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Most believable religion

15,206 Views | 223 Replies

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 10:24:29

At 4/28/06 07:55 AM, torvus1 wrote: I personally believe in atheism as it seems the most logical and least flawed form of belief, Christianity, Islam and many other religions have alot of parts in them that can be proven wrong through the use of science such as the whole aspect that the Earth is a mere few thousand years old which according to science is wrong as the Earth could be anything up to a couple of billion years old.

There are only a few fundamentalist protestants that accept that for fact: the Bible never explicitly states how long the Earth has been in existence, and Muslims have never believed that.

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 11:11:26

At 4/27/06 08:25 PM, radioheaded wrote:
there is usually an anti-god/deity

if you mean satan in christianity, satan is the jewish angel of temptation and isnt a counter god. The catholic church made a new kind of figure out of a greek god called pan and satan from the bible. They did that to blame things on like failed harvest or thunder, or infant death.

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 12:40:41

They're all equally as likely for none can be proven until after death.

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 12:45:25

Here is my religion, as far as I know it's exclusive to me:

The highest authority in the eveything is dumb, a set or rules that determine what can be done, and what can't. These rules have always been, and always will be.

Each universe (if there are more than one) is physically made of energies, each with their own characteristics, as determined by the highest authority. The energies flow freely in the space between universes, but each universe may be missing some of these energies.

Each universe has it's own set of sub-rules, again dumb, and that control all within the universe, including the deities that control that universe. The deities then determine the laws of the universe (laws of physics, laws of attraction, etc.).

Our universe is made of 81 different energies, and each has two gods, one male and one female, that maintain and control it, making 162 deities in all.

These energies make up everything in our universe, blended in different ways, and individually represent both the physical and the ethereal aspects of our universe, such as "Fire", "Earth", "Water" and "Wind, or "Mind", "Faith", "Void", and "Infinity".

As the laws of physics are born from these energies, the two systems work together. For example, "Fire" holds sway over any chemical reaction involving Oxygen, and "Rainbow" gives us the different wavelengths of ElectroMagnetic Radiation, including visible light.

So basically, I have 162 gods, as much a part of the universe as we are, controlling 81 energies which make up everything in the universe, and all these are subject to the Grand Authority, which is constant and eternal, and can't understand or even hear anthing like a prayer.

What do you think of this? I'm being perfectly serious when I say these are my beliefs. I want to hear any criticisms or question you have.

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 12:51:42

the idea of energies you have, is very old. The greeks had this kind of chemistry, they thought everything was built up with elements, (water, fire etc.) so you need earth and water and fire to make a flower grow.
So it isn't very new.
And are your "energies" catagories of materials?? cause you still have the problem of molecules...

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 13:15:06

I think that human beings are very insignificant creatures. In the grand scheme of things we don't really even matter at all. We might as well not exist. I doubt if any of our religions are anywhere near to whats actually going on in the universe. We're most likely microscopic pions that are completely uninfluential and unimportant on a cosmic scale.

BBS Signature

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 14:52:08

Islam,talks about God discusses scientific phenomeona(such as the stages a baby goes through conception) embroyonic development.Its no wonder there were already Muslim scientists,meteorologists,chemists,and doctors performing modern advances a thousand years before attempted by the europeans.Islam makes it clear that you must live a righteous life perform good deeds,donate money and pray .All for God.You must also believe in all the prophets such as prophet Adam,Abraham,Moses,and Jesus (peace be upon them.)

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 16:22:16

At 4/28/06 02:52 PM, -MuTe_EcHo- wrote:

Its no wonder there were already Muslim scientists,meteorologists,chemists,and doctors performing modern advances a thousand years before attempted by the europeans.

Because the Midde East was at a crossroads between the Orient and Europe so they were in a sense just middlemen to the whole things.

But once the America's were found, the Middle East went to hell.

Between the idea And the reality

Between the motion And the act, Falls the Shadow

An argument in Logic

BBS Signature

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 21:12:06

At 4/28/06 04:22 PM, YankeeFli wrote:
At 4/28/06 02:52 PM, -MuTe_EcHo- wrote:
Because the Midde East was at a crossroads between the Orient and Europe so they were in a sense just middlemen to the whole things.


But once the America's were found, the Middle East went to hell.


Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 21:20:28

At 4/28/06 05:40 PM, EZ3 wrote: This topic is absurd. Athiesm is the most believable, because it requires no believe.

Atheism is still very illogical, as many atheists make a number of rash forceful assumptions.

The most believable "theory" is "I have no fucking idea."

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 22:21:26

At 4/26/06 05:17 AM, Guitarmy wrote:
At 4/25/06 06:48 PM, MattMan1 wrote:
At 4/25/06 06:46 PM, MoralLibertarian wrote: Islam.
i agree it has been around for ages and has the most detailed bible
Islam was created for political gain, some arab king needed a large army so he created the ideas and they were forcedly accepted. Islam is a joke. Budhism is a much better religion.

You know how humans are wrong and right at the same time, here is a good evidence of that.

He's right that Buddhism is better than Islam. Buddhism promotes peace much more clearly than Islam and Buddhism is much more practical and reasonable.

But he's wrong to think that Muhammad was a king. Muhammad was nothing much different than your everyday pizza delivery man, except he rode on a camel.

Okay here is an easy understanding of how religion works so bear with me.

Long long ago there was ancient man. And he was nomadic and he believe in spirits controlling nature and that people die and go to some place where they do the same things that did while they were alive.

Then man placed these spirits a divine and immortal, thus creating polytheism.

Eventually one man that lived in present day Iran had figure that the principles that make up this world are divided into two factors. He brought these factors out as the forces of good and evil, that was Zoroaster.

Similar to that time another man whom lived rather close to where Zoroaster had lived, came up with the principle of there being just one divine force. And his name was Abraham and he was a Mesopotamian from the City of Ur. Abraham moved into the Canaan along with his gigantic family and Judaism was setted up as the primary religion in that region.

Far off in India continual interaction between the Aryans and the Dravidians created what is today Hinduism, which is a religion base on two primary principles which were woven together. Hinduism is actually very similar to Judaism, but it believed that their god came in an infinite number of forms and had an infinite number of names.

Back with the Hebrews, that had wonder off into Egypt and thanks to their prophet, Moses manage to return back to their homeland in the Canaan. Moses brought much enforcement and retriction upon the daily lives of the hebrews which were appearantly there during the times of Abraham. So basically Judaism altered a bit thanks to Moses, with restrictions in the behavior and actions one can perform. You know of those restrictions as the ten commandments. It is unclear that the Jews had taken ideas from Zoroaster, because they didn't believe in a hell or domain that an evil equal to their god thrived in. They believe that god was responsible for both the good and the bad things that occur.

Many many years later a new religion sprout out in India, by one that would be called "the Buddha." The Buddha was a genius, he understood that life could only truely be managable by understanding one's self. And thus Buddhism was born, the perfect religion.

In china around some time much later, a philosopher was roaming about preaching the balance of nature and whatever and he created Daoism, also called Taoism. It is possible that he got his ideas from both Buddha and Zoroaster, which were alive well before him.

Back in the Judea area a new prophet was born, by the name of Yeshua, but you know him better as Jesus. Jesus took much of the ideas of Judaism and altered them base on his own views and ideas. But it is quite certain that most of the ideas and concepts in Christianity did not come about from Yeshua's own. Some of the ideas came about due to what the followers themselves believed or understood from Yeshua. But thanks to the Gnostic Gospels of Judas, Thomas, and Mary we know that Yeshua was actually a Buddhist, trying to spread Buddhism into Judea and the reason why his teachings seem to borrow so much from Judaism, was because most of his followers were Jewish. But according to the Gnostic Gospels, Yeshua preached about enlightment and about achieving peace from inside one's self and not from the church or praying to god. In fact there was one article from Judas that said, Yeshua laughed at the sight of people praying and honoring god, declaring the god they were worshiping was false.

About five hundred years later, a man in present day Saudia Arabia had a revelation through the work he read from Judaism and Christianity and deviced his own religion. A religion of peace and prosperity. He borrowed much from Christianity and Judaism, but mainly to correct the overall religion to one that wasn't so corrupt. That is islam. But Islam like other religions have changed alot thanks to the evil that is man. Islam was a lot more like Buddhism long ago, now it has grown in similarity to that of Christianity. But it's still more peaceful oriented than that of Christianity.

Nevertheless, the best religion out of the whole bit is Buddhism. Most pure and most pacifistic.

And here is how Reincarnation works. Inside every living being or maybe I should say complex living being is a soul. Souls are hard to explain exactly what they are, but they have been around longer than matter. A soul is a disturbance in the flow and original patter that matter fluctuates in. Each of such disturbance is unique and indiviualistic. Enacting on their own accord. The whole process of life is when a soul merges with matter and becomes one with it. Creating a unified being of matter and individuality that creates a disturbance or imprint into the universe. Life decays due to breaking of chemical bounds in cells, which causes them to whether. The overall aspect of this is death. But as a soul leaves it's host or body it most return to establish a new imprint onto the universe to continue it's existence, like a flame requiring more fuel inorder to keep burning.

I don't promote trying to study souls, because it can cause dire consequences. We should just announce that they do exist, since we ourselves are nothing more than souls that have merged with matter to establish an imprint in this universe.

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 23:49:15

I dont believe there is any accurate religion. I believe that most religions were creted to teach moral values and explane the once unexplaneable not to tell literate stories. Parts of the christian bible like adam and eve are now widly known as fiction but 1500 years ago nobody knew about evolution. Most religions are actualy made up of the most basic parts of other religions. Paganizm,Christianity,Greek Mythology,Islam ect. are all conected at the very basics if you look closely. They are just different addaptations of the same stories about moral values. I dont believe that if there were a god that he/she would send people to an eternal damnation for not stricly following the rules of thier church. If there was a "god" watching us i believe that they would have addapted to the times and changed thier view of mankind.

Touched by his noodly appendage.

"A witty quote proves nothing" - Voltaire

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-28 23:57:52

the humans are not created by god
the god is created by humans

in all the life´s philosophys need a god, because is the guy who give you a cokie if you are a good kid or punish you if you are bad

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 00:00:33

At 4/28/06 11:57 PM, Osuka wrote: the humans are not created by god
the god is created by humans

in all the life´s philosophys need a god, because is the guy who give you a cokie if you are a good kid or punish you if you are bad

There is no god in Buddhism. Buddhism doesn't deny nor accept the existence of god or gods.

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 00:10:32

At 4/29/06 12:00 AM, Dranigus wrote:
At 4/28/06 11:57 PM, Osuka wrote: the humans are not created by god
the god is created by humans

in all the life´s philosophys need a god, because is the guy who give you a cokie if you are a good kid or punish you if you are bad
There is no god in Buddhism. Buddhism doesn't deny nor accept the existence of god or gods.

thats right, but they follow Siddartha Gautama, the "Buda", the iluminated
you must follow the 4 truth, defeat the Mara´s temtation and live the path of the 8

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 00:20:24

At 4/29/06 12:10 AM, Osuka wrote: thats right, but they follow Siddartha Gautama, the "Buda", the iluminated
you must follow the 4 truth, defeat the Mara´s temtation and live the path of the 8

And what's wrong with that?

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 00:24:47

Buda is the target, a Buddhism follow the path of Buda to be like him
i know that he´s is not a god, but is the basic of the Buddhism Philosophy

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 00:31:01

At 4/29/06 12:24 AM, Osuka wrote: Buda is the target, a Buddhism follow the path of Buda to be like him
i know that he´s is not a god, but is the basic of the Buddhism Philosophy

Well it's like having a mentor, you want to be like your mentor so that you can persevere and survive. There is nothing wrong with that it's part of human nature.

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 00:36:56

At 4/27/06 09:39 PM, Trik-Jicci wrote: Over hundreds of years, the bible had so many versions, it was hard to know which one was right.

Is not difficult considering the (about) 40.000 NT copies in Greek (Originals) spreaded around ancient christians.

Sakura's theme | Bunnykill 5

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused.

BBS Signature

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 01:32:52

At 4/25/06 06:44 PM, yoddtacos wrote: Okay, lets just say every religion has its flaws whether it is Christianity, where is heaven and all that sh*t? And well I, find it way off...

Heaven is a state of mind where you go after you die. Obviusly, im going to say Christianity, not only does it make scence to me but there is some possible evidence showing that Jesus Christ did actually live.

Also, i dont agree with how the muslims used to have to kill people to convert them to the islamic religion.

I feel i can have a more personal relation with God.

Thanks to Turkeybean for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 01:36:05

Pastology, All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster! I was touched by his noodly appendage!

I'm saying that any religion could be right, any religion could be wrong, its stupid to find out which ones make the most sense.

Well-a Everybody's Heard About the Word, Tha-Tha-Tha Word-Word-Word the Word is the.....

BBS Signature

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 03:33:45

At 4/25/06 06:48 PM, MattMan1 wrote:
At 4/25/06 06:46 PM, MoralLibertarian wrote: Islam.
i agree it has been around for ages and has the most detailed bible

He has a point but it takes you back to the main fight, god or no god.


BBS Signature

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 03:50:32

At 4/28/06 10:21 PM, Dranigus wrote: Back in the Judea area a new prophet was born, by the name of Yeshua, but you know him better as Jesus. Jesus took much of the ideas of Judaism and altered them base on his own views and ideas. But it is quite certain that most of the ideas and concepts in Christianity did not come about from Yeshua's own. Some of the ideas came about due to what the followers themselves believed or understood from Yeshua. But thanks to the Gnostic Gospels of Judas, Thomas, and Mary we know that Yeshua was actually a Buddhist, trying to spread Buddhism into Judea and the reason why his teachings seem to borrow so much from Judaism, was because most of his followers were Jewish. But according to the Gnostic Gospels, Yeshua preached about enlightment and about achieving peace from inside one's self and not from the church or praying to god. In fact there was one article from Judas that said, Yeshua laughed at the sight of people praying and honoring god, declaring the god they were worshiping was false.

There is historical proof that jesus died on a cross and raised from the dead after three days, don't you think that is devine??
And the gospel of judas isn't even written by judas, it is written around 200 b.c.

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 05:05:02

religion has nothing to do with how believable it is or not.

there is a diffrence in facts and faith.

people dont know if their religioun is real, but they have faith that it is. and that is all that matters.

You can take away my life, but you can never take away my METAL!!!!

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 06:46:28

At 4/25/06 06:48 PM, MattMan1 wrote:
At 4/25/06 06:46 PM, MoralLibertarian wrote: Islam.
i agree it has been around for ages and has the most detailed bible

Well, Islam is actually one of the youngest religions in the world, it is the youngest monotheist religion. Also, its Qoran (or however you write it) is not that detailed, that's why the interpretations are part of it.
I see no point of trying to find the most believable religion, because as long as you say that they are all illogical, you kind of eliminated all of them. If you say that the smallest religion might be correct, that means that all of the relgions can be right as well.
Saying Judaism might be correct will also be followed by Christainity and Islam. Saying the ancient Egyptian religion might be correct will be followed by the ancient greek and ancient Rome religions and so on.
Judaism is still the best one though. ;-)

BBS Signature

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 08:30:27

At 4/29/06 03:50 AM, TwO_FaCeD_PaRaNoID wrote: There is historical proof that jesus died on a cross and raised from the dead after three days, don't you think that is devine??

Then why don't you find and link to that proof, instead of just speculating? If it does actually exist (which I doubt) I'd love to see it.

And the gospel of judas isn't even written by judas, it is written around 200 b.c.

200 B.C.? Pretty amazing it managed to predict the birth of Jesus 200 years before he was even concieved! Maybe you mean 200AD, to which I ask when you think the other gospels were written?

Matthew was written about 100AD
Mark was written about 70AD
John was written about 120AD
Luke was written about 100AD


Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 09:50:21

At 4/29/06 12:31 AM, Dranigus wrote:

Well it's like having a mentor, you want to be like your mentor so that you can persevere and survive. There is nothing wrong with that it's part of human nature.

True, and in my opinion, thats is the more difficult of the religions, they have some many phohibitions, but is the most peacefful religion of all

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 09:59:57

all religions are a path to god...

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 10:10:07

At 4/25/06 06:44 PM, yoddtacos wrote: Okay, lets just say every religion has its flaws whether it is Christianity, where is heaven and all that sh*t?

As Earths smartest scientist ever (I think) Albert einstien once said.

"No matter how big We are, their must be a superior being out there"

Jackass, Is that even the quote? it is "there must" instead of "their must" holy shit man, does anyone here know how to spell at all? and how do you dare to put the word shit and heaven in one sentance?

Response to Most believable religion 2006-04-29 10:11:29

Uh, okay? can you possibly give a descriptionas to why? and not just say "cos my religion pwnzorz yours dude lol" Can you just tell me why or something?