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Total ripoff of the NG portal?

38,317 Views | 337 Replies

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 09:50:23

At 6/10/04 09:47 AM, tsukasu wrote: All I can say is I'm sticking with Newgrounds because I have "Brand Loyalty".

How can you have "Brand Loyalty" if you have 8 whole posts? You seem very dedicated to me.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 10:10:28


Flipsided. I know you on msn, and my site is an affiliate of you if you would fucking add ma banner you've had fucking long enough now.

To be fair there are some elements of your site which are identical to NG, FFS fan_net,


At least if your gonig to have a topsites system call it sometihng different to the name tha tNG came up with, FFS Anitude topistes is mine.

Your portal isn't a complete rip off of NG like some people are saying, ofr one you have 50 most viewed flash. And I know Flipsided did NOT steel source code from NG.

But please try to be original on things liek your fan net FFS you even have the same size little banenr for it...

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 10:11:07

At 6/9/04 03:01 PM, -Weasel- wrote: This is from that crunge site....

About The Crunge!
They make it sound like the best site in the universe, and like their portal is revolutionary.

I explained the site as best and accurately as I could, using as many big words as I could. If it sounds like the best site in the universe, I'm flattered.. Really. But we all know Maddox holds that title.

Seriously though, "The Void" (flash portal, as I called it) really hardly rated a mention on that page. I mostly tried to sum up the entire site, which consists of much more then just a portal.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 10:16:25

I go to the #1 thing, and it looks VERY similar to what we have here.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 10:17:59


Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 10:20:47

...i mean the portal page or whatever, nm

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 10:23:41

At 6/10/04 09:48 AM, flipsidedcom wrote: Newgrounds inspired me, what is wrong with that? I did not actually steal PHP code. Also I am a fan of Newgrounds. There are many other sites that use ideas from Newgrounds but hate Newgrounds at the same time, so go post topics about their sites.

This maybe true, but you still stole a lot of our javascript code.

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Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 10:24:09

How can you have "Brand Loyalty" if you have 8 whole posts? You seem very dedicated to me.

Because I only have 8 posts means I haven't come to this site for 5 years? Listen to me you 16 year old piece of shit. You know nothing of the real world. NOTHING! I'm so sick of you punks thinking you know everything. It's always you 13-18 year olds voicing your opinion the loudest and not realizing how fucking stupid you sound. You're still in fucking High School. Talk to me after you get an education and a job. And CVS or McDonald's doesn't count. If you weren't such a stupid, naive little punk you'd have realized I was sticking up for you. Try reading a book on economics and get back to me.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 10:25:53

At 6/10/04 09:48 AM, flipsidedcom wrote: Newgrounds inspired me, what is wrong with that? I did not actually steal PHP code. Also I am a fan of Newgrounds. There are many other sites that use ideas from Newgrounds but hate Newgrounds at the same time, so go post topics about their sites.

Yes NG did inspire you and you emulated it pretty much code for code. You might have typed up the PHP code for it but its not all that difficult. Its rather easy to view the source on the pages, copy it, and then paste in the relevant php scripts where needed. Most of the work comes from brainstorming and developing layout and user experience. That is where you blatently copied NG. Your PHP might be different because the way you write to and setup your database might be different but you took the html and added the little bit of PHP to it.

So I can take a can of coke... pour it in a glass and call it something else? Does that mean I can call it my own? I mean I did pour it in the glass after all. and I was INSPIRED by coke... lol.

Inspired yes... ripped off yes... just admit it already .... damn.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 10:31:47

At 5/12/04 09:50 PM, legokiller666 wrote: who gives a flying fuck, why is

so like

arent all porn sites like each other though?

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 10:34:09

Just for peoples information, there is no way to copy PHP source code without being site the file, so that code would have definitely been original if not the idea.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 10:49:12

At 6/10/04 10:23 AM, WadeFulp wrote:
At 6/10/04 09:48 AM, flipsidedcom wrote: Newgrounds inspired me, what is wrong with that? I did not actually steal PHP code. Also I am a fan of Newgrounds. There are many other sites that use ideas from Newgrounds but hate Newgrounds at the same time, so go post topics about their sites.
This maybe true, but you still stole a lot of our javascript code.

I doubt flipflop.com is ever gonna admit that Wade.

But in all honesty.. You guys arent giving the general public any credit..
Believe us.. we know a rippoff or a copycat when we see one.. and we know where to see Original Content first..
No matter how many "inspired" sites Come out of newgrounds.. The Artist know newgrounds is the only place to post.. and any other site is simply an afterthought...
Most of the Time Artist post on these sites because they've had their moment in the sun on NG, and want to milk it for a lil more..
and theres no problem with that..

That's why there are second rate channels like Pax and FX on Tv.
it puts those Oldies but goodies back into syndication..

and Since the artists as well as the Webmasters know that any other Flash portal outside of Newgrounds is Second rate..
Then I don't see the harm..

I love my Pax TV.. I go there when theres nothing good on the real channels :)


Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 11:04:09

At 6/10/04 10:49 AM, MindChamber wrote: Mindchamber

Jose, have you ever drawn someone elses character just for the fun of it.. To see if you could do it as well as the "pros"? I know your work, I know you have. Think of this as the same thing, but with programming. I obviously can't speak for anyone but myself here. But I can honestly say I didn't create a flash portal with any other intent but to prove to myself that I could do it.

The satisfaction that people have come to my site and used it, only makes it that much sweeter. If Wade or Tom don't like the fact that there's some (admittedly pathetic) competition, then in all honestly, they shouldn't be in business. Again, I have a HUGE amount of respect for NG and the people behind it, and I DO understand where they're comming from. Blatent copying is wrong. But imitation always has, and always will exist. I suggest they pay heed to the cliche. Feel flattered.

I realise that this doesn't relate to your post at all, and you probably get all this already. But there are others who may need this comparison to put it in perspective.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 11:06:53

At 6/10/04 09:47 AM, tsukasu wrote: It's just like anything else. Anyone ever heard of Pepsi and Coke? Chips-A-Hoy and Chips-Deluxe? Smacks and Golden Crisp? These are all companys who use the same product. But, I'm sure they know that there is no copyright on hosting flash just like there are a shit-load of phone companys. So are these other sites "ripping off" an idea?

That's a joke, man. It's not the "ripping off" of the idea of making a flash showcase site. It's the "ripping off" off the flash that the admin used to create the site, the EXACT same layout, the EXACT same ideas on the flash viewing part (the reviews section reflects Newgrounds perfectly, change the fact that Newgrounds is much better as it uses flash for its own site, and the colour sheme you wouldn't tell the difference, along with the voting, FS points?! But too much of a coincidence!) at least Pepsi and Coke, for example, don't start stealing each other's website layouts!!! And, if we're getting onto the product itself, obviously they have different ingredients, not exactly the same, or else there would've been a lawsuit years ago and they would TASTE THE SAME, just like Flipside or whatever LOOKS THE SAME as Newgrounds.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 11:10:08

At 6/10/04 10:31 AM, WorldOutkast wrote:
At 5/12/04 09:50 PM, legokiller666 wrote: who gives a flying fuck, why is

so like
arent all porn sites like each other though?

Most porn sites are created by the same companies anyway - www.mikesapartment.com
www.milfhunter.com for example.

I know, I have too much time on my hands!

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 11:24:09

At 6/10/04 11:06 AM, DWorm wrote:
That's a joke, man. It's not the "ripping off" of the idea of making a flash showcase site. It's the "ripping off" off the flash that the admin used to create the site, the EXACT same layout, the EXACT same ideas on the flash viewing part (the reviews section reflects Newgrounds perfectly, change the fact that Newgrounds is much better as it uses flash for its own site, and the colour sheme you wouldn't tell the difference, along with the voting, FS points?! But too much of a coincidence!) at least Pepsi and Coke, for example, don't start stealing each other's website layouts!!! And, if we're getting onto the product itself, obviously they have different ingredients, not exactly the same, or else there would've been a lawsuit years ago and they would TASTE THE SAME, just like Flipside or whatever LOOKS THE SAME as Newgrounds.

Another teenager who has no idea what they are talking about and didn't understand what I was saying. What does Pepsi and Coke's website have to do with anything? I'm talking about the product. Their product is soda; the product in question is a flash website. Do you understand what an analogy is? Look, Pepsi and Coke (the soda itself moron) look exactly the same. They both use cola beans, corn syrup, & other stuff. The both are carbonated. They taste the same to me. They come in cans and bottles. And they both have their distinct "Brand Supporters". The differences are so suttle they are barely even there. Yet they both thrive and make money and continue to put out new variations. The point is although this kid (and I guess a bunch of others) basically used the same idea, it's not the EXACT same thing. I'm not saying I agree with him but I'm not saying he's wrong either. So I say to you as I said to him, "Finish school and get an education and a real job. And read a book on economics."

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 11:46:42

Stealing is wrong, plain and simple. However it's almost impossible nowadays to find a way to make things actually look original. New Grounds will always be #1 despite people trying to compete, and there's not a whole lot that can be done about it.

So what do you do? Keep going to New Grounds to show your support and don't even look at the other sites. This thread alone has given the sites linked in it tons of traffic and it's doing nothing but getting more people to look at the sites that are being complained about.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 11:59:20

its not stealing I think its merliey copying. And he said he didnt steal the code he just liked the idea.

Michael Garza Show is on YouTube - Rumble - Spotify

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Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 12:47:22

At 6/10/04 11:04 AM, pythagoras- wrote:
At 6/10/04 10:49 AM, MindChamber wrote: Mindchamber
Jose, have you ever drawn someone elses character just for the fun of it.. To see if you could do it as well as the "pros"? I know your work, I know you have. Think of this as the same thing, but with programming. I obviously can't speak for anyone but myself here. But I can honestly say I didn't create a flash portal with any other intent but to prove to myself that I could do it.

The satisfaction that people have come to my site and used it, only makes it that much sweeter. If Wade or Tom don't like the fact that there's some (admittedly pathetic) competition, then in all honestly, they shouldn't be in business. Again, I have a HUGE amount of respect for NG and the people behind it, and I DO understand where they're comming from. Blatent copying is wrong. But imitation always has, and always will exist. I suggest they pay heed to the cliche. Feel flattered.

I realise that this doesn't relate to your post at all, and you probably get all this already. But there are others who may need this comparison to put it in perspective.

Read my post more closely..
and you will see that I am indeed for it.. and
I'm the one that is saying lets put this is perspective.. no matter how well a portal is created it can never compete with the original and will always play second fiddle.. Yes just like my flashes.. I've made flashs on Robocop and Transformers as tribute.. but I in no way think I can be Hasbro or MGM.. I know where my work stands.. where creators of some of these portals 'Dont'

At the Same Time My work is a "TRibute" its not an "inspiration"...
I didnt Create "RobertCop" Or "MorphFormers" and then Claim them as totally Unique pieces of work, and expecting the praise..

I have nothing against these sites really.. except for the fact that these people refuse to give that respectful nod to NG...
Because no matter how well you did creating a portal, or how hard it was.. YOU at least had a Blueprint to work off..

NG on the other hand, didnt...

RESPECT, and know your place.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 13:24:44

I am a fan of Newgrounds and I have nothing against it, I was inspired by the portal and I wanted to have my own. Which is sort of making a tribute for something. Can tribute artists be sued? I don't think so.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 13:48:10

I agree with ya flipsided. I think everyone is being stupid about the whole thing its just getting outta hand. Newgrounds will always be popular.

Michael Garza Show is on YouTube - Rumble - Spotify

BBS Signature

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 13:49:55

oh and jesse ill be adding some more movies and games to flipsided. Sorry I havent been to active on the site lately.

Michael Garza Show is on YouTube - Rumble - Spotify

BBS Signature

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 13:59:40

At 6/9/04 12:08 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Along with putting you out of business? I'm not saying these sites are putting us out of business yet, but someday when there are hundreds of sites like Newgrounds what will become of us?

What if one day there are hundreds of different sodas that are all like Pepsi or Coca-Cola? What will become of them?



Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 14:00:42

You have a point

Michael Garza Show is on YouTube - Rumble - Spotify

BBS Signature

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 14:18:43

Well, i agree it is a pretty similar site. what with the 3 row setup and daily awards and all that shit. but the same thing goes with tv and music awards on tv. those award shows all have similar awards just adapted for themselves. i think it's fine that they have this a "copycat" website, just so that we don't end up with all that shit here on newgrounds. Hell i might even change some of the features about this sit. it's not perfect, but it has a lot of work in it. and i agree with Tom, there should at least be some reference to Newgrounds on their site. And there IS! the tank logo is on the left side of the screen. so at least they don't completely discredit NEWGROUNDS.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 14:20:05

At 6/10/04 12:47 PM, MindChamber wrote: Read my post more closely..
and you will see that I am indeed for it.. and

I know, I know :) I was using you as an example, and didn't mean to sound as if I was starting an argument with you. When I read it back, it kind of sounded like I was, so I added that last bit. Meh. Too little sleep, too much coffee. Me no communicate so good like. ehh?

But yeah, I agree 100%

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 14:20:45

Seems to me everyone is pretty much sayin the same thing over and over again, i really dont go to any other flash sites because i have a life and the only reason i come on new grounds is at the end of the day i usually need some entertainment so i get on my computer and surf newgrounds looking for it. If other sites want to do that for people then let them but if they realize no one cares about their little site maybe they will give up or maybe they will keep on going, i mean you have to start small not every website on the internet is as popular as newgrounds right away so in time who knows what will happen.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 14:47:16

it says it was inspired by NG and gives a link though. maybe they read the post and then added it. meh.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 14:50:51

At 6/10/04 10:24 AM, tsukasu wrote:
How can you have "Brand Loyalty" if you have 8 whole posts? You seem very dedicated to me.
Because I only have 8 posts means I haven't come to this site for 5 years? Listen to me you 16 year old piece of shit. You know nothing of the real world. NOTHING! I'm so sick of you punks thinking you know everything. It's always you 13-18 year olds voicing your opinion the loudest and not realizing how fucking stupid you sound. You're still in fucking High School. Talk to me after you get an education and a job. And CVS or McDonald's doesn't count. If you weren't such a stupid, naive little punk you'd have realized I was sticking up for you. Try reading a book on economics and get back to me.

lol u fuckwit u dont sound like ur 22, and if you are youre a pretty sad one. i mean, for your signature it just says "im on bad mofo" like some dumb 8 year old from detroit would put (not an insult to detroit by the way). and i bet you call people "n00bs" as if ur better than them because u have better knowledge of this site. jesus christ get a life man, sort urself out. and another thing, calling him a "little punk" makes you sound like ur one of those crazy 80 year olds sitting in his front garden with a cat and a pipe.

Response to Total ripoff of the NG portal? 2004-06-10 15:07:24

dosen't bother me newgrounds is still the best ;)