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Reviews for "Terri Irwin's REVENGE"


This is epic win, good job sirs.

Not bad.

I haven't review'd anything in awhile...like 11 months or something, but when I saw this I was like, WAIT some ass is making fun of steve's death vote 0zors!!11!1, but after i read the comment you left, and after i played the game i thought, hey this ain't bad. I actually knew steve, and knowing him off camera is something i wish you all would know, but anyways, nice game, It'd be damn funny if Terri actually did this and went stingray huntin'

Cheers, whatever my name is

Great Game! =D

Insert standard remark praising your work, and saying how you should ignore the n00bs...since they're idiots anyways.

I love you and this game.

I'm not exactly sure how much 4,096 characters is, but I entend to use as much of that space as I need, I'll review again to continue if I damn well have to.

Allow me to begin by asking your honest opinion of this review, because I loved what you said to the other negative (And one stupid supporter) reviewers, positively hilarious. And in case you were wondering, I read EVERY single "Review", totalling twenty six full pages at the time I wrote this.

Alrighty, for those of you who disliked this; Why? I didn't think I'd like this game at first either, but I'd call this one of the most amazing forms of therapy. When I heard the news of Steve Irwin, I was devastated, I cried. Yup. Grown man crying. I felt like I knew him all my life, as I too grew up with him. Something I've learned, take things in stride. As said before, by one of the more educated and insightful posters, if Steve was still alive, he wouldn't approve of this game, then again, this game wouldn't exist. This game was an amazing form of stress relief, and, believe it or not, helped me through his tragic loss.

Another thing that I noticed reading these other "Reviews," is that this is turning into more of an Ethics Debate Forum, rather than what it is meant to be; A review of an internet flash cartoon. If you're really that disturbed by it, go create some crappy forum where you can feel free to bitch and moan all you wish, about how it wasn't ethical.

*Review begins now*
Unlike most of the other people replying, I have actually played this game, and beaten the Sting Ray King, though it wasn't easy, I must admit. It wasn't any kind of new ground-breaking, innovative new contribution to the internet, aside from the concept, I'll chalk that one up to all the haters out there. But of course, for the promptness of this entry, it was a very good game, but honestly, I would have wanted it to come out a little bit sooner.
*End review, resume ranting*

Don't think killing Sting Rays (Not sharks) will help comfort the Aussie-shaped whole in your heart? Maybe then half of you people should actually PLAY THE GAME before you decide to review something that you have no knowledge about. All it does is make you look stupid, and gives you the illusion you may know something. This game is NOT making fun of Steve Irwin's death, there are NO images of him dying in this game (Aside from one shoving him out of the way at the preloader screen, even then, he's not dead.), or mocking anything about him.

In short, the game is meant to entertain, not enrage the few, the proud, the people who actually decided to play a game they were meant to review as opposed to dicking around reviewing the game with their ethical debates. It's a game, and it DOES feel good to shoot back at the animal that claimed his life, without actually going against his principles of not harming wildlife.

Allow me to say this, that the Author of this game, is the only one who truely KNOWS the purpose of this game, whether it was to enrage, to offer a release for anger, or otherwise. I also admire him for putting out a tribute (I'm fairly sure that's what it is) so quickly, and all in good spirits, whether or not it was interpreted that way. Mad props.

Rest in peace, oh ye, King of the Crocs, Steve Irwin, you shall be forever remembered as The Wonder from Down Under (My own personal name for him).

1962-2006, rest in peace, and may your death (And we all saw it comming, you know that, one way or another.) be a lesson to us all; You spend your whole life messing with creatures with sharp teeth and/or tails, they're bound to get their revenge, one day.

P.S. - I used all but 430 characters.

altr responds:

Awesome review. Thanks for spending time and actually looking at the varied aspects of all that's involved in this, from the idiots to the overly extreme who liked it.

People are just jumping on the first thing they see and proclaim it EVIL. Rest assure, we could've made something a lot, lot worse, hehe.

You pretty much summed up how we, the creators, looked at this game, so again, thanks. =)

It sounds like I'm joking, but I'm not.

I may not be a muslim, but i hereby declare a jihad against stingrays. WIPE THE FUCKERS OFF THE FACE OF THE PLANET!!!! DEATH TO STINGRAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!