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Reviews for "Red Code 2"

Great game, yet flawed.

The music and cinematics were absolutely superb, love them.

Buuuutt....Once you upgrade something to max, it suddenly becomes a MUCH MUCH worse gun than what you started with, yet I actually managed to get the perfect strategy for the game. Max shotgun out to JUST before it up(down)grades(check the prices on hologram before it 'maxes' and then don't go higher on yourself). Then, simply shoot shotgun forever, it's the most powerful gun out of them all and when upgraded, it'll instantly kill most enemies and charge insanely fast compared to the rate of respawning.

A couple things wrong with this as well, since you never actually have to upgrade your trooper if you upgrade only a certain gun and don't change your guns into the other things, you'll never get hit. Thus, I never did find out what upgrading the other abilities does(Except the fact that you're FORCED to upgrade jump at least some to make it past >_>). Nor did I ever find out what upgrading my grenades does, since there was absolutely no need. Also, if you get too far ahead and then backpedal, you'll get a TON of enemies spawning, and if those enemies spawn more enemies, then you've got your work cut out for you. It also means that you can simply go forwards, walk back and then forwards again on the 2nd and 3rd beacons(The first one was pretty balanced, with you needing to upgrade at approximately the rate that they spawned) to spawn insane amounts of enemies for a TON of energy.

But otherwise, I loved the game, especially this music at the end after I've won. Go piano ftw. I just wish I could download it.

fuckin glitch...

there was a fuckin glitch rite when u reach the third beacon..jump in the hole off the left and u'll bounce into the holes and wont stop until u die..it was too fuckin easy but turned me off when i glitched out...

Awesome game only to get killed by tiny bugs

A good game but what was ruined by the fact that i got killed by a bug that randomly fell from the sky and one hit killed me......while i was facing a worm boss....3rd beacon

Well um.. what can I say?

The beginning of the game was WAY WAY WAY WAY too hard for a first wave. You had to constantly upgrade just to keep up with the waves of enemies. Which was tough due to how quickly they moved.

Speaking of the upgrades.. I really didn't like how it was worked into the game. Your hologram would have a much higher recharge rate than you do, however that meant nothing considering that it could only fire when you did. Also, upgrading your weapons seems really effin iffy. Especially where it branches off and changes the weapon entirely. Which can suck badly if you've focused on one weapon. A good example of making a good weapon bad would be the number 1 gun. You upgrade it too much [ Or I'm guessing just power. ], and it turns into a slow fireing but powerful gun. Which would be nice, if the enemies didn't swarm you so effin fast that even if you fired it quickly you'd wind up being overwhelmed. And this was with charge time heavily increased to begin with! To make it worse, there was no warning, or any real hint of what your gun will change into until it changes. And then you're stuck with it. For this factor alone, I'd take off a few dozen points.

Onto the good things. The art style was nice, as was the enemy variety. Animation was fairly fluid and the game seemed neat enough. However I don't particularly wish to go through the game only to wind up accidentally upgrading a gun into a piece of crud in the middle of a fight.

Good Game

A good concept and story but is too hard,there should be difficulty levels.