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Do Not ...

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Response to Do Not ... 2005-04-14 17:30:04

At 4/14/05 02:36 AM, RedCircle wrote: Therefore, covers are the same thing as just uploading someone else's music.

(just clarifying)

But FDA just said we could...

Just to clarify something, but we are considering FDA to be the final authority on the audio portal correct?

Aside from Tom obviously, but this isn't his subject so he's likely to go with whatever FDA says.

Response to Do Not ... 2005-04-14 18:25:03

At 4/14/05 05:30 PM, Seizure_Dog wrote: Just to clarify something, but we are considering FDA to be the final authority on the audio portal correct?

I'll go with that. FDA, and whatever official documents can be found on the internet regarding legality.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2005-04-14 18:32:02

Well, obviously anything containing copyrighted material is risky business, you can still make it, just don't put it on the portal, there are plenty of other audio sites that allow it, hell, I go to three different audio sites for my other works, but the portal still remains my primary.

Anyways, let's stop asking the same question over and over.

I think it's common knowledge that the portal has been conceded as the home of original/authentic music, and I don't think it'd be authentic if we did riffs all the time.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2005-04-14 21:47:34

quick question then. we are to flag if it is not the original artist correct. What if we heard the song meany times but forgot the name and author. so what do we say that wont crap up the wistle

this is the one I had in question

Response to Do Not ... 2005-04-14 23:13:28

Yeah, I heard about that from the other topics.

If an artist is pinned as an imposter, then they have two options that should be clarified;
1. They show us proof that it is their song.
2. They show us if they were an approved vehicle.

If the artist fails to identify with that, then it's obvious they're scamming. Resist trashing the m out and try to see if the artist has proof first.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2005-04-14 23:44:40

thats why i linked it to this thread. I dont believe he stole anything. mostly because im nieve, but I wanted to ask the question due to this thread thank you.

Response to Do Not ... 2005-04-15 00:09:04


I don't really get what you mean.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2005-04-15 13:33:08

i posted this topic to this forum so I wouldn't trash up their rep. thats what i mean.

Response to Do Not ... 2006-03-07 21:15:29

At 4/13/05 03:11 AM, FDA wrote: Do not upload copyrighted material.... if I catch you or anyone else doing this.... you risk having your account suffer the consequences.

NG is a great community and we offer lots of FREE entertainment. I knwo many peopel just want to SHARE other songs, etc... however this can get into a legal issue.

my material does not have any copy right and should not be found anywhere else on the net but i did some collabs with one of my friends but he didnt want me to put them up but he told me after i put them up and emailed tom fulp about this like 2 weeks ago and nothing happened so right now i want to know if my account is deleted will my songs go with it and if they do i wish to delete my account becouse there seems to be no other way to get rid of the songs.

Response to Do Not ... 2006-03-07 21:38:09

Contact Wade, first, and he'll take care of it on his own time.

It could take months, weeks.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2006-03-07 21:51:43

as long as you play the instruments or prgram 'em or whatever. as long as you make the music for the song and you're not sampling anything at all then you're fine. copyright infringement does not pertain to covers if you do not sell them. if you release an album of cover tunes then you must get permission and pay a fee in order to release them if it's a song that was originally copyrighted less than 17 years ago. copyright law only lasts for 17 years from the original copyright. after that it's free game to cover without permission if you want to sell it. if you're not making money, then you're not infringing upon the copyright law. since newgrounds doesn't make one red cent off of the audio that's submitted to this website and neither do any of the artists, covers are legal. sampling is illegal and should be flagged immediatly. thank you for reading.

my youtube.

click it.

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2006-03-08 02:00:00

as long as you make the music for the song and you're not sampling anything at all then you're fine.

Sampling occurs everyday, by hundreds of submissions. This instance of illegal sampling only occurs to non-royalty free loops.

If a samplers were to jump onboard ripping right from the vynil, Newgrounds would be slapped with a class action lawsuit.

But because music is created on a daily basis only for experimental values, commercialism isn't something to worry about, so yay no lawsuits.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2006-03-08 03:22:25

Jumping on this thread for my own unwashed needs. I'd like my audio removing, i've found another place for my remixes to live and i'd like a clean slate and name to start with. If thats an issue and i should just make another account, then fine I will.

Response to Do Not ... 2006-03-23 19:08:16

right to clarify the whole situation regarding copyright.

If u use copyrighted material u have to pay for it and/or obtain permission from it's owners to use it, u also have to credit them, even if you are using it and distributing it as free u still need permission, cover songs are covered by copyright, again u have to pay or obtain permission to do a cover if u intend on any sort of release, including NG, remixes are definately covered by copyright as they are direct reworks of existing material, if u formally released any remix for profit you would recieve little to no money from it, a sample u hav to pay for, that payment is determined by the length of the given sample. If you can recall a few years ago The Verve's Bitter sweet Symphony, they got sued to fuck for using a small sample from a Rolling Stones song without permission.

Copyright is there for a reason, to protect it's owners interests, you would feel the same way if your material was sampled and used without your permission, you would be entitled to compensation and damages.

A small legal loop hole exists when it comes to using someone elses protected work, you are allowed to play 10 seconds of a track without any payment to the artist but the track has to remain intact as it's original work, hence no remix. hopefully ive cleared up this issue for you, so the real answer is to avoid copyright material, just in case.


Yes peeps, I have albums out, go listen.

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2006-03-23 19:49:44

This is mostly common knowledge, but thanks for posting it.

Using copyright material on Ng is not allowed because it's Ng that could suffer any lawsuits, but that's in the case that the music (loop) was going to be sol commercially or be used in a very popular flash.

All in all, sampling is not off limits, using copyright material is.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2006-06-15 01:07:14

I have a question then. What's the usage on sound effects? I went to a video game sound site and downloaded some Sonic the Hedgehog sounds. Would it be considered sampling to use those? (including the end of the level finish chime) If so, I have a song to delete.

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 07:36:11

Would submitting Pachabel's Canon in a rock format be illegal?

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 08:18:57

What about our own submissions, from remix contests? Since artist clearly gives you permission for there loops. Like all the ones from Aciplanet?

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 08:49:52

Would submitting Pachabel's Canon in a rock format be illegal?

Not if you play it yourself. I know there is one already in existance, so if you use that I'm gonna have your ass busted :D

What about our own submissions, from remix contests? Since artist clearly gives you permission for there loops. Like all the ones from Aciplanet?

Then it's not copyright infringement, so no legal issue, so I'd say it's okay.

I found that mhb made the most sense in this topic saying that covers are no copyright infringement IF YOU DON'T SELL THEM. Sampling is a different story. As long as that is the distinction, 98% of the Video Game section does not have to be deleted :)

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 08:55:20

At 7/18/06 08:49 AM, WinTang wrote:
Would submitting Pachabel's Canon in a rock format be illegal?
Not if you play it yourself. I know there is one already in existance, so if you use that I'm gonna have your ass busted :D

Lol, i know that version, i'm gonna follow pachabel directly.

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 09:55:14

Right, lets set the record straight on covers.

A cover is when you play music written by somebody else, fair enough, but the copyright that protects the printed, written, sheet music is thus:

You can cover the song and perform/distribute your cover, as long as you don't charge for it. As soon as you start charging for it, you have to pay royalties to the company that published the sheet music for the public domain.

As long as you don't actually use their sheet music, and tab/work out the chords yourself, you are not actually using ANY of their origional material, and instead your interpretation of their song, which, no matter how good you are, will never be the same as the origional, and although its technically legitamate to sell a cover, you probably still would get hounded by layers trying to make a little extra money for their clients.

On this basis, you technically can upload covers, both from the official sheet music/tabs, or your own interpretation as long as you do it non-commercially.

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 10:49:45

Something bothers me about that sampling issue though.

If you look at the Flash Top 50 Of All Time, only a few submissions use music from the Audio Portal or stuff the authors composed themselves: the vast majority features copyrighted music. For way longer than the "10 legal seconds" pitbulljones was talking about. Pop music, movie soundtracks, it's all there and getting thousands of views per day.

Yet I'm risking a ban when I use, say, a short vocal sample and a riff from a published punk song, add bass, drumloops, synths and whatnot and post it on the Audio Portal, where it will get maybe 50 downloads in two years?

That seems paradoxal to say the least. I may be overlooking something here, but I'd say that if there are legal problems to be feared by NG, the Audio Portal, qua exposure vastly inferior to the Flash Portal, should not be the main concern.

Of course, submitting a Green Day song and claiming it's your own work is still bad.


Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 10:58:34

Shut up... no offense, bringing that up scares me. If you debate it, then it gets attention. If it gets attention, people complain. If people complain then the artists complain. Then NG does shut down. Then I would have to crap all over you.

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 11:02:05

But my friend, how can it not get attention? Think about it, if someone is looking to sue and lands on Newgrounds, where will he go first, the Flash Portal or the Audio BBS?

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 11:13:58

At 7/18/06 10:58 AM, AngryStudent wrote: Shut up... no offense, bringing that up scares me. If you debate it, then it gets attention. If it gets attention, people complain. If people complain then the artists complain. Then NG does shut down. Then I would have to crap all over you.

Thats not right.
If artists complain, then Suey comes along. And when she´s there, you´re all on your own, according to the rules for submitting audio... NG won´t take responsibility for yer shit, basicly.

Wakka wakka

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 11:24:12

So, that does not mean you can still expose these legal issues on NG. I just don't want to even hear about it all.

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 11:38:09

What we should do is to encourage other to only use free/purchased samples/software. That´s about the best thing to do.. and "X" the sinners :)

Wakka wakka

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 11:40:34

A copyright only last 50 years right? So can you use a song over 50 years old? Just to be clear i dont do covers or use sample..im just curious is all

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 11:44:47

At 7/18/06 11:24 AM, AngryStudent wrote: So, that does not mean you can still expose these legal issues on NG. I just don't want to even hear about it all.

Seriously, dude, what the fuck. This topic IS about legal issues. Cover your ears then, does anyone else have the courage (apparently needed) to respond?

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 11:49:21

I mean, there's always a chance that someone could attempt to sue newgrounds or the author of the flash. But it's not like they're giving the songs bad press, i mean thousands of people listening to your song via the movie, cant be bad can it? Though you never can tell with the music industry types...