and practuically print money
Actually I'm quite surprised nobody has done that yet

wait... you are telling me the slop already on there was made by people?????
but there already is a lot of AI made slop on it

Yeah, there's loads of ai slop on yt already, but I'm talking about a fully automated system that requires no input at all and generates videos continuously and brings in ad revenue

huh... yeah weird, i would have expected someone has done that already...

god thinking about it rn, this could be done with a simple bash script running ai locally a med end pc i am scared now, i am worried someone might see this and get ideas.....

edit: it gets worse the more i think about it. i am jenounly terrified of describing the implications of this setup in fear of giving people ideas. but if what i am thinking of happens, youtube is fucked

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-14 11:34:22

At 9/12/24 07:57 AM, Czyszy wrote:
At 9/11/24 04:45 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote:im talking about ai slop, content farms, and ipad kids
what are your thoughts?

Looks like enough nails to fully seal YouTube's coffin. :)

Oh no then I'll HAVE to use newgrounds all day, oh no.....

BBS Signature

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-14 12:34:04

At 9/14/24 11:34 AM, BlakeyTakeyTheCakey wrote:
At 9/12/24 07:57 AM, Czyszy wrote:
At 9/11/24 04:45 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote:im talking about ai slop, content farms, and ipad kids
what are your thoughts?

Looks like enough nails to fully seal YouTube's coffin. :)

Oh no then I'll HAVE to use newgrounds all day, oh no.....

you know that makes me wonder... where will all the youtube people go?

yeah the artists will just move here, but what about the toturial channels, the video esaiests, ect.

will they spread across other platforms like dailymotion? will they move to a peertube instance/make their own? or could we see a return of hosting videos on your own website like with old school normal boots and avgn

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-14 12:34:51

Just spam...

Response to thoughts on the current state of youtube? 2024-09-14 12:58:30

At 9/14/24 10:13 AM, youtherthyf wrote:
At 9/14/24 09:18 AM, Kooz83 wrote:
At 9/14/24 09:15 AM, youtherthyf wrote:
At 9/14/24 07:45 AM, Kooz83 wrote:Eventuallly someone's going to write a code that automatically ai generates random youtube kids-type slop, uploads it onto youtube and practuically print money
Actually I'm quite surprised nobody has done that yet

wait... you are telling me the slop already on there was made by people?????
but there already is a lot of AI made slop on it

Yeah, there's loads of ai slop on yt already, but I'm talking about a fully automated system that requires no input at all and generates videos continuously and brings in ad revenue

huh... yeah weird, i would have expected someone has done that already...

god thinking about it rn, this could be done with a simple bash script running ai locally a med end pc i am scared now, i am worried someone might see this and get ideas.....
edit: it gets worse the more i think about it. i am jenounly terrified of describing the implications of this setup in fear of giving people ideas. but if what i am thinking of happens, youtube is fucked

Yeah, I really hope governments do something about this soon since ai's genuinely getting out hand lately

Sometimes it sounds like something right out of a sci-fi novel

At 9/14/24 12:58 PM, Kooz83 wrote:
At 9/14/24 10:13 AM, youtherthyf wrote:
At 9/14/24 09:18 AM, Kooz83 wrote:
At 9/14/24 09:15 AM, youtherthyf wrote:
At 9/14/24 07:45 AM, Kooz83 wrote:Eventuallly someone's going to write a code that automatically ai generates random youtube kids-type slop, uploads it onto youtube and practuically print money
Actually I'm quite surprised nobody has done that yet

wait... you are telling me the slop already on there was made by people?????
but there already is a lot of AI made slop on it

Yeah, there's loads of ai slop on yt already, but I'm talking about a fully automated system that requires no input at all and generates videos continuously and brings in ad revenue

huh... yeah weird, i would have expected someone has done that already...

god thinking about it rn, this could be done with a simple bash script running ai locally a med end pc i am scared now, i am worried someone might see this and get ideas.....
edit: it gets worse the more i think about it. i am jenounly terrified of describing the implications of this setup in fear of giving people ideas. but if what i am thinking of happens, youtube is fucked

Yeah, I really hope governments do something about this soon since ai's genuinely getting out hand lately
Sometimes it sounds like something right out of a sci-fi novel

that is the scary part... idk if they can do something about it

they might be able to stop openAI and other companies from enabling this behavior, but localy run AI on someone's home computer would be much harder to enforce regulations on

ollama is relatively easy to run and can theoretically do the scraping, writing, voicing, and image generation for spam videos in a few minutes on a mid level PC. and sense it is run locally the spammer can dodge government regulations and even do very bad things that even chatgpt and dall-e won't allow

actually give me a minute i will try testing it out and see how fucked we are