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Do Not ...

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Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 13:26:30

At 7/18/06 10:49 AM, WinTang wrote: Something bothers me about that sampling issue though.

If you look at the Flash Top 50 Of All Time, only a few submissions use music from the Audio Portal or stuff the authors composed themselves: the vast majority features copyrighted music.
Yet I'm risking a ban when I use, say, a short vocal sample and a riff from a published punk song...

Its all legality. NG has yet to receive any legal threats regarding people using copyrighted music in flash animations - People arn't selling it so lables don't bother suing because it costs too much for them and they are aware that the person who made it probably can't afford it anyway.

Music is a bit more serious though, although the legal status with NG is the same to my knowledge, Instead of making a flash and putting music in, you're claiming the music to be your own.

When you submit music to the NG audio portal there is a little line that says 'You are stating that it is your own origional work'. If you submit something that is either not your work at all, even if it is only part of it, you are in breach of that agreement.

It's less a matter of the legal side, and more so the terms and conditions of the Newgrounds AP.

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 13:38:48

At 7/18/06 01:26 PM, Khuskan wrote: stuff

Well, it doesn't satisfy my craving for worldwide justice, but I guess I'll have to deal. Thanks for elaborating...

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 13:40:35

At 7/18/06 11:40 AM, Love_Hate_War wrote: A copyright only last 50 years right? So can you use a song over 50 years old? Just to be clear i dont do covers or use sample..im just curious is all

Well, you can always renew a copyright. Michael Jackson owns all of Elvis' songs.

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 13:42:13

At 7/18/06 01:40 PM, DavidOrr wrote: Michael Jackson pwns all of Elvis' songs.


Response to Do Not ... 2006-07-18 13:43:56

lol...crazy...didnt know that

Response to Do Not ... 2007-01-29 18:37:04

I have a question about whether I am allowed to use a certain piece of software.

This software, called eJay, gives you loops and allows you to arrange them to create your own music. Am I allowed to submit these?


Response to Do Not ... 2007-01-29 18:46:30

Yeah, I clear the pending list every 1-2 days, and am generally surprised at the number of people that submit songs by other artists... even chart songs, on occasion. Bear in mind when you upload that an audio ban lasts a looooooong time (technically, forever), and make sure you read the rules on the SUBMIT page

I hate to say it, but I'm terrified to upload any of the audio recordings I made in which I included backgrond music from the game or show I'm impersonating because I'm afraid that I'll get banned for having pre-made music in an audio, even though the focus is one my line recording.

Most Recent Flash I Voiced In! (UPDATED 6/1/11)

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Add me on Skype: NGsonicmega

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Response to Do Not ... 2007-01-29 19:14:09

At 1/29/07 06:46 PM, sonicmega wrote: I hate to say it, but I'm terrified to upload any of the audio recordings I made in which I included backgrond music from the game or show I'm impersonating because I'm afraid that I'll get banned for having pre-made music in an audio, even though the focus is one my line recording.

You have every right to fear ban in case you include samples that are not your own/you have the permission to use.
However, if you´re all clear, then there´s absolutley nothing to worry about.

Wakka wakka

Response to Do Not ... 2007-01-30 13:25:32

I think i speak for the majority here when i say this....

Fuck covers
Fuck sampling someone elses music
Fuck infringeing copyrights.....

If in don't simply don't do it.

DO make ORIGINAL music, it's more rewarding, you'll get more recognition, even if your first few songs aren't much better than a steaming turd, you'll feel better for it anyways.


Yes peeps, I have albums out, go listen.

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2007-01-30 19:47:41

At 1/30/07 01:25 PM, pitbulljones wrote: I think i speak for the majority here when i say this....

Fuck covers
Fuck sampling someone elses music
Fuck infringeing copyrights.....

If in don't simply don't do it.

DO make ORIGINAL music, it's more rewarding, you'll get more recognition, even if your first few songs aren't much better than a steaming turd, you'll feel better for it anyways.

Huzzah!! pitters I was starting to wonder what the fuck had happened to you. Where've you been?

Anyway, may I just say that covers and sampling are certainly not excluded from 'Original music' by default, and if done profoundly are certainly equal in artisticity. The more untouchable the original, the more rewarding it is when you succeed in making a version that can completely co-exist.

Sure history shows that it mostly turns out horrendous - All Saints' Under The Bridge comes to mind - but exactly the same can be said about newly written stuff. People who actually appreciate music always have to be stirring in a bowl of shit to find something decent.

On recognition, I'll just say that my few video game covers are generally my most downloaded tracks, second only to the one that has Hitler in the title. If you want to be successful, bad taste is the way to go.

Where exactly did this reply become such a pointless rant?

Response to Do Not ... 2007-01-30 19:59:33

At 1/30/07 01:25 PM, pitbulljones wrote: DO make ORIGINAL music, it's more rewarding, you'll get more recognition, even if your first few songs aren't much better than a steaming turd, you'll feel better for it anyways.


It's one thing to enforce the "dont use anything that doesn't belong to you so we dont get sued" rule, but it's another to assume that creating softcore porn techno is the only morally correct style of music. It's actually a lot more limiting then you might think.

This place may seriously limit the type of music that can be added, but that doesn't mean the only genuine music is said porn techno.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

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Response to Do Not ... 2007-01-30 20:09:18

At 1/30/07 07:59 PM, Erkie wrote: but it's another to assume that creating softcore porn techno is the only morally correct style of music.

This place may seriously limit the type of music that can be added, but that doesn't mean the only genuine music is said porn techno.

Whoa whoa. This is pitbulljones we're talking about.

Response to Do Not ... 2007-01-31 16:05:55

does versuses count? cuz if they do, then remove my vs. plz

Response to Do Not ... 2007-02-01 21:58:07

What if we should say expierience a miracle making are music big and commercial will we be attacked because are music is stolen?

Keeping it real with fake computer music since 2006


Lime Tea

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Response to Do Not ... 2007-02-01 23:50:47

At 1/30/07 07:59 PM, Erkie wrote: Bullshit.

It's one thing to enforce the "dont use anything that doesn't belong to you so we dont get sued" rule, but it's another to assume that creating softcore porn techno is the only morally correct style of music. It's actually a lot more limiting then you might think.

This place may seriously limit the type of music that can be added, but that doesn't mean the only genuine music is said porn techno.

What the fuck did that have anything to do with what he said?

I have to agree with him that using other people's music in your own is a simple lack of talent. Sampling DOES have its place, but under very different circumstances.

-George R. Powell

Music Composer / Screenwriter


BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2007-02-03 08:43:50

At 1/30/07 07:59 PM, Erkie wrote:

It's one thing to enforce the "dont use anything that doesn't belong to you so we dont get sued" rule, but it's another to assume that creating softcore porn techno is the only morally correct style of music. It's actually a lot more limiting then you might think.

This place may seriously limit the type of music that can be added, but that doesn't mean the only genuine music is said porn techno.

haha my my erkie, something clearly got you by the balls mate. When have a i ever made anything that remotely resembles said softcore porn techno? I can't fucking stand that shite. Maybe you forgot who made the comment, i don't know but go listen to some of my music, i think you'll find some wonderfully original tunes for you to muse over.

i never stated that there is one set way to make music, i merely stated my opinion with regards to sampling etc. I just think it's a pointless exercise, if you're gonna sample something, make it really fucking cool what you're sampling, or weird. better still, gonna remix a tune? Build it from scratch and dramatically alter it. Originality will always win out as you must understand, yes pandering to an audience,as certain types on here do, will gain you popularity, but i'd much rather be respected by a few who appreiciate the time effort and quality of whatever i've made, than a bunch of sheep who wouldn't know a good tune if it bit em on the arse.


Yes peeps, I have albums out, go listen.

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2007-02-03 14:15:08

At 2/1/07 11:50 PM, Setu-Firestorm wrote: Sampling DOES have its place, but under very different circumstances.

Great deduction!

Only did his paraphrase make that distinction.

if you're gonna sample something, make it really fucking cool what you're sampling
Fuck covers
Fuck sampling someone elses music
Fuck infringeing copyrights.....

Leaves people to think, their thoughts are finished with

DO make ORIGINAL music

Which causes the mind to go to Techno, no? It didn't for you? You had to think about it? Techno is a purely clean form while also being completely unoriginal, of course, that's just a general comment.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Do Not ... 2007-03-21 22:32:22

So this is saying that if I re-constructed a song by someone else on FL or something, then I made it into a remix, I would be able to submit my remix to the AP?

Is this correct?

Response to Do Not ... 2007-03-23 10:46:04

At 1/30/07 09:34 AM, B0UNC3 wrote:
At 1/29/07 06:37 PM, navij11 wrote:

however EJAY is a free noobstamp in the forhead by most people i believe :P


Response to Do Not ... 2007-03-23 10:48:58

wow how come its impossible for me to make a post without looking like an idiot...
haha nevermind don't answer that.

Oh yeah and copyright infringement sucks.

Response to Do Not ... 2007-03-23 23:04:16

At 3/21/07 10:32 PM, New-Milkman wrote: So this is saying that if I re-constructed a song by someone else on FL or something, then I made it into a remix, I would be able to submit my remix to the AP?

Is this correct?

Yes, as long as you fairly credited the original author of the song, and stated it was a remix.

At 3/27/11 10:22 PM, sugarsimon wrote:

the brilliant songs who create a production for music


Response to Do Not ... 2007-05-25 18:06:09

If you remix something or do a cover, you own the copywrite to THAT piece of work, but not exclusive to any melodic and/or rythms used.

Pretty much, it's Newgrounds, about 80% of the stuff on this site is illegal in some ways, but no one cares, it's all about personal intertainment, no one's going and selling thier stuff on itunes or trackitdown, so just relax, the screning is quite slack.

Just make music, upload it if you contributed and didn't just totally rip it off "Like my rework of the main theme of Chrono Trigger where I took the midi and reworked all of the sounds as a test".

And hey, if they ban you from uploading , boo hoo, it's only Newgrounds, if you were really serious about it than you wouldn't be uploading rip offs or covers or remixes :)

It's all just fun and games here.

(approves any random banter or un edjumacated flamming now)

Response to Do Not ... 2007-05-25 18:20:26

At 5/25/07 06:06 PM, RyanChampion wrote: Pretty much, it's Newgrounds, about 80% of the stuff on this site is illegal in some ways,

so- about 25000 illegal songs?

Response to Do Not ... 2007-05-25 18:33:29

At 5/25/07 06:20 PM, SBB wrote:
At 5/25/07 06:06 PM, RyanChampion wrote: Pretty much, it's Newgrounds, about 80% of the stuff on this site is illegal in some ways,
so- about 25000 illegal songs?

More like 55,000.

Response to Do Not ... 2007-05-25 18:36:23

That would be a good guess, count out all the covers, remixes, stolen songs.

There are at least 239 tetris remixes/covers, 746 mario covers/remixes. 629 sonic, and 4,856 stated as a remix, 718 listed as a cover... you get my point

Response to Do Not ... 2007-05-25 18:43:32

Covers are not illegal, that doesn't even look remotely like 80% anyways.

Response to Do Not ... 2007-05-25 18:45:22

yeah, gotta go with the rules, but 75% of all these "flash artists" dont even give a hoot and dont acknowledge us as being the "owner" of the music. maybe that should be more forced to identify who the song is by and what the song title is, not just the artists name.

anyone know if there is a "ideas for a new newgrounds"? >:( there should be one if there isnt

Response to Do Not ... 2007-05-25 18:58:39

At 5/25/07 06:43 PM, SBB wrote: Covers are not illegal, that doesn't even look remotely like 80% anyways.

that is but only a very select few to mention.

But yah, if you want to be recognized as a serious artist when it comes to music, Newgrounds the way it is , is not the place to focus on.

Anyways, that's all I had to say bout this topic, hopefully a point was made to a few people at least.


Response to Do Not ... 2007-05-26 18:25:41

At 5/25/07 06:45 PM, hellsmaw18 wrote: anyone know if there is a "ideas for a new newgrounds"? >:( there should be one if there isnt

If a thread is what you're looking for, audio ideas go here, and ideas for NG overall can be posted here.

Also, if there is a thread you belive should be stickied, or have ideas for the future audio sticky update, post that here.

Wakka wakka

Response to Do Not ... 2007-07-17 23:05:21

At 4/13/05 03:11 AM, FDA wrote: Do not upload copyrighted material....

no shit! most of the people that upload copyrighted shit don't read these forums anyways.

my youtube.

click it.

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