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As: Main

712,596 Views | 1,500 Replies
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Response to As: Main 2006-08-02 01:32:30


- AS: Rounding to the nearest ...

Response to As: Main 2006-08-02 17:49:16


External Audio Optimization

Response to As: Main 2006-08-03 14:22:57

Open source preloaders

They're not strictly AS, but it's a recource. Useful links, maybe?

if the thread grows a little, anyway.

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-06 10:04:07

Come join music competitions on Chips Compo and hang on our Discord!

Good artists copy. Great artists get banned from the Audio Portal.

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-08 07:07:31

Can anyone make a specific-section tutorial about something like this.

That means it would calculate how much time it would take to the target and the bullet to arrive to places, and then find an angle that would make a collision with the target and the bullet if you shoot.

I hope I made it clear.

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-09 13:38:12

At 8/9/06 01:14 PM, thecoshman wrote: I know there is alredy a tutorial for useing web cams in flash, but can some one do another one, i just dont understand the one there is alredy... :'(

Here's one i made earlier.

Its pretty simple :)

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-10 13:44:46

I made one.

AS: Sound from URL By me.

Response to As: Main 2006-08-13 06:41:10

At 8/10/06 01:44 PM, Cybex wrote: I made one.

AS: Sound from URL By me.

That is pretty useful, even with your thoughtless, noob worrying mistakes >.< I didn't realise you could stream AS attached sounds before.

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-13 07:05:15

At 8/13/06 06:41 AM, _Paranoia_ wrote: That is pretty useful, even with your thoughtless, noob worrying mistakes >.< I didn't realise you could stream AS attached sounds before.

It would be good for making a flash media player or somthing. I tried it for one of my games, but it takes a long time to load, so i didn't. Its still pretty handy though:)

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-14 08:44:50

AS: Pause
its not stop();
its a way to pause your code.. (yeah.. its for noobs)

Response to As: Main 2006-08-14 08:48:17

AS: Modulo
Yay. I did an actionscript tutorial...

Under Basic I think... ^_^


BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-20 18:12:01

AS: sliding menu!

woot! tutorial... see i dont just leach of peoples smarts, im smart too!

Response to As: Main 2006-08-20 18:37:48

AS: FOR Animation

Should help some people.

Response to As: Main 2006-08-23 20:23:19

At 8/23/06 04:49 PM, phyconinja wrote:
At 8/22/06 09:44 AM, Brother_Paranoia wrote: These posts are going to be de-le-ted...

Can't Luis or someone post the list here?
you mean denvish?

No, Luis. He can delete posts just the same, and the .txt file is pretty public. We know that Denvish has discovered better things to do already.

AS:Tying MCs to the Root

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 17:58:40


All right. So here we are on page 47 of AS: Main. What started out as an interesting idea (re-read the first couple of pages =) has become one of the most linked threads on NG. Some people hate it, some people love it, some people learnt some aspects of Flash by reading the links. However, I think now that it has become such a giant, in terms of the number of threads, that it is starting to lose its shape... it's becoming clumsy. Flash newbs who are referred to page=9999 just get confused by the sheer number of options open to them.

As much as I would love to trim this down to the bare bones, 15 tuts for each skill level, that would be sticking a finger up at everyone who has donated their time and knowledge to creating tutorials for AS: Main, and those that have commented in each thread created, helping to refine the code. So I'm not going to take that away. However, I feel that, for now (until AS3 is officially released in its full form), there is no need for any more tutorials. Everything has been covered. People are starting to scrabble to find a topic that hasn't already been covered, and the quality is dropping as a result.

So, this will probably be the final update of this incarnation of AS: Main. It would have been nice to round it off on page 50, but all sections are now pushing the character limits, updating the list takes me over an hour, and as I said, I don't believe the list is going to get any more complete than it is now - but it WILL get more confusing for the newb. So I am going to ask liljim to lock it. Don't see this as a farewell; the thread will still be readily available to link to, and will remain as an AS resource for as long as NG exists. For those tutorials that were added to the list, the usernames of their creators have become part of NG history, as people who were willing to not only make NG a better place, but also to act as mentors to up-and-coming (and established) Flash authors.

There may be future incarnations of AS: Main. We'll see. In the meantime, a HUGE THANKS to everybody that donated their time and skills to the thread. Also, it makes me very happy to see that other people have taken the format of AS: Main and applied it to other subjects, from Java/C++ to Animation. Long may those threads prosper.

Once again, thank you. And now, the final roll-call.....

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 17:59:04

Notepad version of the list
AS: Main - Alphabetic List - No longer updated since Page 44

AS: _currentframe by True_Darkness
AS: _name by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: _x and _y by True_Darkness
AS: Actionscripted Colour by -Thomas
AS: Animated Buttons by Inglor
AS: Bad Ideas by GameCubeFreak2004
AS: Bars (Health/Score/etc) by Inglor
AS: Bars (Health/Score/etc) by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: Basic A.I. by Dancing-Thunder
AS: Beginning Actionscript by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Bounce & Gravity by ImpotentBoy2
AS: ClipEvents by Inglor
AS: Concepts and Corrosion by Johnny_Krysys
AS: Date Object by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Drag & Drop by Inglor
AS: Duplicated Movie Clips
AS: Dynamic Color Changes by Rantzien
AS: Dynamically Resizing Objects by Spamburger
AS: Forms by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: Frame Functions by Spamburger
AS: Hierarchy by Rantzien
AS: KeyCode by -Toast-
AS: loadMovie() by Spamburger
AS: loadMovie by GuyWithHisComp
AS: LocalConnection by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Loops & Conditions by BleeBlap
AS: Loops - For... In by Inglor
AS: Loops - While by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Maths - Basic by T-H
AS: Microphone by Depredation
AS: Modulo by KaynSlamdyke
AS: Movement - Basic
AS: Movement - Scrolling Background by DrDeath2k3
AS: Movement - Scrolling Objects by lan00
AS: Performance & Optimisation Tips by T-H
AS: Popup Window (Javascript/Flash) by Ozcar
AS: Print by -Thomas-
AS: Quality Toggling
AS: Random by -Reedo11-
AS: Random - More by Spamburger
AS: Replay Button by Inglor
AS: RGB by Snubby
AS: Rounding (to the nearest) by Snubby
AS: Sound
AS: Starting Out by -Thomas
AS: Stop & Play Buttons by Inglor
AS: swapDepths by -liam-
AS: Symbolic Operators (and, or, not) by SpamBurger
AS: Symbols by Joelasticot
AS: Timeout by Inglor
AS: Tricks and Titbits by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Variables by Rantzien
AS: Varables - More by phyconinja
AS: Video by Depredation

AS: Black and White (Flash 8) by fwe
AS: Clock by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Custom Cursor by lan00
AS: Easy Time Counter by PhAsEz
AS: Elastic Mouse Chaser by lan00
AS: Inventory 1 by Inglor
AS: Mouse Avoider by Hoeloe
AS: Moving, Dad 'n Me style by -Thomas-
AS: Mad Libs by SpamBurger
AS: Password by Dancing-Thunder
AS: Paypal Button by Ozcar
AS: Preloader by Snubby
AS: Preloader
AS: Preloader not appearing by johnfn
AS: Photo Negative by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Subtitles by -Toast-
AS: Timer by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Typewriter Effect by Atomic_Sponge

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 17:59:31

AS: API Scripted Camera by True_Darkness
AS: Arrays
AS: Arrays by Creeepy
AS: Artificial Thinking by -Vengeance-
AS: AsBroadcaster by liam
AS: Basic Combos by -Toast-
AS: Binary and Bitwise Operators by Claxor
AS: Camera Control by Inglor
AS: Code style speed tests (AS3) by -dELta-
AS: Collisions by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Collisions - Boundaries by Spamburger
AS: Collisions - Circle To Shape Hittest by 23450
AS: Collision Detection by BleeBlap
AS: Collisions - HitTesting Duped MCs by SpamBurger
AS: Collisions - Move To Contact by Tela_Ferrum
AS: Components Stuff by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: Constant Distance (Ragdoll Basics) by T-H
AS: Debugging Syntax by Inglor
AS: Dynamic FPS by -dELta-
AS: Elasticity by Joelasticot
AS: External Audio Optimization by ChtFreak64
AS: File Upload (uses PHP) by Khao
AS: Filters (Flash 8) by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Filters (Flash 8) by Inglor
AS: Flash & PHP by shazwoogle
AS: Flash > ASP > Txt
AS: For Animation by DingoEatingFuzz
AS: Functions by mikebud
AS: Functions - Basic by Inglor
AS: Intervals by Inglor
AS: Linear Increasement by Inglor
AS: Listeners by F13
AS: Load External Data/Cross-Domain
AS: Loading/Unloading Data by shazwoogle
AS: Logical Thinking by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Maths - Intermediate by Inglor
AS: Mouse Wheel by Inglor
AS: Movement - On slopes by Joelasticot
AS: Movement - Random by -liam-
AS: Pointing/Shooting at Mouse
AS: Random Enemies by Kabomb
AS: Save and Load
AS: Sound From URL by Cybex
AS: Specific Anti-theft Protection by authorblues
AS: Strings by Inglor
AS: String Manipulation by SpamBurger
AS: SWF Copy Protection by JackSmack
AS: SWF Right-Click Menu
AS: Text Fields by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Text - HTML by shazwoogle
AS: Try And Catch (Error Handling) by authorblues
AS: Upload/Download (Flash 8) by -liam-

AS: Cannon by reality_check7
AS: Fading Trail Effect (Bullet Time)
AS: Fireworks (API) by Inglor
AS: Flash/PHP Webpage Hit Counter
AS: Flicker Effect by _Paranoia_
AS: Game 1 - Moving and Jumping by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Game 2 - Shooting & Power-ups by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Jumping Engine by rabidbaboy
AS: Jumping Engine For All by Rystic
AS: Movement - Asteroids Ship by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Movie Control by Spamburger
AS: Overhead Car by -Ryu-
AS: Overhead Game by pyro111
AS: Platform Placing by Hoeloe
AS: Platform Game Basics by Atomic_Sponge
AS: Platformer: N00b to Pro by MusicianEXE
AS: Platformer by Thomas2005
AS: Platformer by pyro111
AS: Platformer LearnIt by GooGum
AS: Platformer AI (on Slopes) by Hoeloe
AS: Platformer with Slopes by pyro111
AS: Pong Physics & Gravity by -Toast-
AS: Rain Effect (API) by Inglor
AS: Random Enemy Attacks by Flash_Kid
AS: RTS Movement by pyro111
AS: Scoreboard by Inglor
AS: Starfield (API)
AS: Varispeed Rollover Scrollbar
AS: Volume Slider by Star_Cleaver

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 17:59:48

AS: 3Dimension - Basic by -dELta-
AS: 3Dimension - Intermediate by -dELta-
AS: 3D: Very Basic Wireframe by Begoner
AS: 3D: Wireframe by Disarray_yarrasiD
AS: Actionscripted Tweens by BleeBlap
AS: Angled Distance by 23450
AS: API by -liam-
AS: API 3-Gradient Fills by Inglor
AS: API Curves by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: API Fading by True_Darkness
AS: Art-based Normal Detection by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Ball Angle hitTest And Bouncing by Khao
AS: Binary Increasement by Inglor
AS: BitmapData - Basic by -liam-
AS: Circle to Line hitTesting by Inglor
AS: Closest Proximity (AI) by 23450
AS: Components by -dELta-
AS: Faux Tile Boundaries by GooGum
AS: Line to Line Collision by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Math - Exponential Functions by Sekky
AS: Mechs - Vector Arithmetic by Sekky
AS: Modular Programming by Inglor
AS: Nested arrays by arby
AS: Non-Tilebased Pathfinding by -dELta-
AS: Numerics - Recursion by Sekky
AS: Scoreboard Protection
AS: OOP (Object Oriented Programming) by Inglor
AS: OOP Classes by authorblues
AS: OOP Classes For Morons by Johnny_Krysys
AS: OOP Packages by Newsdee
AS: OOP - Static Properties/Methods by authorblues
AS: Prototype, Proto & Inheritance by BleeBlap
AS: System Capabilities (Flash-PC Communication) by Inglor
AS: Tile-based Game Development Map by Inglor
AS: Tile-based Line-of-Sight Algorithm by zoohl
AS: Tile-based Pathfinding by -dELta-
AS: Try And Catch (Error Handling) by authorblues
AS: Trigonometry by BleeBlap
AS: XML by Inglor
AS: XML For Online Interactivity by -KhAo-

AS: Flash Game Instant Replay by Cojones893
AS: Key Queue by Inglor
AS: Maze by Begoner
AS: OOP Inventory System by Afro_Ninja
AS: RSS Class by authorblues
AS: Syntax Checking Stack by Inglor
AS: XML Sockets - Chatroom by Ninja_Chicken

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 18:01:18

Nooo! dont lock this please. there is still much we can learn. At least make another thread!!

Games|1|2|3| Movies|1|2|

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 18:06:16


R.I.P AS: Main <3

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 18:09:50

Yeah, i think it'd probably be for the best. I'm just glad i made it up there before it was too late.

Just for reasurrance, are you going to make an AS3: Main when it's officially released?

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 18:09:53

How sad. Maybe we need to open up an AS:Specific for more specific tutorials and things of that nature, and then just refer newbs back to AS:Main for the generalized help?

I'm a part of AS:Main history! woo.

Come join music competitions on Chips Compo and hang on our Discord!

Good artists copy. Great artists get banned from the Audio Portal.

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 18:11:11

Wait, why would you lock the thread? Many people will still want to create tutorials for others to learn off of, whether the list is going to be updated or not. Many people will want to still be able to post in this thread also. There are many good reasons why you shouldn't lock this thread...

There are many options too, such as making this thread a sticky, which I doubt Tom would go for, not wanting "3" stickys on the top of the Flash Forum. But I'm sure there are alternatives...

If you lock it, then... well, it's been fun *tear*
lol, it's ashame really, so many people still get so much out of this thread just by posting in it, with it locked, many people will lose out.

Realize this as well....
Some newbs, such as you said, make AS topics, when they hardly know AS themselves, especially about the topic! But know that by making a topic on something you don't know, and doing research on it to make it SEEM like you know what you're talking about, expands that persons knowledge as well, and at least they think they have a chance of getting on the list. There are probably 20+ tutorials made by complete newbs who don't know what they're talking about, but because they made that tutorial, they DID get some good incite on how do do what they made a tutorial on. Bleh, it's hard for me to explain in words since I'm so tired, but I think that came out clear...

<3 all

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 18:11:54

if you do il shoot


BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 18:14:12

At 8/24/06 06:01 PM, -Nuggs- wrote: Nooo! dont lock this please. there is still much we can learn. At least make another thread!!

In time, maybe. When AS3 is out, new tuts will be a necessity, since the language is changing a lot. As for learning, I doubt you've already read and absorbed all the information linked in the list currently - I know I haven't. And the lock - well, if people are going to continue linking to page=9999, posting must stop before the end of this page. It's more of a preventative measure than anything else.

At 8/24/06 06:06 PM, Kirk_Cocaine wrote: IBTL ;)


R.I.P AS: Main <3

Not dead, just resting =)

At 8/24/06 06:09 PM, Cybex wrote: Just for reasurrance, are you going to make an AS3: Main when it's officially released?

Possibly. If I don't, another prominent NGer (preferably a mod) should.

At 8/24/06 06:09 PM, johnfn wrote: How sad. Maybe we need to open up an AS:Specific for more specific tutorials and things of that nature, and then just refer newbs back to AS:Main for the generalized help?

I don't really see the need for that, personally. Most subjects have been covered in the current list. Just try and link users to the individual threads that match their problem, rather than this topic - that's the main reason I publish the notepad version as well.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 18:16:45

Also, I made this awhile back...

Instead of page=9999 people could easily link to that or a real domain name as well.

Another alternative is letting someone else update the list, one of us, who can keep track of all the tutorials and decide which tutorials should be added or not..

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 18:20:10

At 8/24/06 06:16 PM, True_Darkness wrote: Also, I made this awhile back...

Instead of page=9999 people could easily link to that or a real domain name as well.

Another alternative is letting someone else update the list, one of us, who can keep track of all the tutorials and decide which tutorials should be added or not..

I understand what you're saying, but the fact is, the list is confusing to the majority of newbs. It's got bloated, and is no longer as efficient as it could be in the purpose for which it was created. There's very little that hasn't been covered. There's also nothing to stop people from continuing to create tuts - if/when there's another incarnation of AS: Main, there's a good chance their work will be included.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 18:20:59

At 8/24/06 06:14 PM, Denvish wrote:
At 8/24/06 06:09 PM, Cybex wrote: Just for reasurrance, are you going to make an AS3: Main when it's officially released?
Possibly. If I don't, another prominent NGer (preferably a mod) should.

Well, if you ever need someone to do it, and there's a lack of volunteers, I'd be up for doing it I guess. PHP: Main has grown quite big, and I've gotten used to it. But I guess I'm not really a regular here.

But any, Denvish, I want to thank you. You've given so much time, and created such an amazing idea. It's spread to the programming forum like you said, and it's been a hit with PHP. You've helped numerous people with AS: Main, I use it for reference during every game I make, and it's helped tons of peopel with PHP: Main, Java: Main, C++ Main, and now ANimation: Main.

Thank you sir, you truly helped thousands of people with AS: Main, directly, and indirectly.

Response to As: Main 2006-08-24 18:26:34

At 8/24/06 06:22 PM, hypernova109 wrote: if this thread gets locked, im going down with it!

You know what, I really don't look at it as going down.

AS: Main doesn't need to be near the top of the forum in order to help people.

All of the regulars link to it all the time, so there's NO reason to worry.

AS: Main will still help people, just not with updated content.