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Reviews for "I Can't Escape"

You can never escape! The map changes frequently, and the ladders leading outside on the first level feel like they are programed so you'll never be able to access them -- be it a hidden pit to a lower level, or guarded by gate will never open (I might just be running out of keys by the time I get to them; would be nice to have something that helps track them)!

davidmaletz responds:

You are correct, all ladders are blocked on the first floor. If you're going to escape, you're going to have to break through common sense and make a ladder that was once unreachable, reachable (and it's not going to be as easy as using a key)! Or you can go the easier path, and see how deep you can go!

I cannot believe how rediculously long you have to search on the top floor.
i have tried it like 4 times and i always spent like 30 minutes on the top floor and then i get sent down by a fucking trap door. and what is the purpose of the keys if you cant tell on which doors they work?
i have found over 10 keys in my last try but all of them didn't work on the doors that lead to the final ladder. this is fucking ridiculous.

davidmaletz responds:

No key will unlock a door that leads to the final ladder on the first floor! The game doesn't want you to escape, it wants you to fall deeper and deeper :P. Escape is possible, but not without breaking through common sense.

The controls were alittle to weird and unresponsive. It would be better if you had to hold the key to move in the direction you want on pc, instead of having those function like the touchscreen commands. It made moving around to tedious. Trying to stop and turn to hit a door was just unreasonably painful. Good idea for a game though

this game is nice and all, but I can't understand how the floor traps work.. I mean, sometimes there are black holes where you fall to the lower floor and other (where you don't fall) that are the exit point of the stairs, but sometimes you fall without no apparent causes, even only turning around in place.. well, this takes away all the fun.. if it's a bug fix it please..

davidmaletz responds:

It's already been mentioned by someone, so there's no harm in telling you the four ways you can fall:
1. Normal pits - you've already seen these.
2. Hidden pits - they look like moss growing over a normal pit, which makes them very hard to see, but you can avoid them.
3. Trap doors - some doors, when you try to unlock/open them will drop you.
4. Ghosts - if a ghost reaches you, even from behind, it will drop you (this is probably what happened when you were turning in place).

Attempt 1- lots of random wandering, falling through hidden pitfalls until I got stuck.
Attempt 2- Time to play smart, I learned what the hidden pitfalls looked like and was easily able to navigate this treacherous labyrinth without dropping down any floors. So I wander around the starting floor for about 20 minutes when I noticed that the map changes despite taking the same route between 2 points. Another 10 or so minutes of wandering and I find out that the keys do nothing, you can find a locked door pick up a nearby key try again but the door remains locked. "I'm onto you buddy, rearranging mazes and useless keys, it's all designed to throw the player off, but I'm not gonna fall for your tricks so easily, I will complete this game". Aaaaand cue 30 minutes of wandering around finding all ladders either blocked by pitfalls or unopenable gates. I don't know if this is just difficult to complete and involves getting lucky and finding the correct ladder or if you are trying to screw people over with a game that can't be beat. If it's the former than shame on you, if it's the latter than I guess you accomplished your goal spectacularly, because determined and driven by some deranged completionist compulsion I may be, but a winner I am not.

davidmaletz responds:

You are correct, all ladders are blocked on the first floor. If you're going to escape, you're going to have to break through common sense and make a ladder that was once unreachable, reachable!