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As: Main

712,591 Views | 1,500 Replies
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Response to As: Main 2007-02-09 00:50:24

As: Turning A String Into Code/ Associative Arrays

I was surprised you didn't have that one so i made it.


Response to As: Main 2007-02-24 01:52:45

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-03-10 17:36:10

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=66 8258

for people who dont know how to use ArmorBot

Response to As: Main 2007-03-11 05:21:09

Here is an RPG:Basics Tutorial I made and submitted to the portal.It may be useful to anyone that looks in here :)


Response to As: Main 2007-03-15 00:35:24

AS:Helicopter Game

It's so big it takes 2 posts :O (how lame.)


Response to As: Main 2007-03-19 00:32:08

oh yeah, also, you forgot to add AS: Preloader not appearing to the beginner, specific section.

Response to As: Main 2007-03-24 04:03:37


How about a sonic the hedgehog type platformer tutorial?

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-03-25 03:05:37

I don't know if I'm supposed to ask about this, but next time someone updates 'The List' could they put AS: Buttons for Movieclips in it?

Response to As: Main 2007-03-26 18:16:14

I thought Denvish locked the AS main. But i guess its back.

At 3/19/07 12:32 AM, deltatsunami wrote: oh yeah, also, you forgot to add AS: Preloader not appearing to the beginner, specific section.

thats a very good tutorial. many people struggle on that.

Response to As: Main 2007-03-31 08:45:04

Conditional Operators
Switch Case

I went for completeness and writing about a topic no one cares about again. Basic section methinks


BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-03-31 10:42:09

Ball inertia AS

heres something I put together a while ago....

Blok' Party, Orbital Khaos, site, MSMstudios, Phrozen Phlame

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-03-31 12:47:48

Notepad version of the list

AS: _currentframe by True_Darkness
AS: _name by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: _x and _y by True_Darkness
AS: ? Operators And Switch Case by KaynSlamdyke
AS: Actionscripted Colour by -Thomas
AS: Animated Buttons by Inglor
AS: Bad Ideas by GameCubeFreak2004
AS: Bars (Health/Score/etc) by Inglor
AS: Bars (Health/Score/etc) by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: Basic A.I. by Dancing-Thunder
AS: Beginning Actionscript by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Bounce & Gravity by ImpotentBoy2
AS: ClipEvents by Inglor
AS: Concepts and Corrosion by Johnny_Krysys
AS: Date Object by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Drag & Drop by Inglor
AS: Duplicated Movie Clips
AS: Dynamic Color Changes by Rantzien
AS: Dynamically Resizing Objects by Spamburger
AS: Forms by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: Frame Functions by Spamburger
AS: Hierarchy by Rantzien
AS: KeyCode by -Toast-
AS: loadMovie() by Spamburger
AS: loadMovie by GuyWithHisComp
AS: LocalConnection by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Loops & Conditions by BleeBlap
AS: Loops - For... In by Inglor
AS: Loops - While by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Maths - Basic by T-H
AS: Microphone by Depredation
AS: Modulo by KaynSlamdyke
AS: Movement - Basic
AS: Movement - Scrolling Background by DrDeath2k3
AS: Movement - Scrolling Objects by lan00
AS: Performance & Optimisation Tips by T-H
AS: Popup Window (Javascript/Flash) by Ozcar
AS: Print by -Thomas-
AS: Quality Toggling
AS: Random by -Reedo11-
AS: Random - More by Spamburger
AS: Replay Button by Inglor
AS: RGB by Snubby
AS: Rounding (to the nearest) by Snubby
AS: Sound
AS: Starting Out by -Thomas
AS: Stop & Play Buttons by Inglor
AS: swapDepths by -liam-
AS: Symbolic Operators (and, or, not) by SpamBurger
AS: Symbols by Joelasticot
AS: Timeout by Inglor
AS: Tricks and Titbits by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Variables by Rantzien
AS: Variables New by phyconinja
AS: Video by Depredation

AS: Black and White (Flash 8) by fwe
AS: Bouncing Ball by VeinDigger
AS: Clock by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Custom Cursor by lan00
AS: Easy Time Counter by PhAsEz
AS: Elastic Mouse Chaser by lan00
AS: Inventory 1 by Inglor
AS: Mouse Avoider by Hoeloe
AS: Moving, Dad 'n Me style by -Thomas-
AS: Mad Libs by SpamBurger
AS: Password by Dancing-Thunder
AS: Paypal Button by Ozcar
AS: Preloader by Snubby
AS: Preloader
AS: Photo Negative by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Subtitles by -Toast-
AS: Swinging/Elastic Ball by pivot11
AS: Timer by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Typewriter Effect by Atomic_Sponge
AS: White Noise/TV Static Effect by caseyo

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-03-31 12:48:15

AS: API Scripted Camera by True_Darkness
AS: Arrays
AS: Arrays by Creeepy
AS: Artificial Thinking by -Vengeance-
AS: AsBroadcaster by liam
AS: Basic Combos by -Toast-
AS: Binary and Bitwise Operators by Claxor
AS: Bitmap Screenshots by Paranoia
AS: Camera Control by Inglor
AS: Code style speed tests (AS3) by -dELta-
AS: Collisions by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Collisions - Boundaries by Spamburger
AS: Collisions - Circle To Shape Hittest by 23450
AS: Collision Detection by BleeBlap
AS: Collisions - HitTesting Duped MCs by SpamBurger
AS: Collisions - Move To Contact by Tela_Ferrum
AS: Components Stuff by Darkfire_Blaze
AS: Constant Distance (Ragdoll Basics) by T-H
AS: Debugging Syntax by Inglor
AS: Dynamic FPS by -dELta-
AS: Elasticity by Joelasticot
AS: External Audio Optimization by ChtFreak64
AS: File Upload (uses PHP) by Khao
AS: Filters (Flash 8) by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Filters (Flash 8) by Inglor
AS: Flash & PHP by shazwoogle
AS: Flash > ASP > Txt
AS: For Animation by DingoEatingFuzz
AS: Functions by mikebud
AS: Functions - Basic by Inglor
AS: Intervals by Inglor
AS: Linear Increasement by Inglor
AS: Listeners by F13
AS: Load External Data/Cross-Domain
AS: Loading/Unloading Data by shazwoogle
AS: Logical Thinking by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Maths - Intermediate by Inglor
AS: Mouse Wheel by Inglor
AS: Movement - On slopes by Joelasticot
AS: Movement - Random by -liam-
AS: Pointing/Shooting at Mouse
AS: Random Enemies by Kabomb
AS: Rotate and Follow Mouse by UnknownFury
AS: Save and Load
AS: Sound From URL by Cybex
AS: Specific Anti-theft Protection by authorblues
AS: Strings by Inglor
AS: String Manipulation by SpamBurger
AS: SWF Copy Protection by JackSmack
AS: SWF Right-Click Menu
AS: Text Fields by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Text - HTML by shazwoogle
AS: Turning A String Into Code by Alphabit
AS: Try And Catch (Error Handling) by authorblues
AS: Upload/Download (Flash 8) by -liam-

AS: ArmorBot Help by Sinistermuffin
AS: Cannon by reality_check7
AS: Fading Trail Effect (Bullet Time)
AS: Fireworks (API) by Inglor
AS: Flash/PHP Webpage Hit Counter
AS: Flicker Effect by _Paranoia_
AS: Game 1 - Moving and Jumping by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Game 2 - Shooting & Power-ups by Ninja-Chicken
AS: Jumping Engine by rabidbaboy
AS: Jumping Engine For All by Rystic
AS: Movement - Asteroids Ship by GuyWithHisComp
AS: Movie Control by Spamburger
AS: Movie Scroll Bar by 23450
AS: Overhead Car by -Ryu-
AS: Overhead Game by pyro111
AS: Platform Placing by Hoeloe
AS: Platform Game Basics by Atomic_Sponge
AS: Platformer: N00b to Pro by MusicianEXE
AS: Platformer by Thomas2005
AS: Platformer by pyro111
AS: Platformer LearnIt by GooGum
AS: Platformer AI (on Slopes) by Hoeloe
AS: Platformer with Slopes by pyro111
AS: Pong Physics & Gravity by -Toast-
AS: Rain Effect (API) by Inglor
AS: Random Enemy Attacks by Flash_Kid
AS: RTS Movement by pyro111
AS: Scoreboard by Inglor
AS: Starfield (API)
AS: Varispeed Rollover Scrollbar
AS: Volume Slider by Star_Cleaver

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-03-31 12:48:27

AS: 3Dimension - Basic by -dELta-
AS: 3Dimension - Intermediate by -dELta-
AS: 3D: Very Basic Wireframe by Begoner
AS: 3D: Wireframe by Disarray_yarrasiD
AS: Actionscripted Tweens by BleeBlap
AS: Angled Distance by 23450
AS: API by -liam-
AS: API 3-Gradient Fills by Inglor
AS: API Curves by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: API Fading by True_Darkness
AS: Ball Angle hitTest And Bouncing by Khao
AS: Binary Increasement by Inglor
AS: BitmapData - Basic by -liam-
AS: Circle to Line hitTesting by Inglor
AS: Closest Proximity (AI) by 23450
AS: Components by -dELta-
AS: Faux Tile Boundaries by GooGum
AS: Line to Line Collision by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Math - Exponential Functions by Sekky
AS: Mechs - Vector Arithmetic by Sekky
AS: Modular Programming by Inglor
AS: Nested arrays by arby
AS: Non-Tilebased Pathfinding by -dELta-
AS: Numerics - Recursion by Sekky
AS: Scoreboard Protection
AS: OOP (Object Oriented Programming) by Inglor
AS: OOP Classes by authorblues
AS: OOP Classes For Morons by Johnny_Krysys
AS: OOP Packages by Newsdee
AS: OOP - Static Properties/Methods by authorblues
AS: Prototype, Proto & Inheritance by BleeBlap
AS: System Capabilities (Flash-PC Communication) by Inglor
AS: Tile-based Game Development Map by Inglor
AS: Tile-based Line-of-Sight Algorithm by zoohl
AS: Tile-based Pathfinding by -dELta-
AS: Try And Catch (Error Handling) by authorblues
AS: Trigonometry by BleeBlap
AS: XML by Inglor
AS: XML For Online Interactivity by -KhAo-

AS: Art-based Normal Detection by Glaiel_Gamer
AS: Flash Game Instant Replay by Cojones893
AS: Key Queue by Inglor
AS: Maze by Begoner
AS: OOP Inventory System by Afro_Ninja
AS: RSS Class by authorblues
AS: Syntax Checking Stack by Inglor
AS: XML Sockets - Chatroom by Ninja_Chicken

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-04-06 21:53:57

Could you please add AS: Id3 Tags in with the Intermediate section? Thanks.

postcount +=1;

Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters || Don't use MS Paint! Use Aviary!


BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-04-09 07:02:28

Can you paste this in usefull links?
BIT-101 Tutorials

Response to As: Main 2007-04-17 01:49:35


Response to As: Main 2007-04-17 07:02:54

Grah i feel so unknown, SK8MORE god damn :/ EvanHayes seems like a much more serious name than sk8more,so i changed it.

Response to As: Main 2007-04-17 10:48:00

AS: Textfield Fadeout

compliments sk8more's tutorial

Response to As: Main 2007-04-20 16:11:18

AS: RPG Movement

this is very different and much more accurate and faster way of making rpg overworld movement 8D

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-04-22 09:50:15

"AS: Bitmap Screenshots by Paranoia" link is not correct D:
it should be: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=63 8563

Response to As: Main 2007-04-24 15:31:35

Grah i feel so unknown, SK8MORE god damn :/ EvanHayes seems like a much more serious name than sk8more,so i changed it.

Response to As: Main 2007-04-27 21:42:41

Umm... I really appreciate this whole thing, but can you include something on Action Script 3.0.

I'm also a total noob so if you know something I don't that would be nice. (Like using actionscript 2 instead of 3 in Flash 9).

Response to As: Main 2007-05-12 21:06:53

At 4/27/07 09:42 PM, Vega-034 wrote: Umm... I really appreciate this whole thing, but can you include something on Action Script 3.0.

I'm also a total noob so if you know something I don't that would be nice. (Like using actionscript 2 instead of 3 in Flash 9).

There's an AS3 main for AS3 on its own.

Response to As: Main 2007-05-20 14:10:44

i'm sure i saw something on how to render dynamic text as a bitmap...

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-05-31 14:59:04

Say, is there anything, about having a gun move with the mouse for a First Person Shooter in any of those?

Response to As: Main 2007-06-05 15:10:09

Kinematics - Video Tutorial by authorblues
This link is dead :(
just to let you know.

I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise?

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-06-26 16:49:27

How about one on how to stretch flash and it's contents to fit each type of browser resolution...
Ya know, screen.width

Hello, from the past!

[ PHP: Main ]

BBS Signature

Response to As: Main 2007-07-06 01:08:00

i am making a slider image puzzle games my problem is i read all article about AS in "collision" but nothings works, imagine you have two square (square1,square2) what i want to happen is the square1 must not pass through with the square2 it is like walls to each other ether i can use the drag and drop or the cursor key up, down, right, left...

i know everyone of you already played the puzzle slider games could somebody help me out with my problem please! an FLA.. of yours that i can download can be very helpful on me. even a simple 2 square..

thanks in advance guyz!!!! GOD BLESS