This was the first monthly vote and I think quite a few voters were dipping their respective toes in the pool testing the waters. I would have voted for David Firth's entry but I recall reading something to the effect of "nothing corporate, excessively pornographic or too violent". Well I'm glad he placed in the top 5, lord knows that uber-creative, sick & twisted bastard deserves the award (I mean that in a good way). Too bad with the strength of the £ vs the $, he will only have about £120 to spend, which might be enough for several gallons of fake blood to bathe in.
I am also a little surprised to not see Evolution - BK in the top 5 for the month. I do realize it lacks explosions and cannibalism, but I was hoping to see a bit more diversity in the overall rankings.
Bottom line, congratulations to not only the winning artists, but ALL the artists who made it to the actual ballot card. Think of all the submissions for the month that didn't even make it that far. Kudos to the staff of Newgrounds for bringing this level of democracy to The Portal faster than W can install a puppet government in Iraq.