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Reviews for "Terri Irwin's REVENGE"

this is anti steve irwin

steve irwin was a nature enthusiast who fought to preserve wildlife and natural habitats. given that i have a real hard time believing he would have appreciated a game where people deface natural habitats (scuba diving) and murder wildlife.

This is an insult to the name Steve Irwin!

I agree completly with the person before me. I'm pretty sure that Terry is sad about Steve's death but I seariously doubt she hates stingrays because of it.

ignorance much?

Yes, how fun is it to make a game about a famous person who died :/ and make one sucky game at that, the only fun thing was the croc bomb, which soon got boring.

And I think you need to learn a think or two about respect, especially for the dead

I have to complain.

If you didn't know, it wasn't the stingray's fault that Steve Irwin died. Stingray's actually don't intend to hurt people. All ithat happened was it became scared and just somehow got its stinger into Steve. If Steve had jumped thrity seconds later, he probally wouldn't be dead. Comprende? You're starting to sterotype them just as much as sharks.

altr responds:


what is wrong with you people!?

jackal912 is officially a jackass 4 that! south park got sued and in my opinion so should you! making fun of the ironic death of the greatest austrailian hero is going to piss people off and you should have thought about that befor you made the fucking game! 0/5!