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As: Main

712,599 Views | 1,500 Replies
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Response to As: Main 2006-08-25 17:21:51

AS:main, wow, like the worlds greated forum thread EVER!!!

I do agre with you denvish, it is getting realy clumsie to find what you are after. Though I make one last request, and not jsut to denvish. Can some one spend some time, and sort out the tutrials, and i dont just mean by the difficulty. I was thinking, more like breaking the tutoriasl down into subject areas, as a last post, it would leave AS:main in the best postion ever! that way it truely will be the best list of tutorials for flash!

Response to As: Main 2006-08-25 17:59:12

Oh god. Just woke up (Yeah, I know, I sleep in. >_O), and my hand was literally shaking as I clicked on the "AS: Main" bookmark tab at the top of my browser. I'm glad it's still alive.

If we have no choice but to lock it (Which I do not want to happen) then I want to be with it in it's last hours. Holding its hand. omfg *cry*

Response to As: Main 2006-08-26 09:10:02

At 8/26/06 09:07 AM, Denvish wrote: Well, the notepad version of the list is available. If someone wants to take it and restructure it into what they consider to be a more sensible or helpful order, they could post it after my list on page 50 (since it seems pretty inevitable that this is going to reach page 50, with all you fuckers spamming it to shit)

I could try. I wouldn't guarentee finishing anything, but I'd try to put it in a "Newbs read these first" type order.

Come join music competitions on Chips Compo and hang on our Discord!

Good artists copy. Great artists get banned from the Audio Portal.

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 16:08:27

*BUMP* =))))

Here we go again.... thanks James for the unlock. Still looking for ways to make this more newb-friendly, but in the meantime, feel free to contribute any tuts you might have written. See the fourth post in http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=63 8183 for details on the current philosophy of AS: Main. Also, big thanks to John (jmtb02) for volunteering to share the responsibility ofkeeping the thread in order.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 16:10:51

At 1/13/07 04:08 PM, Denvish wrote: I am the sexiest thing alive for reviving this thread.

Yes, yes you are.

And all the people crying that its being closed look silly now =P

At first there was nothing, then it exploded. - Big bang

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 16:25:34

Lets try again shall we :D.
Next page soon hopefully.

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 16:29:51

At 8/25/06 05:02 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: goodbye AS MAIN

Hello AS: Main

Back again.

Now I might be able to look though the pages easier since I have page=9999999 bookmarked and was too lazy to change it.


Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 16:31:51

At 1/13/07 04:25 PM, fuzz wrote: Lets try again shall we :D.
Next page soon hopefully.

Not if you keep that spammy attitude up :P

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 16:42:21

The original AS: Main has been revived? That's the greatest thing since meringue pie!

i like pie
And all the people crying that its being closed look silly now =P

People actually cried that it was locked? Ha.

To Denvish, why don't you split all of the very basic stuff into one section? (ie Beginning AS, _currentframe, _x and _y, etc.) It would keep AS noobs less confused when someone links them to this thread and they don't know what to look up first. For example, I didn't know what localConnection was when I started working with Flash and Actionscript, or what a modulo was.

I'd also put Concepts and Corrosion in with this very basic section, too, just to forewarn people. ;)

postcount +=1;

Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters || Don't use MS Paint! Use Aviary!


BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 16:56:14

At 1/13/07 04:42 PM, Kart-Man wrote: For example, I didn't know what localConnection was when I started working with Flash and Actionscript...

I still don't :(

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 16:56:47

After this page, the AS Main is going back to the old rules of no posting spam unless you are posting tutorial links. Denvish, myself, and any other mod that ventures on is going to remove junk posts. Thanks :))))).

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 17:02:54

Question 0.o

why is AS: Main in the other useful links? isn't the person reading the list already sort of aware of it? XD

At first there was nothing, then it exploded. - Big bang

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 17:12:11

AS: Main

Notepad version of the list

AS: _currentframe by True_Darkness
AS: _name by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: _x and _y by True_Darkness
AS: Actionscripted Colour by -Thomas
AS: Animated Buttons by Inglor
AS: Bad Ideas by GameCubeFreak2004
AS: Bars (Health/Score/etc) by Inglor
AS: Bars (Health/Score/etc) by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: Basic A.I. by Dancing-Thunder
AS: Beginning Actionscript by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Bounce & Gravity by ImpotentBoy2
AS: ClipEvents by Inglor
AS: Concepts and Corrosion by Johnny_Krysys
AS: Date Object by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Drag & Drop by Inglor
AS: Duplicated Movie Clips
AS: Dynamic Color Changes by Rantzien
AS: Dynamically Resizing Objects by Spamburger
AS: Forms by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: Frame Functions by Spamburger
AS: Hierarchy by Rantzien
AS: KeyCode by -Toast-
AS: loadMovie() by Spamburger
AS: loadMovie by GuyWithHisComp
AS: LocalConnection by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Loops & Conditions by BleeBlap
AS: Loops - For... In by Inglor
AS: Loops - While by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Maths - Basic by T-H
AS: Microphone by Depredation
AS: Modulo by KaynSlamdyke
AS: Movement - Basic
AS: Movement - Scrolling Background by DrDeath2k3
AS: Movement - Scrolling Objects by lan00
AS: Performance & Optimisation Tips by T-H
AS: Popup Window (Javascript/Flash) by Ozcar
AS: Print by -Thomas-
AS: Quality Toggling
AS: Random by -Reedo11-
AS: Random - More by Spamburger
AS: Replay Button by Inglor
AS: RGB by Snubby
AS: Rounding (to the nearest) by Snubby
AS: Sound
AS: Starting Out by -Thomas
AS: Stop & Play Buttons by Inglor
AS: swapDepths by -liam-
AS: Symbolic Operators (and, or, not) by SpamBurger
AS: Symbols by Joelasticot
AS: Timeout by Inglor
AS: Tricks and Titbits by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Variables by Rantzien
AS: Varables - More by phyconinja
AS: Video by Depredation

AS: Black and White (Flash 8) by fwe
AS: Clock by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Custom Cursor by lan00
AS: Easy Time Counter by PhAsEz
AS: Elastic Mouse Chaser by lan00
AS: Inventory 1 by Inglor
AS: Mouse Avoider by Hoeloe
AS: Moving, Dad 'n Me style by -Thomas-
AS: Mad Libs by SpamBurger
AS: Password by Dancing-Thunder
AS: Paypal Button by Ozcar
AS: Preloader by Snubby
AS: Preloader
AS: Photo Negative by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Subtitles by -Toast-
AS: Timer by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Typewriter Effect by Atomic_Sponge

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 17:12:54

AS: API Scripted Camera by True_Darkness
AS: Arrays
AS: Arrays by Creeepy
AS: Artificial Thinking by -Vengeance-
AS: AsBroadcaster by liam
AS: Basic Combos by -Toast-
AS: Binary and Bitwise Operators by Claxor
AS: Camera Control by Inglor
AS: Code style speed tests (AS3) by -dELta-
AS: Collisions by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Collisions - Boundaries by Spamburger
AS: Collisions - Circle To Shape Hittest by 23450
AS: Collision Detection by BleeBlap
AS: Collisions - HitTesting Duped MCs by SpamBurger
AS: Collisions - Move To Contact by Tela_Ferrum
AS: Components Stuff by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: Constant Distance (Ragdoll Basics) by T-H
AS: Debugging Syntax by Inglor
AS: Dynamic FPS by -dELta-
AS: Elasticity by Joelasticot
AS: External Audio Optimization by ChtFreak64
AS: File Upload (uses PHP) by Khao
AS: Filters (Flash 8) by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Filters (Flash 8) by Inglor
AS: Flash & PHP by shazwoogle
AS: Flash > ASP > Txt
AS: For Animation by DingoEatingFuzz
AS: Functions by mikebud
AS: Functions - Basic by Inglor
AS: Intervals by Inglor
AS: Linear Increasement by Inglor
AS: Listeners by F13
AS: Load External Data/Cross-Domain
AS: Loading/Unloading Data by shazwoogle
AS: Logical Thinking by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Maths - Intermediate by Inglor
AS: Mouse Wheel by Inglor
AS: Movement - On slopes by Joelasticot
AS: Movement - Random by -liam-
AS: Pointing/Shooting at Mouse
AS: Random Enemies by Kabomb
AS: Save and Load
AS: Sound From URL by Cybex
AS: Specific Anti-theft Protection by authorblues
AS: Strings by Inglor
AS: String Manipulation by SpamBurger
AS: SWF Copy Protection by JackSmack
AS: SWF Right-Click Menu
AS: Text Fields by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Text - HTML by shazwoogle
AS: Try And Catch (Error Handling) by authorblues
AS: Upload/Download (Flash 8) by -liam-

AS: Cannon by reality_check7
AS: Fading Trail Effect (Bullet Time)
AS: Fireworks (API) by Inglor
AS: Flash/PHP Webpage Hit Counter
AS: Flicker Effect by _Paranoia_
AS: Game 1 - Moving and Jumping by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Game 2 - Shooting & Power-ups by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Jumping Engine by rabidbaboy
AS: Jumping Engine For All by Rystic
AS: Movement - Asteroids Ship by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Movie Control by Spamburger
AS: Overhead Car by -Ryu-
AS: Overhead Game by pyro111
AS: Platform Placing by Hoeloe
AS: Platform Game Basics by Atomic_Sponge
AS: Platformer: N00b to Pro by MusicianEXE
AS: Platformer by Thomas2005
AS: Platformer by pyro111
AS: Platformer LearnIt by GooGum
AS: Platformer AI (on Slopes) by Hoeloe
AS: Platformer with Slopes by pyro111
AS: Pong Physics & Gravity by -Toast-
AS: Rain Effect (API) by Inglor
AS: Random Enemy Attacks by Flash_Kid
AS: RTS Movement by pyro111
AS: Scoreboard by Inglor
AS: Screenshots (Bitmap) by Paranoia
AS: Starfield (API)
AS: Varispeed Rollover Scrollbar
AS: Volume Slider by Star_Cleaver

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 17:13:34

AS: 3Dimension - Basic by -dELta-
AS: 3Dimension - Intermediate by -dELta-
AS: 3D: Very Basic Wireframe by Begoner
AS: 3D: Wireframe by Disarray_yarrasiD
AS: Actionscripted Tweens by BleeBlap
AS: Angled Distance by 23450
AS: API by -liam-
AS: API 3-Gradient Fills by Inglor
AS: API Curves by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: API Fading by True_Darkness
AS: Ball Angle hitTest And Bouncing by Khao
AS: Binary Increasement by Inglor
AS: BitmapData - Basic by -liam-
AS: Circle to Line hitTesting by Inglor
AS: Closest Proximity (AI) by 23450
AS: Components by -dELta-
AS: Faux Tile Boundaries by GooGum
AS: Line to Line Collision by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Math - Exponential Functions by Sekky
AS: Mechs - Vector Arithmetic by Sekky
AS: Modular Programming by Inglor
AS: Nested arrays by arby
AS: Non-Tilebased Pathfinding by -dELta-
AS: Numerics - Recursion by Sekky
AS: Scoreboard Protection
AS: OOP (Object Oriented Programming) by Inglor
AS: OOP Classes by authorblues
AS: OOP Classes For Morons by Johnny_Krysys
AS: OOP Packages by Newsdee
AS: OOP - Static Properties/Methods by authorblues
AS: Prototype, Proto & Inheritance by BleeBlap
AS: System Capabilities (Flash-PC Communication) by Inglor
AS: Tile-based Game Development Map by Inglor
AS: Tile-based Line-of-Sight Algorithm by zoohl
AS: Tile-based Pathfinding by -dELta-
AS: Try And Catch (Error Handling) by authorblues
AS: Trigonometry by BleeBlap
AS: XML by Inglor
AS: XML For Online Interactivity by -KhAo-

AS: Art-based Normal Detection by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Flash Game Instant Replay by Cojones893
AS: Key Queue by Inglor
AS: Maze by Begoner
AS: OOP Inventory System by Afro_Ninja
AS: RSS Class by authorblues
AS: Syntax Checking Stack by Inglor
AS: XML Sockets - Chatroom by Ninja_Chicken

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 17:30:24

surely theres a webcam tutorial on the BBS somewhere to be put on here? if there isnt i might pm someone who made a decent webcam game.

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 17:32:01

Wow, back open again, after all this time :P. Nice to see a couple of mods doing something for it now :).

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 17:33:14

It safe to post yet?

AS: Bitmap Screenshots, the only link for which, as fas as I'm aware, got deleted shortly before it would have gone down with the ship of the temporary AS:Main.

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 18:20:48

It's nice to have AS:Main back

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 18:27:30

denvish opened AS:MAIN again as a seperate topic that did not have this problem:

AS: API Scripted Camera of the Intermediate section now links to AS:_currentframe. When Denvish reopened it, that problem did not occur.

can somebody fix it?

anyways, nice to have AS:MAIN back in action...

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 18:49:15

The notepad file I have needs a bit of updating, so some links may be a bit off. Thanks for finding that.

@ Paranoia, your link has been added, just under "Screenshots (Bitmap)" in the Intermediate section. I changed the name because people are more likely to look for screenshots than bitmap screenshots.

And for the rest of you, post only if there are corrections to be made on the AS Main, or if you have a tutorial you would like to add. Thanks.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-13 19:51:00

At 1/13/07 06:49 PM, jmtb02 wrote: And for the rest of you, post only if you have a tutorial you would like to add. Thanks.

What about caseyo's (formally electricfreak) White Noise/TV Static Effect tutorial? That'd be a cool "other useful link".

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-14 04:12:45

At 1/13/07 08:59 PM, stikkilla wrote: so since the last 2 got locked, were using this one.
At 1/13/07 09:11 PM, Hornby wrote: Wow it's been unlocked, (thats the cue to play the sexy music)
At 1/13/07 09:47 PM, Musician wrote: It's strange that I should be active on my account again just in time for this to be unlocked.

AS: Main brings back memories..
At 1/13/07 10:58 PM, flen wrote: WOOT!
All hail the Great As: Main!!
At 1/13/07 11:02 PM, TrueDarkness wrote: Might as well join the hype and celebration. Welcome back AS: Main :D

Guys, it's nice that you're all happy for the return of the thread, but please, read jmtb's posts:

At 1/13/07 06:49 PM, jmtb02 wrote: And for the rest of you, post only if there are corrections to be made on the AS Main, or if you have a tutorial you would like to add. Thanks.
At 1/13/07 04:56 PM, jmtb02 wrote: AS Main is going back to the old rules of no posting spam unless you are posting tutorial links.

Although one of the main reason for the lock was originally my unhappiness with the unwieldiness of the list for Flash newbs, one of the other things taken into account was the fact that too many people posted spam and irrelevant material, meaning that a new page (and a new list, which by itself takes up four posts) came around too often. This is a resource thread, not a chat topic.

- If you have an actionscript question, start a new topic.
- If you can't find a desired subject on the list, read through it again more thoroughly.
- If you still can't find it, then by all means post a request for a tutorial in here.

Besides that, the only people who should be posting in here are those who have written a new tutorial thread they wish to add to the list, or people who have spotted errors in the list links.

Also, if you ARE writing a tutorial thread, be aware that if it covers something already on the list, it may not be added - I know in the past I've said that having more than one approach to a subject is good, but there's no spare space on the list now for dupe topics. It's already bloated enough.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-14 04:48:34

At 1/14/07 04:24 AM, UnknownFury wrote: As Main is back, awesome. I will get a tutorial up here soon.

Sorry to have posted that. As: Rotating and Following mouse I think rotation has been covered but i am not so sure about that way of following the mouse.

Sorry if it has.

Response to As: Main 2007-01-14 04:54:15

Would you mind adding this to the help section? It's a commonly asked question, so i think it'd suit here :).

Nice sig Jmtb, what is it, out of interest ;D.

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-01-29 03:58:48

AS:Variables new
can you add this, and remove my old one?

Response to As: Main 2007-01-30 23:06:27

jmbt02, can you put this in the helpful links section under "Sound FAQ?" Also, The Big Tutorial List by IWantSomeCookies link is dead..

Response to As: Main 2007-02-01 17:07:48

AS: Webcam

Just thought I'd add a Webcam tutorial for Flash for the re-opening of the AS: Main.


Response to As: Main 2007-02-08 12:33:59


I don't think it has been done before, but its a pretty nice tut i made.

BBS Signature