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Roe vs. Wade

15,710 Views | 352 Replies

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 14:13:59

Yet, he still did it anyways:

Trump Privately Called a Roe v. Wade Reversal 'Bad' for His Party

The man most responsible for shaping a U.S. Supreme Court that delivered the conservative movement a long-sought victory has spent weeks saying he did not think it will be good for his party.

Publicly, after a draft of the likely decision leaked in May, former President Donald Trump was remarkably tight-lipped for weeks about the possible decision, which the court ultimately handed down Friday, ending federal abortion protections. But privately, Trump has told people repeatedly that he believes it will be “bad for Republicans.”

The decision, Trump has told friends and advisers, will anger suburban women, a group who helped tilt the 2020 presidential race to Joe Biden, and will lead to a backlash against Republicans in the November midterm elections.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 14:21:16

Court went too far in taking the 'dramatic step' of overturning Roe v. Wade

Chief Justice John Roberts said the Supreme Court shouldn't have overturned Roe v. Wade.

He argued the court's conservative justices went too far in ending a federal right to abortion.

He added that a "narrower decision" would have been "markedly less unsettling."

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 14:48:34

At 6/24/22 01:47 PM, DarkTacan wrote:

It's mostly that, if Abortion is legal, hell, might as well legalize Murder and Homicides while we are at it, because isn't Abortion basically Murder, because you're purposely killing another living being, because isn't killing your own kind the definition of "Murder".

Yes. That's why I oppose it, but then again i'm not a libertarian, so I have no issue with the use of state power to tell people "no, you can't do that, because it's obviously wrong".

No pods, no casters

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 14:51:11

At 6/24/22 11:12 AM, EnterTheTwilitRealm wrote: If the overturning of Roe v. Wade doesn't show that the US Supreme Court needs serious reform or should be outright abolished altogether, then I don't know what else will. Some of the decisions they've made over the past few days, especially this one, have been outright dystopian and only add on to the many, many, many reasons why I think the US supposedly being the "land of the free" is a complete and utter bullshit statement.

You're still free to criticize it, unlike MOST countries where abortion is banned.

And if you think this is bad, just go to Poland or the Philippines, where the vast majority of society DOES NOT opppse the extremely harsh abortion bans :)

coo coo bitch lmfao

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 14:52:53 (edited 2022-06-24 14:55:06)

I leave you fuckers for a day or two for work and you're already trying to blowing the place up.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 14:58:04

At 6/24/22 02:51 PM, HavryloThePigeon wrote:
At 6/24/22 11:12 AM, EnterTheTwilitRealm wrote: If the overturning of Roe v. Wade doesn't show that the US Supreme Court needs serious reform or should be outright abolished altogether, then I don't know what else will. Some of the decisions they've made over the past few days, especially this one, have been outright dystopian and only add on to the many, many, many reasons why I think the US supposedly being the "land of the free" is a complete and utter bullshit statement.
You're still free to criticize it, unlike MOST countries where abortion is banned.

And if you think this is bad, just go to Poland or the Philippines, where the vast majority of society DOES NOT opppse the extremely harsh abortion bans :)

I suspect that airing your views publicly in those countries will land you in jail...

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 15:27:50 (edited 2022-06-24 15:28:10)

At 6/24/22 01:47 PM, DarkTacan wrote: It's mostly that, if Abortion is legal, hell, might as well legalize Murder and Homicides while we are at it, because isn't Abortion basically Murder, because you're purposely killing another living being, because isn't killing your own kind the definition of "Murder".

Abortion has been around for thousands of years, but it has always been a morally grey area. Legally, it's not considered murder (religious people argue that), because fetuses are not looked upon as individuals, witch rights and laws apply to - can you imagine 15% of woman being investigated for murder if they have a miscarriage? And the same religious people will try to use this ruling to go after contraception, with at least one of the US Supreme Court Justices hinting at that, trying to use the same argument that they use to overturn Roe vs Wad with - some red states are already preparing laws for it.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 15:33:06

At 6/24/22 02:52 PM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote: I leave you fuckers for a day or two for work and you're already trying to blowing the place up.

i... don't know what you expected, here

but i do apologize for everyone anyway, we do our best

Need some music for a flash or game? Check it out. If none of this works send me a PM, I'm taking requests.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 15:51:32 (edited 2022-06-24 15:53:31)

At 6/24/22 02:52 PM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote: I leave you fuckers for a day or two for work and you're already trying to blowing the place up.

Let's be real here you know we're utterly Incapable of taking care of ourselves.

Roma est mater omnium nostrum

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 16:35:38

At 6/24/22 02:51 PM, HavryloThePigeon wrote: You're still free to criticize it, unlike MOST countries where abortion is banned.

And if you think this is bad, just go to Poland or the Philippines, where the vast majority of society DOES NOT opppse the extremely harsh abortion bans :)

Perspective is important, yes.


Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 16:47:44

At 6/24/22 12:14 PM, EdyKel wrote: Let's see... This week the US Supreme Court expanded gun rights with a disastrous and vague decision that basically allows anyone to get a gun permit, while overturning Roe vs Wade, as if they want the country full of fear and death.

So, they decided you can kill babies after all, but only after they're born.

At 6/24/22 12:52 PM, EdyKel wrote: Justice Thomas: SCOTUS ‘should reconsider’ contraception, same-sex marriage rulings

Yep. There we have it. Independence was a mistake.

At 6/24/22 01:45 PM, Fim wrote: Fucking cunts.

Of course, we can count on the Brit to make an epic understatement.

Teacher, goth, communist, cynic, alcoholic, master swordsman, king of shitpoasts.

It's better to die together than to live alone.

Sig by Decky

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Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 16:56:04

At 6/24/22 04:47 PM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 6/24/22 12:14 PM, EdyKel wrote: Let's see... This week the US Supreme Court expanded gun rights with a disastrous and vague decision that basically allows anyone to get a gun permit, while overturning Roe vs Wade, as if they want the country full of fear and death.
So, they decided you can kill babies after all, but only after they're born.

Pretty much. This is why we have the "separation of church and state" in our Constitution. Religious irrational, and authoritarianism, otherwise.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 17:12:17

At 6/24/22 03:27 PM, EdyKel wrote:
: At 6/24/22 01:47 PM, DarkTacan wrote:
: : It's mostly that, if Abortion is legal, hell, might as well legalize Murder and Homicides while we are at it, because isn't Abortion basically Murder, because you're purposely killing another living being, because isn't killing your own kind the definition of "Murder".
: Abortion has been around for thousands of years, but it has always been a morally grey area. Legally, it's not considered murder (religious people argue that), because fetuses are not looked upon as individuals, witch rights and laws apply to - can you imagine 15% of woman being investigated for murder if they have a miscarriage?

Wow, that's actually a very balanced perspective from you, Edy. Not being sarcastic btw. I think "women will be prosecuted for miscarriage" is simply fear-mongering though. The state is going to have to prove intent before a jury of their peers, keep in mind, so any charge will have to go through a common-sense test involving the average person with a potential for jury nullification if they feel it is necessary.

No pods, no casters

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 17:14:53

At 6/24/22 02:51 PM, HavryloThePigeon wrote:
At 6/24/22 11:12 AM, EnterTheTwilitRealm wrote: If the overturning of Roe v. Wade doesn't show that the US Supreme Court needs serious reform or should be outright abolished altogether, then I don't know what else will. Some of the decisions they've made over the past few days, especially this one, have been outright dystopian and only add on to the many, many, many reasons why I think the US supposedly being the "land of the free" is a complete and utter bullshit statement.
You're still free to criticize it, unlike MOST countries where abortion is banned.

And if you think this is bad, just go to Poland or the Philippines, where the vast majority of society DOES NOT opppse the extremely harsh abortion bans :)

Know what else US citizens are free to do, and per my country's own Constitution?

The ability to effectively hit the reset button on the government by altering or abolishing it entirely:

...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 17:51:02

At 6/24/22 05:12 PM, GenericDungeonSlime wrote:
Wow, that's actually a very balanced perspective from you, Edy. Not being sarcastic btw. I think "women will be prosecuted for miscarriage" is simply fear-mongering though. The state is going to have to prove intent before a jury of their peers, keep in mind, so any charge will have to go through a common-sense test involving the average person with a potential for jury nullification if they feel it is necessary.

So far I haven't seen much common sense from the right on this issue. It's all about what offends their moral sensibilities, and image of things, which is entirely based on their religious/cultural views, so they will blindly support taking away abortions, while ignoring the broader negative impact it will have on woman's lives - and a lack of interest to fix these problems. It's all optics, and virtual signaling.

And you missed the point of what I said about how it's legally defined. States are creating their own laws over abortion, and considering that these laws will be poorly written (solely for political purposes), based on flawed talking points and ideology, anything could could be considered murder if they are based on life beging at contraception. We are also seeing this craziness continue in some state who are trying to ban birth control, with many Christian conservatives talking about going after other contraceptions. It truly terrifying watching religious theocracy in action, and mindless people supporting it.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 19:15:46 (edited 2022-06-24 19:16:41)

At 6/24/22 01:47 PM, DarkTacan wrote: Coming from a Libertarian's standpoint in this whole Abortion thing, I am smack right down the middle of this whole debate, like the exact center line between Pro-Abortion and Anti-Abortion, in fact, I'm more Neutral in this whole Debate, and I'll explain why.

Plus, I even hate to admit from my Libertarian views, this is the one thing that can't get us (Libertarians) to compete against the Duopoly (That's Democrats & Republicans f.y.i.), because we can't get our shit together regarding the whole Abortion issue, like are we for it or against it? Because we Libertarians is completely Neutral on Abortions.

I think it's pretty clear cut. As I understand, Libertarians are for the government not affecting their civil liberties. As of today, the government has put an intense limitation on bodily autonomy and free choice for women. Clarence Thomas' opinion states that the Supreme Court will use this case as precedent to consider cases regarding marriage, sodomy, and even contraception. If I was a Libertarian, I'd be pissed.

(doc·tor pack)

"Nixon had powers including, but not limited to: telekinesis, super speed, superhuman strength, invisibility, and mind control."


BBS Signature

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 19:27:01 (edited 2022-06-24 19:29:00)

I wonder when a bunch high quality bricks will mysteriously start appearing everywhere for the useful idiots? As nice as it is to see all the people mad at not being able to kill children. I have a feeling the very possible violent outrage is exactly what they want. But for what political purpose it's moving towards is a mystery to me. Well I guess the ulterior motive will reveal itself as this progresses. In the short term I'll just be here watching as this hilarious outrage roars.

Edit: I'm sure it'll be a fiery but peaceful protest XD

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 19:44:54

At 6/24/22 07:27 PM, Dolorious wrote: Edit: I'm sure it'll be a fiery but peaceful protest XD

It has been way more fury than fire. The protesting is almost entirely electronic and online from what I’ve seen.

Which is good, less negative chaos and bedlam for once during the summer months in America where riots have become our national past time.

Now it’s just a cursory, surface look at social media, but there might be some scattered violence. Too early to call.


Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 19:52:06

At 6/24/22 03:33 PM, Gario wrote:
At 6/24/22 02:52 PM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote: I leave you fuckers for a day or two for work and you're already trying to blowing the place up.
i... don't know what you expected, here

but i do apologize for everyone anyway, we do our best

I'm not upset i'm just disappointed, because I expected better.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 19:56:16

At 6/24/22 07:44 PM, BUM-DRILLER wrote:
At 6/24/22 07:27 PM, Dolorious wrote: Edit: I'm sure it'll be a fiery but peaceful protest XD
It has been way more fury than fire. The protesting is almost entirely electronic and online from what I’ve seen.

Which is good, less negative chaos and bedlam for once during the summer months in America where riots have become our national past time.

Now it’s just a cursory, surface look at social media, but there might be some scattered violence. Too early to call.

All these online people?

Or these ones (livestream)?

Or these ones?

Trying to diminish the response makes you come off bitter. The response is unsurprising considering 60%+ people supported the original Roe v. Wade ruling.


BBS Signature

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 20:09:15

At 6/24/22 07:27 PM, Dolorious wrote: I wonder when a bunch high quality bricks will mysteriously start appearing everywhere for the useful idiots? As nice as it is to see all the people mad at not being able to kill children. I have a feeling the very possible violent outrage is exactly what they want. But for what political purpose it's moving towards is a mystery to me. Well I guess the ulterior motive will reveal itself as this progresses. In the short term I'll just be here watching as this hilarious outrage roars.

Edit: I'm sure it'll be a fiery but peaceful protest XD

Yes, yes, people are agaisnt free speech when you say they are, support pedophilism when you say they are, are child murders when you say they are.... While looking the other way, and making excises when it comes from your side. You really need to get off your ivory tower with all your absolutism, and virtual signaling.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 20:19:11

At 6/24/22 07:56 PM, Zachary wrote: Trying to diminish the response makes you come off bitter. The response is unsurprising considering 60%+ people supported the original Roe v. Wade ruling.

clearly you have more time than me. Congratulations.


Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 20:21:41

You know, I just realized that it's mostly single men who are being anti-abortionists, around here.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 20:26:33

Red states like Idaho are the ones that should be infuriated with abortion ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is as bad as it possibly could be. Women in this country will no longer have agency over their own bodies.

Idaho Republican legislators, who passed a trigger law that will ban most abortions, will claim that this law protects victims of rape and incest. This is disingenuous and misleading about what the law really says. The only carve-out is for victims who have reported the rape or incest to police. What 13-year-old being raped by a relative is going to go to the police?

And it’s not just that: Only 25% of all rapes and sexual assaults in Idaho were reported to police in 2018, the most recent year data was available, according to the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence.

The hypocrisy of the Supreme Court is stunning. Just this week, justices ruled against states putting certain restrictions on guns. But now, they decide that states can put restrictions on women’s health decisions.

It’s also a sad day that Americans’ “rights” are now apparently dependent on which president picks the justices.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 20:34:14

At 6/24/22 08:19 PM, BUM-DRILLER wrote:
At 6/24/22 07:56 PM, Zachary wrote: Trying to diminish the response makes you come off bitter. The response is unsurprising considering 60%+ people supported the original Roe v. Wade ruling.
clearly you have more time than me. Congratulations.

It does not take too much time to be correct.

Back on topic, I am curious if we will see any requests for approved funding of sexual education programs and assistance for single mothers in states that are having their trigger bans go into effect.


BBS Signature

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 21:04:01 (edited 2022-06-24 21:04:27)

At 6/24/22 08:34 PM, Zachary wrote: Back on topic, I am curious if we will see any requests for approved funding of sexual education programs and assistance for single mothers in states that are having their trigger bans go into effect.

...and increase state taxes for those immoral things?

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 21:21:17 (edited 2022-06-24 21:21:45)

DHS issues a memo suspecting there to be increased violence following the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling. They suspect the most at risk to be federal and state officials, but notes abortion provider and family advocacy groups to also be potential targets.

Video capturing a truck running over pro-choice protesters in Iowa.

A left-wing protest? Alexa, play "March of the Pigs."

BBS Signature

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 21:51:48

At 6/24/22 09:21 PM, FinaLee wrote: DHS issues a memo suspecting there to be increased violence following the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling. They suspect the most at risk to be federal and state officials, but notes abortion provider and family advocacy groups to also be potential targets.

Video capturing a truck running over pro-choice protesters in Iowa.

A left-wing protest? Alexa, play "March of the Pigs."

Yeah, I think we have seen more right-wing violence over this than with the left, with attacks on doctors and abortion places. so much for being pro-life.

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 22:29:10

At 6/24/22 05:14 PM, EnterTheTwilitRealm wrote:
At 6/24/22 02:51 PM, HavryloThePigeon wrote:
At 6/24/22 11:12 AM, EnterTheTwilitRealm wrote: If the overturning of Roe v. Wade doesn't show that the US Supreme Court needs serious reform or should be outright abolished altogether, then I don't know what else will. Some of the decisions they've made over the past few days, especially this one, have been outright dystopian and only add on to the many, many, many reasons why I think the US supposedly being the "land of the free" is a complete and utter bullshit statement.
You're still free to criticize it, unlike MOST countries where abortion is banned.

And if you think this is bad, just go to Poland or the Philippines, where the vast majority of society DOES NOT opppse the extremely harsh abortion bans :)
Know what else US citizens are free to do, and per my country's own Constitution?
The ability to effectively hit the reset button on the government by altering or abolishing it entirely:

Some states did just that over 150 years ago to disastrous results. It’s easy to talk about seismic changes on paper, it’s quite another to put it into action. If you really want to alter the government, don’t vote Republican, because at some point the conservatives will begin to eat each other alive. The only question is will the liberals stop being on the defensive and start winning over the people that once supported them?

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

BBS Signature

Response to Roe vs. Wade 2022-06-24 22:40:12

At some point, people are going to have to grow the fuck up and recognize that this will never be as simple as they pretend it is.

Look, I am pro choice for the exact same reason I support gun ownership. We live in an imperfect world where shit happens. And some times people have to make hard decisions. When that happens, it's better for people to have more options than less.

But that doesn't change the fact that the decision to get an abortion is the decision to willfully deprive a human life of the opportunity to exist at all. This is not a simple thing. It does effect more people than the mother. And it isn't just your child.

The flippancy with which this mater is treated by both sides is frankly disgusting.