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Why Sonic is Better than Mario

6,152 Views | 87 Replies

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 20:36:30

yeah, where did this eggman bullshit come from, he was doctor robotnic and he still should be. But seriously both series have been run into the ground, while i prefer sonic, (only due to the early games), in the recent games (that are shit), sonic talks and i hate him.
At least mario sometimes does something diferent even if the end is the same. (paper mari, sunshine, galaxy etc), also i think the sonic games would have been better if sega hadn't have stuffed up so badly with the dreamcast.


Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 20:48:45

Sonic and mario are wusses. They both have to jump on people to kill them, except mario takes sterioids (mushrooms) and sonic takes speed (u seen the bitch run?) so there both cokeheads, and if you ask me princess peach is really a needle and those chaos emerald things or whatever are blocks of speed unrefined. Thats the truth behind sonic and mario

The kitten picture page: You can't resist there little faces!!!

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 20:49:24



Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 20:51:28

At 2/27/08 08:01 PM, sonickles wrote:
At 2/27/08 03:50 PM, Gaaz wrote: It's only a matter of time before SEGA hand over sonic to nintendo.

Your all upset because Sonic's new games are shit. GET THE FUCK OVER IT! Not every franchise is perfect! Just because sonics new games are terrible doesn't mean the whole franchise sucks!

Plus, if Nintendo gets Sonic his games are only gonna get worse!


YourTotally right! Sonic B pro, the got mario, if they get sonic he gonna be eating mushrooms and shit! Then they will send him to pergatory (Family Guy) and hell be shooting green orbs out of his ASS

The kitten picture page: You can't resist there little faces!!!

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 20:54:52

At 2/27/08 08:51 PM, Kyle101 wrote:
At 2/27/08 08:01 PM, sonickles wrote:
At 2/27/08 03:50 PM, Gaaz wrote: It's only a matter of time before SEGA hand over sonic to nintendo.

Your all upset because Sonic's new games are shit. GET THE FUCK OVER IT! Not every franchise is perfect! Just because sonics new games are terrible doesn't mean the whole franchise sucks!

Plus, if Nintendo gets Sonic his games are only gonna get worse!

YourTotally right! Sonic B pro, the got mario, if they get sonic he gonna be eating mushrooms and shit! Then they will send him to pergatory (Family Guy) and hell be shooting green orbs out of his ASS

Vice versa as well, if Sega gets mario, hell get wings and will be able to walk upside down ( you know how FCKING KLLS Me easy it would b 2 pwn bowsr? Tht wld b Trribl! omg!!!) And there would be no more mushrooms.

The kitten picture page: You can't resist there little faces!!!

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 21:05:23

The only reason I hate sonic is because his fanboys are so annoying.

Otherwhise, he's pretty tight.

Oh, boy.

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Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 22:14:50

You know who could kick both there asses,
the guy from excite bike

This is my signature


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Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 22:22:32

Oh wow sonic collects rings and emeralds while mario beats up baddies to save a kingdoms. I think we all know who the real hero is here. You know it...LUIGI!

Luigi has never let anyone down!.....am i right?

but ya Mario>Sonic anyday

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 22:31:36

At 2/25/08 04:58 PM, RagingFlameOfHorror wrote: The real reason Sonic is better than Mario all burns down to one thing. What does Mario do? HE saves the same damn princess over and over again. What does Sonic do? HE saves animals from habitat destruction, the fur industry, and enslavement. That, my friends, makes him a true hero.

Their both gay.

Topic crushed

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 22:34:08

At 2/27/08 08:01 PM, sonickles wrote: DON'T SAY THAT YOU MOTHER FUCKING COCK SUCKER!

Your all upset because Sonic's new games are shit. GET THE FUCK OVER IT! Not every franchise is perfect! Just because sonics new games are terrible doesn't mean the whole franchise sucks!

Plus, if Nintendo gets Sonic his games are only gonna get worse!

As much as I hate sonic, it's true.

Anything made by nintendo isn't worthy of being stuffed up a retarded goats' ass.

But then again neither is bigbadron


Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 22:34:58

No way, man! Mario came first, he's stronger, he's ITALIAN which automatically makes him #1, his system still exists, and his later games don't suck!

I laugh at your sigs!

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 22:41:48

The quesiton is which one is better to jerk off to

Kill a man, you're a murderer, kill many, you're a conqueror, kill 'em all, and you're a god!

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Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 22:45:39

Yeah me personally i think Sonic is much better then mario. But i also think that Knuckles and Shadow are alot better then sonic. And i mean all the Sonic games you are doing something diffrent and all have diffrent plots. But when you play a mario game you pretty much know what you are going to have to do. If peach would quit getting captured by Bowser then that would be the end of the mario games.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 22:46:10

Sonic's a dumbass

mario ftw!

NG's Useless One Liner-er (just kidding Evark, don't ban me :S)

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Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 22:47:27

At 2/25/08 04:58 PM, RagingFlameOfHorror wrote: The real reason Sonic is better than Mario all burns down to one thing. What does Mario do? HE saves the same damn princess over and over again. What does Sonic do? HE saves animals from habitat destruction, the fur industry, and enslavement. That, my friends, makes him a true hero.

Your obviously are a sonic fanboy along with the other 200,000 12 year old sonic fanboys. And mario doesn't save peach every time... maybe if you actually followed the series you would like mario.

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-27 22:58:28

At 2/25/08 04:58 PM, RagingFlameOfHorror wrote: The real reason Sonic is better than Mario all burns down to one thing. What does Mario do? HE saves the same damn princess over and over again. What does Sonic do? HE saves animals from habitat destruction, the fur industry, and enslavement. That, my friends, makes him a true hero.

Hello there little boy. You like candy? Because I just so happen to have LOTS of candy. Just climb on into the back here, and you'll find it....

Why Sonic is Better than Mario

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-28 00:58:12

I like them both. I still have my Genesis and NES and play Sonic 2 and SMB 3 til the sun comes up.

Generic sig shit goes here.

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-28 01:07:48


"Guns don't kill people, the government does."

- Dale Gribble

Please do not contact Homor to get your message added to this sig, there is no more room.

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Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-28 05:11:23

At 2/27/08 05:53 PM, Knottsberry-Jr wrote: HAHAHA, but the funny thing is, NINTENDO CAN HANDLE SONIC BETTER, because in Brawl sonic is actually fast, and i don't remember sonic do anything else except save fucking crystals, on fucking islands, saving fucking flickies.

Well, then you really haven't played the old true sonic games before, have you? Sonic has saved his animal friends who have been enslaved by Doctor Robotnik by putting them into robots. he is a freedom fighter and so is Mario.

I'm not into these kind of topics but I hate it when people don't know what they are talking about.

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-28 05:33:56

At 2/25/08 04:58 PM, RagingFlameOfHorror wrote: The real reason Sonic is better than Mario all burns down to one thing. What does Mario do? HE saves the same damn princess over and over again. What does Sonic do? HE saves animals from habitat destruction, the fur industry, and enslavement. That, my friends, makes him a true hero.

i think sonic and mario are equally matched plus there have been other games were mario has to do more than just save the princess E.G mario strikers,smash bros brawl,mario and sonic at the olympics

but i still belive in sonic though

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-28 05:45:07

At 2/27/08 05:03 PM, MeatMachine wrote: Yeah, well Sonic can't smash bricks with his head!

Neither can fucking Mario Jesus pay attention

The apocalypse is coming

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-28 05:56:03

Welcome to 1992.

This argument is over, now we happily brawl along side eachother to kick the shit out of ROB and get shot by Landmasters.

coem on nuewb.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-28 09:33:17

Mario totally wins. Mario still pumps out some of the best games on the market. Sonic makes shit like Shadow the Hedgehog game. Case Closed.

Due to complaints about my last signature having the incorrect use of "there" I am now changing it to fuck you.

Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-28 11:04:22

At 2/28/08 09:33 AM, John-The-Biter wrote: Mario totally wins. Mario still pumps out some of the best games on the market. Sonic makes shit like Shadow the Hedgehog game. Case Closed.

Ok I'm getting confused now. Are we talking about the characters of their games?
Sonic can break stronger things. Mario breaks bricks with his hand but Sonic destroys metal. Sonic has powers while Mario does not.
Old games:
Personal preference really.
Current games:
They both pump out a lot of shit games but Mario has had a few good games recently.

You see the wine bottle? It WAS full!

Spore Club- The best game in production. Join.

I am the Hydra cut off my head two come back. That's a lot of bad teeth.

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Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-28 11:40:13

I didn't really enjoy super mario galaxy. I still prefer super mario 64 to it. Where as Dr.robotnik was spawned by the american franchise, in japan, dr robotnik was originally eggman, but before that, was president rosevelt or something, I haven't looked it up in a while. Where the creator of sonic came up with the name " Mr.Needlenose" but then SEGA decided that name was gay, and that sonic was much cooler. Mobius was a missreading and mis-translation, instead of earth. Its been earth from the beginning. A few screw-ups changed the beginning storyline a bit in the english version, which is why its hard to link up some aspects of the plot before sonic adventure.

I mean, as this has been posted multiple times, sonic wins by physical ability, mario's popularity is what makes him somewhat better, if SEGA could make some good games again, Things would be more even.
My personal favorite is sonic, just because I like the series better. Sega doesn't just make sonic games just so you know, check their site and you'll see that House of the dead 1-3 is coming out for wii by them, and a lot of other console games as well. But the same goes with nintendo, they don't just make mario games, but mario and sonic are the most popular of the two. Honestly, has anyone here played phantasy star online for the dreamcast? seriously.

Keep your eyes open for sega tennis, sounds like it might not suck.

Last night as you slept, I touched your face and you smiled!...

but now you frown. A pity. Smiling is healthier.

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Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-02-28 12:31:52

At 2/27/08 07:46 PM, Rague wrote: Now, I know not a DAMNED one of you lot is gonna take this argument SERIOUSLY or listen to what I have to say.
Sonic fans can rejoice in the fact that Nintendo hypes up things with multi-million dollar campaigns and has more room and publicity to franchise Mario and his properties into an overdone series of sports, mini, and party/third games, but they manage to do it WELL.

Phew, glad you got that out of the way, Lets Party!
(Im just kidding I read the whole thing really and as a lifelong sonic fan I have to swallow my pride and agree with you)

Why Sonic is Better than Mario

If I ever became a ganster, I wouldnt go anywhere without Spartan Armour and a freakin Mini-Gun, man! I gotta protect myself!


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Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-03-13 15:49:21

I may aswell smack down a few ressons why Mario is better. I am a fan of Sonic games as well.

Sonic can: run really fast, control the Chaos Emeralds and seems to be a pretty good fighter.

Mario can: Swim, Fly, Make fire in his hands, warp, Turn to stone, Grow twice his size, shrink, Wield the stars, cause earthquakes, Stop time, Save the stars, wake lightning, Fly at light speeds without dying (SMG) he is also super strong (As seen in SMG with the Bowser fights and SMS because he can drag arounda huge chain chomp which most likely weighs more than a truck) he is also a master fighter (SSB, SSBM, SSBB) and also a master in athletics. Oh and Mario dosn't need a fire flower to make fire just look at the Super Smash Bros series.

Im tired of hearing people say "Oh Sonic is better then Mario because he can take on robots and big monsters" Im pretty sure Mario can do that just aswell but Nintendo are sticking with there roots with Mario and keeping it fun, magical and wacky as it should be.

Mario can also hold up a full time job while saving the world and galaxy. What about Sonic?

I think iv'e summed up about everything. Iv'e played pretty much every game staring both characters all the way from the Golden Age of Gaming and based on how Mario has stood the test of time and Sonic just seems to be crumbling with every game I know what im going on about.

I kill people!

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Response to Why Sonic is Better than Mario 2008-03-13 16:10:33

Whom do you like more? Mario or Sonic?
What do you liketo eat? A whole bunch of italian food like pizza, spaghetti ,ravioli ,tortellini ,lasagna and much more, or Chili-dogs.
What do you like to collect? Coins or Rings?
and so on, and so on...
I love both Mario and Sonic but I have to stick with Mario when it come down to Videogame Characters.
Sonic is my second choice.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

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