I knew it!
I was right! :D
Right about what, you may wonder?
Well, I mentioned in one of my earlier reviews, on your song '09 In Another Life, that you had a very good flow, and a wonderful personal style, that's almost haunting, but not quite :) And not too heavy, and not too light, but just right :)
I think you've really tapped into the haunting part for this track, and it works splendid! :D
... Not to mention, the uber-creepy name :D
And as with your other two songs as well, including this track, you seem to have somehow-further-honed your flow :)
It was wonderful before, but now somehow it's even better :)
Kind of like, when you make a basic animation (like words spinning), and you have the framerate for the spin be 200.
It looks wonderful, but then you increase it to 300.
And you're not sure how, or why, but it just seems Better, even though visually there's almost no distinguishable difference, YET...
It's somehow better each and every time :)
You've just gotten to 300 :D