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Total ripoff of the NG portal?

38,313 Views | 337 Replies

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-11 21:42:29

At 6/11/04 07:22 PM, AKA_Ben wrote:
At 6/9/04 04:24 PM, HappyTom wrote: I think that all the sites with portals inspired by Newgrounds should at least say somewhere on the portal that it was inspired by Newgrounds.com.....it would be promoting Newgrounds and at the same time ending this issue.

inspired! more like stolen!

Sig by CoolCatDaddio. <<RESPECT>>

BBS Signature

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-11 22:33:26

Not that I'm defending flipsided but, he gives credit for the portal on every single page of his site to newgrounds...

Whats all the fuss about?

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-11 22:35:34

At 6/11/04 10:33 PM, ZeRoToLeReNcE wrote: Not that I'm defending flipsided but, he gives credit for the portal on every single page of his site to newgrounds...

He did that after this topic started. He didn't have it there originally and only put that there to TRY to make up for stealing the whole thing.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-11 22:37:21

At 6/11/04 07:19 AM, flipsidedcom wrote:
At 6/11/04 07:16 AM, 80sColorScheme wrote: NG invented the concept of an automated "Portal."
If I am correct portals have been around for awhile, but NewGrounds made the first portal based on flash, and that is what inspired me to make mine. I even gave newgrounds credit.

after you were told to you moron

and why did you just go and reply to your own messages ???

same reason as me, you find some new crap to respond to... fuck!

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-11 23:35:49

but flipside, man IT is alsmost a direct rip off, even some of the features, down to the very smallest aspect, such as movies being "Under Judgement", vote panels not appearing until movie is loaded, what you call "curb" and "keep" points, Im suprised you dont have BBS's and Audio portals, but you do have a special section for soundboards, so my point remains. C'mon I can guess with almost 100% certainty that you merely copied the HTML code or something and merely changed a few things and "added" stuff and started calling it" your" site. The site sucks compared to NG anyway, go to hell you unoriginal bastard

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-11 23:53:12

At 6/11/04 05:33 PM, flipsidedcom wrote:

Flipsided stop worring about some of these idiots, they are helping you out by exposing your site more & more. You should thank them.lol

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 01:29:27

At 6/11/04 06:26 PM, -Shadowz- wrote: how about this, you delete the portal and everyones happy

WHAT THE HELL IS EVERYBODIES PROBLEMS! That is way to harsh for someone say over a look-a-like! Half of you people in this room are complete and total retards! There are 5 or more threads about this stupid ordeal scattered through out NG! Now... instaed of antagonizing him, how about we give suggestions on how to modify it. This is soooooooooooo rediculous it's not even funny here, and I'm sure that the other people in this forum with a neutral stand point would concur....... Sorry about the smart words my brain is working today:)

BBS Signature

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 01:46:39

Okay, this has gotten out of hand. This has been going on for 3 days, and everybody's been saying the same things over and over again. It's getting lame. Just drop it. Hears the basis of the topic:

No, I don't support flipsided.com, nor do I support any other website with a ripoff portal, but its just another person who copied Tom Fulp because he wanted to make a portal. Flipsided.com creator, change it around a little. You did take some of the code, but that doesn't matter. You wrote out maybe, 95% of the code. Not .0001%. "Inspired" isn't such a good word to describe when your portal looks INCREDIBLY alike to the Newgrounds portal. You need to take away the FS-Bot, and the experience points, and maybe if this thread still drags on and gets to serious, you might have to delete your portal. The rest of your site is fine as it is. If the portal is copyrighted, no matter what, you HAVE to delete it, unless you want to go to court. If not copyrighted, than court is too strong of a decision.

Things you should delete:
Your Flash Portal
FS-points each day

The same goes for every other Newgrounds rip-off.
And for everyone who's thinking of making a portal. Don't. You wouldn't want to be in Flipsided's position, now would you. And flipsided, if you reply, don't say something like "I don't have anything against Newgrounds". I know you don't, and I hate to be harsh, but you've said that about 20 times already.

I know he did completely copy the portal and some of Newgrounds, but lets let Tom and Wade make their decision on this! His website isn't doing harm to anyone else!

Now can we end this lame thread and leave this guy alone?!

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 02:18:46

Just to get the last word in... I think MODIFICATION would work out in everyones favor better than deletion would, but other than that Thecrazypanda was fairly insightful

BBS Signature

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 02:28:00

At 6/11/04 12:09 PM, pythagoras- wrote:
At 6/11/04 11:16 AM, MindChamber wrote: I took a peep at your site,
I can see why your so defensive.. Except for the front page your portal or "Void" ,has the exact same layout. Right down to a lil character telling you to "Submit"..
So yeah, replace that statement from "Flashplayer" to "the crunge"
Who knows maybe this will get you more hits?
That’s such a ridiculous thing to say. So most search engines have similar layouts. Does it mean they copied each other? Maybe, but most probably because they used what they felt was the most effective.

Anyway. I think I’m getting tired of this debate, I’ll sum up my fifth by saying I don’t “gain” anything from running my site and I don’t mean to “steal” NG’s precious traffic. I made my site in two coding sessions that lasted about a week each. That’s right, a two weeks, from start to finish.. What took NG 4 years, took me 2 weeks. Why? Because I stole their ideas. Hell I don’t care, I didn’t make my site to be some fantastical magical place where millions of people go and I make tons of money from it and all is dandy. I was bored and I had a bit of spare time. I’m sure I could have come up with layouts and ideas that are both creative and effective, but given the time frame: I didn’t.


well, see ... I don't get that....... If you are admiting that you don't have a creative bone in your body.. why simply just copy another site? Why even bother?

Why not make it a unique experience?

If you and Flipflop would had juuuuust taken the time to make your sites unique, or at least personal to YOU... You two clowns wouldnt be getting half the flak your getting now..

why walk in someone elses shadow?

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 02:54:04

At 6/11/04 03:44 AM, flipsidedcom wrote: But to my knowledge there is no actual copyright on the portal. Am I correct?

No, you're not. Under U.S. and world (except China, Korea, and Taiwan) law copyright law, a work is copyrighted as soon as it is written by the author.
Filing for a copyright with the respective authority (in this case, the US Patent and Copyright office or through the Library of Congress) just gives the author something they can go to court with because it provides proof that they thought (and wrote) something down at a certain point in time, before anyone else did.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 02:59:38

damn you're good, but were do you stand.... I'm asuming neutral

BBS Signature

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 03:13:00

Uh...... you lost me at the first "U.S."

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 03:18:24

At 6/12/04 02:28 AM, MindChamber wrote:
well, see ... I don't get that....... If you are admiting that you don't have a creative bone in your body.. why simply just copy another site? Why even bother?

ugh. Don't you get it? How many more times must I explain it? I didn't make my site for others. I made it for MYSELF, for coding practise, for experience. I don't give a toss if people get "a unique experience." I personally got a unique experience out of coding it. My website plays second fiddle to my flash, and always will. Flash Is my passion, and I put everything into my work. When I work on my site, It's usually because I need a break from flash.

And for the record, of the three major features that are unique to NG that I "stole" being: Experience points (which works differently), the color coded movies and under judgment movies, I was the one who suggested hiding of scores to NG! I fought for the idea when everyone took Wade's initial stance and hated it. Now it's considered one of NG's unique features.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/...=quartermelonclock&page=22 half way down.

Of course you can argue that my similar (yet different) layouts and listing systems are "stolen" but I don't care.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 03:19:30

basicly he said that every thing is copyright but the only time the government cares is if it was registered at the patent office

BBS Signature

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 04:57:50

Ugh.. all this arguing makes me feel sick...

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 07:24:50

I MUST HAVE THE LAST WORD, consider the arguement over now that Tom has something else on the main page of the site and no one is responding any more

BBS Signature

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 07:43:34

its remarkably similar, though it may be a huge coincidence

Total ripoff of the NG portal?

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 12:41:49

shoot thats the lock sight..meh

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 12:45:04

shit those people are stupid. i show them proof and they dont beleave us
=(they called me a fuckaround
i kindof deserved it though.
o trash my last statment about locks

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 12:55:32

yea..that does look a lot like the ng portal...hmm..i smell a conspiracy...

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 16:30:21

Why are there many search engines? Why are there many gaming sites? Why are there many sites about, fuck, anything? Because anyone has his/her chance to make a webpage about god-knows-what.

I highly doubt that the admin of Flipsided, whose site is signed up on NG fannet, is attempting to do any purposedful harm to Newgrounds(as he has stated on many occasions, many of you seem to have missed/ignored/not believed that). Copying is a common thing that fans of something do. Rap-clothing scene started by the musicians followed with the fans of Eminem and such, as dressing in baggy clothes.
The thing I think shameful is the copying of Javascript. That most definately isn't borrowing, but stealing.
I would take copying my ideas as flattering as long as the copying is not for any commercial purposes.

I'm tired, please excuse my not-so-slight rambling.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 16:58:18

FYI flashkit had a flash tutorial submission portal a long time before NG did, and portals in the style of NG's have been around for way longer than NG's portal.

Awaiting the suckup morons to call me names in an effort to gain favor with the Admins.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 21:07:54

It's a total rip off. 50 most recent, 50 most viewed..Geez, c'mon now, quit ripping off NG.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 21:26:41

I thought we were done with this stupid topic

BBS Signature

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-12 22:23:45

omg wow it really copies ng but it sux

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-13 00:25:16

... The FS-Bot... Holy hell, come on shitside, if your going to steal the P-Bot from us atleast fucking create your own portal. It's like taking the Madness series, having the exact same character form, except giving them all little black dots on the front of their shirt, naming it Badness and not give credit to Krinkels(Sp?) For crhist sake atleast name it the Flip Portal or something creative. The entire site is a rip off of NG. They deserve to have their balls cut off, shoved into their mouths, have their lips sewed together and kick them in the stomach with steal toed boots. Jeebus their gonna have a rip off of Pico name Rico soon.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-13 00:41:21

at least he gave NG credit.. i dont see the problem

Total ripoff of the NG portal?

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-13 01:26:15

I got an idea! Let's all go to www.flipsided.com at the same time, and crash it!

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-13 02:31:05

dude, this topic is old. I think it doesn't matter to most people any more. AND I WANT THE LAST WORD GOD DAMN IT! (its my monthly goal)

BBS Signature