incredible games for destroy player's eye. this is dizziest game i've ever played,
Rest In peace anyways
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Putting it simply, this is a bullet hell shooter.
Procedurally generated enemies:
All the enemy sprites are generated in code, meaning millions of possible baddie images, every game looks different.
Random soundtrack:
By combining 11 drum and bass tracks the in-game soundtrack varies every level.
Evolution path:
The core of the game. Each path provides a unique power-up, giving the player multiple options and ways to play through the game.
Go complete those challenges and earn those medals. Enjoy the destruction.
This update may take a little while to filter through the system, it's only minor amends, so if you're stuck playing plain old v1.0 you're not really missing much.
- Hi-Score text made smaller, as ZeoTerraBladeOmega broke it with his early epic score.
- Bug with certain challenges going over their max value should be fixed, thanks to Yatsufusa.
- On game complete your score is submitted automatically, thanks FoldingDuckling for pointing that out.
incredible games for destroy player's eye. this is dizziest game i've ever played,
Rest In peace anyways
Rest in piece. You will be remembered.
You know, I think I did play this a VERY long time ago. Despite it's age, it still holds up great! Thanks for the memories.
RIP. Cool ass game, kept my attention for a fairly long time.
rest in peace man