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Reviews for "Red Code 2"


Before I even consider giving this a good rating you should take a good look at the upgrades system... halfway through my first game (3rd beacon) my gun of choice (single mode) upgraded into some form of laser, which SUCKED, thats really all i can say... i was mowing down the enemy as they came and then the moment i upgraded i was unable to kill even a single enemy before it reached the beacon, seriously, what the fuck is that?

ill tell you what it is, horrible design, and with no way to undo the upgrade or restart where i left off i cant say im much inclined to try it again... wasted potential

Well um.. what can I say?

The beginning of the game was WAY WAY WAY WAY too hard for a first wave. You had to constantly upgrade just to keep up with the waves of enemies. Which was tough due to how quickly they moved.

Speaking of the upgrades.. I really didn't like how it was worked into the game. Your hologram would have a much higher recharge rate than you do, however that meant nothing considering that it could only fire when you did. Also, upgrading your weapons seems really effin iffy. Especially where it branches off and changes the weapon entirely. Which can suck badly if you've focused on one weapon. A good example of making a good weapon bad would be the number 1 gun. You upgrade it too much [ Or I'm guessing just power. ], and it turns into a slow fireing but powerful gun. Which would be nice, if the enemies didn't swarm you so effin fast that even if you fired it quickly you'd wind up being overwhelmed. And this was with charge time heavily increased to begin with! To make it worse, there was no warning, or any real hint of what your gun will change into until it changes. And then you're stuck with it. For this factor alone, I'd take off a few dozen points.

Onto the good things. The art style was nice, as was the enemy variety. Animation was fairly fluid and the game seemed neat enough. However I don't particularly wish to go through the game only to wind up accidentally upgrading a gun into a piece of crud in the middle of a fight.

Fun but....you need a cheackpoint

I had great fun... until I died and LOST EVERYTHING!
I demand a cheackpoint added in please.
Thats just ridiculious amount of time just to die and restart.
other then that its fun

I hate to say what everyone else has already.....

You get a 2/10 and a 1/5, it hurts me to give such a low score on a game that could have been, quite frankly, amazing.
First of all, the jumping was not THAT much of a problem, not the worst anyway. It was annoying but acceptable. Now, making BS mini bosses that you need to jump over (whilst doing this you cant see below you) then the bosses kill you and/or spawn tiny barely visible enemy's that will kill you if you so much as touch them.
Unfortunately, my biggest prob was everyone else's, no save feature. I would get to the second or third beacon, then accidentally touch a tiny enemy that spawned when I was in the air (again, unable to see them) and when landed they would be under me and kill me. My last thing was going to be why not just make the hologram a human ally, then I realized that that would be a major pain with animation and wouldn't help the framerate. I love the look and feel of it, but i think if you want this game to succeed, you'll need to update it with the few, mostly easy changes the fine gamers at newgrounds have been asking for:
1.Save feature
2. Jumping fix. [just make the camera stay level with the ground. (don't know the code for that on whatever software your using but it shouldn't be that hard to find out.)]

I truly hope that I've given you some constructive criticism, and some helpful notes. I truly love the weapon upgrade system and what you're going for with this game. If/when the upgrades are made, I would/will recommend this to every gamer I know.

not that good...

i'm just gonna come out and say it, the game sucked. pretty freakin' bad. It just did. the hologram only fired in the same direction you were shooting, thus making it easier to kill one at a time, however, it would have been better if you had made it actually have some AI, so that maybe it could have helped destroy the overwhelming number of enemies attacking at one time, which brings me to my second topic, the overwhelming numbers. there were to many , to fast. I didn't even get to the part where the horrific transformations talked about below started, because it was either save the generator from the exploding air bugs, then die from the walking bugs that hit me and lose that way, or protect myself from the ground bugs and let the air bugs destroy the generator and lose that way... plus the weapons sucked... the single fire was the only decent weapon, because the burst fire one shot five shots and then fired slower than a turtle, the shot gunshot super slow and the grenade launcher i could only get to fire one shot. if you make a sequel or make a version 2, consider these things for improving upon.