The time has come for our 2024 recap! There are a lot of links so please take some time to explore.
This was very much a “housekeeping” year but we managed to introduce some fun features along the way. While NG itself is turning 30, the backend codebase is coming up on 25 years. Much of that has changed and evolved over the years but there is an accumulation of old code, bandaids, bugs and general clutter that has been overdue for tidying and modernization.
That didn’t stop the rest of you from totally bringing it, though! The monthly “Best of” posts in particular are overflowing with goodies; I don’t think there is anywhere else on the Internet that can compare to what you’ll find below.
We kicked off the new year by overhauling the account sign-in process, introducing email 2FA as a default alternative for accounts that hadn't set up app-based 2FA. We then upgraded our password hashing, increasing the password limit to 512 characters in the process.
January 5th was the Anime Los Angeles Meetup.
Pixel Day was January 23rd, catch up on the Pixel Day winners!
Other highlights included the Sketch Collab, the live Slam Poetry Night, Art Gallery Collab, Office Depths Collab and the Break It Up Collab.
We updated PHP to the latest stable build, a lengthy project carried over from 2023, due to all the deprecated code.
Other highlights included the Valentine's Day Art Collab, Mall Music Collab, Summertime in Wintertime Collab, Corn Collab, The Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Collab, Mean Girls Collab and the F Collab.
Dragon Ball Z creator Akira Toriyama passed on March 1st, resulting in a lot of Toriyama tribute art.
Our March updates included a flagging option for works that are majority generated by AI.
A bunch of us met up at PAX Boston, which might become a recurring meetup spot in the years ahead.
The Music Triathlon hosted by @AED4 wrapped up!
@The-Great-One and @SplatterDash kicked off another Treasure Hunt. Revisit the Treasure Hunt winners!
Other highlights included the OP Battles Collab, RIP General Collab, Pokemon Mystery Meat Collab, Storytime Collab, 200+ BPM Collab, Adult Swim Collab and the Sandwich Collab.
In April we rolled out Forum Thread Ratings, one of the last places where ratings felt needed, in particular with art threads.
Season 2 of Smiling Friends introduced Gwimbly and we saw a lot of Gwimbly fan art.
Other highlights included the Playstation Collab, The Space Collab and the Earth Day Collab,
Flash Forward wrapped up in May, check out the winning Flash games and interactive movies!
May 18th was Pico Day, check out the Pico Day winners!
@BrandyBuizel and @coby hosted a Pico Day Party in New Jersey and @Snackers hosted a Dublin, Ireland Meetup.
Other highlights included the Pico Day NJ Trading Cards, Sega Saturn Collab, Rock the Dragon Animation Jam, Matrix Collab, Ghost Collab, Nintendo 64 Collab Gallery, Kart Collab, World Goth Day Collab, Halloween in May Collab, A Sine of Relief Collab, Dragon Raid Collab and Pico Day Sticky Notes.
@CorTat-G and @DrewPBalls organized the Too Many Games Meetup!
@Graeme hosted a Gorgon Shield Art Contest, check out the Gorgon Shield Winners!
@Jamriot hosted another Writer’s Jam with 100 participants, check out the winners!
Other highlights included the NGTV Summer Bash, Sonic Shorts: Volume 9, Shorts: Volume 1000, The CD-i Collab, KinitoPET Collab, Homestuck FreshJamz Collab, Newgrounds Arcade Zone Collab, Sonic 33rd Anniversary Art Collab, NG Pride Month Collab, Bluey Sleepytime Reanimated, A Tale of Eternity and Newgrounds Trivia!
More below!