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the Ukraine situation

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Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-13 04:48:15

At 10/12/22 06:00 PM, DioShiba wrote:
At 10/12/22 05:45 PM, Gario wrote:
At 10/12/22 04:18 PM, DioShiba wrote:
Here Putin starts a war then gets mad when Ukraine bites back and then he decides to attack more civilians instead of focusing on the defenses Ukraine has targeting his country’s routes into Ukraine and Crimea.

not sure what his prerogative is here.
it makes more sense when you realize the russians are inciting and committed to a ukrainian genocide

sure, the war efforts might be more effective if you target military objectives, but russians believe every dead ukrainian is progress to their goal, if we're being honest civilians are easier targets than the military is

there's a reason why i say people asking for ukraine to give up their land are, intentionally or not, putting a death sentence to most of the ukrainians living in those lands
So essentially it was Putin’s intent to massacre several innocent lives who happen to be Ukrainian from the start, claim some bullshit bout how they’re nazis and project all these aggressions he has made onto the people of Ukraine.

Im not sure if I commented on that earlier in the thread but tbh Putin really is looking like a modern day Hitler.

More Vietnam than blitzkrieg.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-13 08:59:31

At 10/13/22 04:48 AM, Co-Jo wrote:
At 10/12/22 06:00 PM, DioShiba wrote:
At 10/12/22 05:45 PM, Gario wrote:
At 10/12/22 04:18 PM, DioShiba wrote:
Here Putin starts a war then gets mad when Ukraine bites back and then he decides to attack more civilians instead of focusing on the defenses Ukraine has targeting his country’s routes into Ukraine and Crimea.

not sure what his prerogative is here.
it makes more sense when you realize the russians are inciting and committed to a ukrainian genocide

sure, the war efforts might be more effective if you target military objectives, but russians believe every dead ukrainian is progress to their goal, if we're being honest civilians are easier targets than the military is

there's a reason why i say people asking for ukraine to give up their land are, intentionally or not, putting a death sentence to most of the ukrainians living in those lands
So essentially it was Putin’s intent to massacre several innocent lives who happen to be Ukrainian from the start, claim some bullshit bout how they’re nazis and project all these aggressions he has made onto the people of Ukraine.

Im not sure if I commented on that earlier in the thread but tbh Putin really is looking like a modern day Hitler.
More Vietnam than blitzkrieg.

Nah, if anything the parallels are more similar to when Germany was annexing countries in an attempt to rebuild a country they lost after WWI. In this case Putin is trying to rebuild the Soviet Union post Cold War.

Vietnam was more of a proxy war where a country fell apart and started as a civil war with itself and got help from two super powers. That’s very different from Russia is trying to do with Ukraine.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-13 11:17:53 (edited 2022-10-13 11:22:16)

I may not be sure, but I will assume that Putin on February 23 (men's day in Russia, but this is not Gay's holiday) drank too much vodka and was so not sober that as a result he said not "For the health of Ukrainians" and the place of this said "DIE" and so it all began full chaos over Ukraine

Who cares about my work and other fun - I'm here

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-13 14:51:33

Yup, more "terrorism".

Explosions rang out in the Russian city of Belgorod [located to the northeast of Ukraine, not far from the Russian-Ukrainian border - ed.] on the evening of 13 October. Early reports indicate that an ammunition depot has been blown up.

If it's aimed at supply lines, and ammunition depots, I'm more than fine with that.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-13 15:30:41

At 10/13/22 02:51 PM, EdyKel wrote: Yup, more "terrorism".

If it's aimed at supply lines, and ammunition depots, I'm more than fine with that.


F*ck Putin the murderer, RIP Alexei Navalny


Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-13 17:23:27

At 10/13/22 03:30 PM, RoboHex wrote:
At 10/13/22 02:51 PM, EdyKel wrote: Yup, more "terrorism".

If it's aimed at supply lines, and ammunition depots, I'm more than fine with that.


Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-13 20:08:34

At 10/13/22 03:51 PM, TylerFromTexas wrote:
At 10/13/22 02:51 PM, EdyKel wrote: Yup, more "terrorism".

If it's aimed at supply lines, and ammunition depots, I'm more than fine with that.
I get what you mean, better than civilians. Belarus from what I’ve heard may join the war. Wish this shit would end already.

From what I have read, it's been a collective "meh" from the media over the idea that Belarus will join the war in any significant way. Even Ukraine seems unimpressed by it.

I mean, Belarus President Lukashenko has been pretty reluctant to actually commit any of his country's military forces to Ukraine for the past 6 months, despite all his saber-rattling. He's also been saber-rattling at Poland, accusing them of plotting against his country with NATO - which may give him an excuse to not send a large force to Ukraine to aid Russia, if any.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-14 14:25:05

Looks like Putin wants to call a time out in his war in Ukraine to rearm and better prepare his forces for another strike next year.

Putin wants to offer Ukraine a pause to prepare for a new offensive

Moscow is again promoting the idea of negotiations with Kyiv, but Vladimir Putin is not going to give up on the continuation of the war, and hopes to use the desired "ceasefire" regime to prepare for a new offensive in February-March 2023.

Putin says no need for massive new strikes on Ukraine

ASTANA (Reuters) -Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday there was no need for massive new strikes on Ukraine and that Russia was not looking to destroy the country.

Putin told a news conference at the end of a summit in Kazakhstan that his call-up of Russian reservists would be over within two weeks and there were no plans for a further mobilisation.

He also repeated the Kremlin position that Russia was willing to hold talks, although he said they would require international mediation if Ukraine was prepared to take part.

How nice of him, though I suspect being low on munition, and his mobilization a huge mess, has a lot to do with his need to halt things in Ukraine so he can better prepare for his next strike.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-14 14:36:33

At 10/14/22 02:25 PM, EdyKel wrote: Looks like Putin wants to call a time out in his war in Ukraine to rearm and better prepare his forces for another strike next year.

damn, mighty convenient to call for a ceasefire when ukraine is taking so much land back

i dunno if ukraine will take it

Need some music for a flash or game? Check it out. If none of this works send me a PM, I'm taking requests.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-14 15:09:01

At 10/14/22 02:36 PM, Gario wrote:
At 10/14/22 02:25 PM, EdyKel wrote: Looks like Putin wants to call a time out in his war in Ukraine to rearm and better prepare his forces for another strike next year.
damn, mighty convenient to call for a ceasefire when ukraine is taking so much land back

i dunno if ukraine will take it

I hope not. The Russian military is on the run. The Ukrainians need to keep up the pressure so the Russians can't make a defense line so they can take back more land before the winter sets in and slows everything down.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Fanfiction Page

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-14 16:01:55

At 10/14/22 02:36 PM, Gario wrote:
At 10/14/22 02:25 PM, EdyKel wrote: Looks like Putin wants to call a time out in his war in Ukraine to rearm and better prepare his forces for another strike next year.
damn, mighty convenient to call for a ceasefire when ukraine is taking so much land back

i dunno if ukraine will take it

President Zelenskyy has been pretty adamant that he won't hold any peace talks till Russia is out of his country. @LordJaric

At the rate Ukrainian forces are going, they will probably retake most of the Russian annexed territory by end of the year - though, Crimea remains in question.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-14 16:38:45 (edited 2022-10-14 16:39:49)

At 10/14/22 04:01 PM, EdyKel wrote:
At 10/14/22 02:36 PM, Gario wrote:
At 10/14/22 02:25 PM, EdyKel wrote: Looks like Putin wants to call a time out in his war in Ukraine to rearm and better prepare his forces for another strike next year.
damn, mighty convenient to call for a ceasefire when ukraine is taking so much land back

i dunno if ukraine will take it
President Zelenskyy has been pretty adamant that he won't hold any peace talks till Russia is out of his country. @LordJaric

At the rate Ukrainian forces are going, they will probably retake most of the Russian annexed territory by end of the year - though, Crimea remains in question.

and we're only six-ish months out from the the Ukrainian Air Force from being armed and trained by the US with new aircraft too, once that happens Ukraine will have air superiority on top of additional shipments of HIMARS they can blast first before risking troops on territory advances, which would make Donbass and Crimea much easier for retaking.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-14 20:51:20

Not sure if Fox News is trying to hurt AOC or help here?

Protesters interrupt AOC town hall, speak against vote for Ukraine aid: 'You're the liar here'

"Congresswoman, none of this matters unless there's a nuclear war which you voted to send arms and weapons to Ukraine," one of the protesters shouted. "Tulsi Gabbard, she's left the Democratic Party because they're war hawks."

"You originally voted — you ran as an outsider. Yet you've been voting to start this war in Ukraine. You're voting to start a third world war with Russia and China," the man continued.


"My friend @Noggatone and I confronted Congresswoman [Ocasio-Cortez] on her support for Nuclear War and Ukrainian Nazis," Vega wrote on Twitter.

Crazy pacifists here, or Russian bots?

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-14 22:39:52

At 10/14/22 08:51 PM, EdyKel wrote: Not sure if Fox News is trying to hurt AOC or help here?

Protesters interrupt AOC town hall, speak against vote for Ukraine aid: 'You're the liar here'

Crazy pacifists here, or Russian bots?

These QAnon loonies (just assuming because thats the type) are the fucking worst.

Formerly Travis… yeah that one (I’m bored)

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-15 05:06:36

At 10/14/22 02:36 PM, Gario wrote:
At 10/14/22 02:25 PM, EdyKel wrote: Looks like Putin wants to call a time out in his war in Ukraine to rearm and better prepare his forces for another strike next year.
damn, mighty convenient to call for a ceasefire when ukraine is taking so much land back

i dunno if ukraine will take it

The longer the sanctions are in place the more they’ll hurt, so it won’t be as if the time the ceasefire lasts for won’t be profitable for them.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-15 05:09:27

At 10/14/22 03:09 PM, LordJaric wrote:
At 10/14/22 02:36 PM, Gario wrote:
At 10/14/22 02:25 PM, EdyKel wrote: Looks like Putin wants to call a time out in his war in Ukraine to rearm and better prepare his forces for another strike next year.
damn, mighty convenient to call for a ceasefire when ukraine is taking so much land back

i dunno if ukraine will take it
I hope not. The Russian military is on the run. The Ukrainians need to keep up the pressure so the Russians can't make a defense line so they can take back more land before the winter sets in and slows everything down.

If the Russians went all out then things could look very different.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-15 12:40:04

I think when you consider hard line political manipulators, they all know they already chose a false narrative strictly based to deceive the establishment or any perceived power rival. They are liars when they say, I am the authority, I am the governor, I am the decision maker. It is sheer propaganda that has no effects until someone who reports global affairs slips into the false ideology. Like when someone says "president Trump", "president Lukashenko", it's an error set up by multiple iterations of the false narrative. Do you recall that Lukashenko arrested supporters of Tikhanowskaya suppressing the tallies, and other undemocratic frauds. Or as in the case of the "four annexed territories" such "governors" were appointed ceremoniously by one individual?

The harm that befalls is that over time publishers editors or even algorithms of the west will exclude the precontext of such fraud and engage in a similar usage, which could lead to mass adoption and the gradual shaping of our preferences, until we start condoning and participating in true atrocities, which while devoid of the appearance of violence are far more dangerous to the overall human gene pool than any final goal of a particular madman.

So, here is what happens, there is a cost to according such titles to imposters. If you say "President Putin" you are theorizing that the RF is a democratic society. It's part of the war of accretion.

BBS Signature

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-15 12:55:16 (edited 2022-10-15 12:58:59)

At 10/14/22 08:51 PM, EdyKel wrote: Not sure if Fox News is trying to hurt AOC or help here?

Protesters interrupt AOC town hall, speak against vote for Ukraine aid: 'You're the liar here'

Crazy pacifists here, or Russian bots?

An update Fox News article to this...

Lauren Boebert sparks feud with AOC after town hall heckling: 'Ripped to shreds by your own constituents'

Not sure if they were truly her constituents, if they believed in some right-wing talking point that Ukrainians were Nazis.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-15 17:29:03 (edited 2022-10-15 17:29:21)

Ukraine just got turned into another 9/11 land, where everyday, anywhere you go, you experience a terrorist attack.

Honestly, what did you expect to happen from this conflict? On one side you have this iron-skinned, steel-boned patriarch, a ruthless muffugga as we call 'em... And on the other, you have A LITERAL COMEDIAN.

Check current mood, cool music!

BBS Signature

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-15 21:17:30

At 10/15/22 05:29 PM, WVDB wrote: Ukraine just got turned into another 9/11 land, where everyday, anywhere you go, you experience a terrorist attack.

Honestly, what did you expect to happen from this conflict? On one side you have this iron-skinned, steel-boned patriarch, a ruthless muffugga as we call 'em... And on the other, you have A LITERAL COMEDIAN.

And yet the nation with the comedian is beating the one with a ruthless leader on the battlefield because they know how to actually fight a war.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Fanfiction Page

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-15 21:18:40

At 10/15/22 09:17 PM, LordJaric wrote:
At 10/15/22 05:29 PM, WVDB wrote: Ukraine just got turned into another 9/11 land, where everyday, anywhere you go, you experience a terrorist attack.

Honestly, what did you expect to happen from this conflict? On one side you have this iron-skinned, steel-boned patriarch, a ruthless muffugga as we call 'em... And on the other, you have A LITERAL COMEDIAN.
And yet the nation with the comedian is beating the one with a ruthless leader on the battlefield because they know how to actually fight a war.

At the cost of their own country's safety.

In other words, they're still losing.

Check current mood, cool music!

BBS Signature

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-15 21:45:58

At 10/15/22 09:18 PM, WVDB wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:17 PM, LordJaric wrote:
At 10/15/22 05:29 PM, WVDB wrote: Ukraine just got turned into another 9/11 land, where everyday, anywhere you go, you experience a terrorist attack.

Honestly, what did you expect to happen from this conflict? On one side you have this iron-skinned, steel-boned patriarch, a ruthless muffugga as we call 'em... And on the other, you have A LITERAL COMEDIAN.
And yet the nation with the comedian is beating the one with a ruthless leader on the battlefield because they know how to actually fight a war.
At the cost of their own country's safety.
In other words, they're still losing.

Not really, their people are still strong and still standing against a dictator that wants to destroy them. While the Russian military keeps falling apart at the front lines because they can't be probably supplied and are poorly trained. And their failures reflect poorly on Putin who has to keep the right people happy to stay in power and those people are not happy.

Hitler made similar mistakes. Britan didn't break during the Battle of Britan because Hitler made the mistake of instead of keeping the pressure on the RAF he started to go after their cities. Which harden the British people against Nazi Germany and gave them the will to keep fighting even as their cities were being leveled. The RAF was able to recuperate and come back stronger and push the Luftwaffe back permanently.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Fanfiction Page

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-15 21:48:26

At 10/15/22 09:18 PM, WVDB wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:17 PM, LordJaric wrote:
At 10/15/22 05:29 PM, WVDB wrote: Ukraine just got turned into another 9/11 land, where everyday, anywhere you go, you experience a terrorist attack.

Honestly, what did you expect to happen from this conflict? On one side you have this iron-skinned, steel-boned patriarch, a ruthless muffugga as we call 'em... And on the other, you have A LITERAL COMEDIAN.
And yet the nation with the comedian is beating the one with a ruthless leader on the battlefield because they know how to actually fight a war.
At the cost of their own country's safety.
In other words, they're still losing.

Depends on your definition for what is losing. Ukraine didn't start this war.They are fighting for their own sense of survival and freedom.

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-16 08:49:28

At 10/15/22 09:48 PM, EdyKel wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:18 PM, WVDB wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:17 PM, LordJaric wrote:
At 10/15/22 05:29 PM, WVDB wrote: Ukraine just got turned into another 9/11 land, where everyday, anywhere you go, you experience a terrorist attack.

Honestly, what did you expect to happen from this conflict? On one side you have this iron-skinned, steel-boned patriarch, a ruthless muffugga as we call 'em... And on the other, you have A LITERAL COMEDIAN.
And yet the nation with the comedian is beating the one with a ruthless leader on the battlefield because they know how to actually fight a war.
At the cost of their own country's safety.
In other words, they're still losing.
Depends on your definition for what is losing. Ukraine didn't start this war.They are fighting for their own sense of survival and freedom.

You might have a point with survival, but a general draft does not fit my definition of "freedom".

Teacher, goth, communist, cynic, alcoholic, master swordsman, king of shitpoasts.

It's better to die together than to live alone.

Sig by Decky

BBS Signature

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-16 09:42:48

At 10/16/22 08:49 AM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:48 PM, EdyKel wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:18 PM, WVDB wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:17 PM, LordJaric wrote:
At 10/15/22 05:29 PM, WVDB wrote: Ukraine just got turned into another 9/11 land, where everyday, anywhere you go, you experience a terrorist attack.

Honestly, what did you expect to happen from this conflict? On one side you have this iron-skinned, steel-boned patriarch, a ruthless muffugga as we call 'em... And on the other, you have A LITERAL COMEDIAN.
And yet the nation with the comedian is beating the one with a ruthless leader on the battlefield because they know how to actually fight a war.
At the cost of their own country's safety.
In other words, they're still losing.
Depends on your definition for what is losing. Ukraine didn't start this war.They are fighting for their own sense of survival and freedom.
You might have a point with survival, but a general draft does not fit my definition of "freedom".

I bet you would prefer the "freedom" that comes with being under the thumb of the Russians.

F*ck Putin the murderer, RIP Alexei Navalny


Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-16 09:51:42

At 10/16/22 09:42 AM, RoboHex wrote:
At 10/16/22 08:49 AM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:48 PM, EdyKel wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:18 PM, WVDB wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:17 PM, LordJaric wrote:
At 10/15/22 05:29 PM, WVDB wrote: Ukraine just got turned into another 9/11 land, where everyday, anywhere you go, you experience a terrorist attack.

Honestly, what did you expect to happen from this conflict? On one side you have this iron-skinned, steel-boned patriarch, a ruthless muffugga as we call 'em... And on the other, you have A LITERAL COMEDIAN.
And yet the nation with the comedian is beating the one with a ruthless leader on the battlefield because they know how to actually fight a war.
At the cost of their own country's safety.
In other words, they're still losing.
Depends on your definition for what is losing. Ukraine didn't start this war.They are fighting for their own sense of survival and freedom.
You might have a point with survival, but a general draft does not fit my definition of "freedom".
I bet you would prefer the "freedom" that comes with being under the thumb of the Russians.

No. Putin is undoubtedly the bigger arse. But that doesn't mean we should elevate Zelensky to sainthood. It just proves my theory that only your own government can ever take your freedom.

Teacher, goth, communist, cynic, alcoholic, master swordsman, king of shitpoasts.

It's better to die together than to live alone.

Sig by Decky

BBS Signature

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-16 18:18:18

At 10/16/22 09:51 AM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 10/16/22 09:42 AM, RoboHex wrote:
At 10/16/22 08:49 AM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:48 PM, EdyKel wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:18 PM, WVDB wrote:
At 10/15/22 09:17 PM, LordJaric wrote:
At 10/15/22 05:29 PM, WVDB wrote: Ukraine just got turned into another 9/11 land, where everyday, anywhere you go, you experience a terrorist attack.

Honestly, what did you expect to happen from this conflict? On one side you have this iron-skinned, steel-boned patriarch, a ruthless muffugga as we call 'em... And on the other, you have A LITERAL COMEDIAN.
And yet the nation with the comedian is beating the one with a ruthless leader on the battlefield because they know how to actually fight a war.
At the cost of their own country's safety.
In other words, they're still losing.
Depends on your definition for what is losing. Ukraine didn't start this war.They are fighting for their own sense of survival and freedom.
You might have a point with survival, but a general draft does not fit my definition of "freedom".
I bet you would prefer the "freedom" that comes with being under the thumb of the Russians.
No. Putin is undoubtedly the bigger arse. But that doesn't mean we should elevate Zelensky to sainthood.

So in other words, side with the autocratic bully who started the fight, and chide on Zelensky for defending his sovereign borders against said autocratic bully.

This isn't a grey vs. grey war, this is about as black and white at it gets (or at the very least light grey vs. black) Nobody is putting Zelensky on the same level as Ulysses S. Grant or Winston Churchill as elite wartime leaders necessarily, but beating back a centuries long oppressor with a gargantuan army (albeit a faded one) with a bloodthirsty leader has got to count for something.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

BBS Signature

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-16 23:06:49 (edited 2022-10-16 23:08:07)

joe biden needs to stop being a demented stupid moron

this whole ukraine war is so fucking stupid. it could have been easily prevented instead US is a stupid ass war machine provoking russia in to invading ukraine and profiting off of it.


putin would have used nukes already if he really wanted to

instead us just wants to keep profiting as much as it can and money launder through ukraine

if only we had trump


BBS Signature

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-16 23:16:04 (edited 2022-10-16 23:22:08)

At 10/16/22 11:06 PM, Sequenced wrote: joe biden needs to stop being a demented stupid moron

this whole ukraine war is so fucking stupid. it could have been easily prevented instead US is a stupid ass war machine provoking russia in to invading ukraine and profiting off of it.


putin would have used nukes already if he really wanted to

instead us just wants to keep profiting as much as it can and money launder through ukraine

if only we had trump

Russia was never provoked. Russia is the aggressor here. They were the aggressor when they annexed Crimea in 2014. They were the aggressor when they invaded Georgia in 2008. This is why eastern Europe moved to join the west. They know firsthand what it was like to live under Mossow's boot, and they didn't want to live under it again. Putin is a dictator. The last time a dictator was appeased things didn't turn out well. This is all one man's ego to regain lost glory.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Fanfiction Page

Response to the Ukraine situation 2022-10-16 23:36:56 (edited 2022-10-16 23:37:19)

At 10/16/22 11:06 PM, Sequenced wrote: joe biden needs to stop being a demented stupid moron

this whole ukraine war is so fucking stupid. it could have been easily prevented instead US is a stupid ass war machine provoking russia in to invading ukraine and profiting off of it.


putin would have used nukes already if he really wanted to

instead us just wants to keep profiting as much as it can and money launder through ukraine

if only we had trump

Should Biden stop being an idiot? Yes.

But my reasoning is not the same as yours.

We shouldn't have talks with Russia because, like what happened with Germany when it was invading countries in WWII, didn't stop at one. And by the time they tried to mess with Poland, the rest of the world stepped in to stop Hitler and the rest of the stuff he was pulling as a revenge act for WWI only for Russia to use Poland as a satellite state when the Polish people never asked for that after the fact.

That is what is why Russia is trying to take Ukraine, Putin wants revenge for that because of the fall of the Iron Curtain ending the Cold War. We all know better than to give into one dictator's commands to other countries because they have no business to do so to begin with.

Biden should stop being a moron, but that has more to do with domestic issues in the states over an economy that seems to be roller coasting out of control due to all the issues that arose over the past two years.

Get your head out of your ass and look at the bigger picture and stop letting yourself get brainwashed by far right propaganda.

If anything far as we are all concerned with Russia, the only way this is going to stop is if by chance either Ukraine drives off Russia, or if Russia inadvertently gets a country like Poland involved more deeply and pulling them into conflict. The latter of which would end up involving NATO to go to war with Russia.

Poland left Russia because the government of Russia has no clue what it's doing. Not when it was the Cold War, and not even after that. And frankly, most people who are Polish are tired of being fucked with Russia as a governing force, especially when Putin uses Moscow to pull what he started by crying wolf, projecting himself onto other countries and doing the exact thing he claims everyone else is doing to him in his little bubble.