oh wow, a synthetic voice interviewing another synthetic voice but used on a disabled person who is also a genius scientist, wow am i impressed!!!
I was happy to see that some people liked the first installment. The sequel is better, in my opinion. I tried to take some of your suggestions. (for those of you who don't already know- stephen hawkings is a super-genius, but he's confined to a wheelchair and uses a voice box to speak for him.)
Update) There is something wrong w/ the sound and the lip movement. I swear it worked on my computer. Sorry
oh wow, a synthetic voice interviewing another synthetic voice but used on a disabled person who is also a genius scientist, wow am i impressed!!!
Would love to see more environments in your next movie good work on this
((( OK )))
Well it was ok, i would like to see some different backrounds and such, heh nice robot voice for a robot, i would say its the first newgrounds flash were that robot voice goes with the char, ohwell notbad...
..........um............err... ..conceptually sound........presentation lacking....*belch*..yeah.
to the last reviewer
at least he can use flash, you shouldn't be making fun of his material if you can't even make this, you stupid asshole